So who's brewing this weekend?

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Camping plans got canceled, so I'm going to be brewing up 10 gals of IIPA and recording my craft brewer video lines.
just finished an IPA og of 1.065. Broke my carboy while I was at it too :( 8lbs pale malt liquid extract, 8 oz. caramel 40L, notty yeasties, 1oz nugget, 2oz. cascade, 1 oz. goldings

I really need to get into PM and AG... maybe on the next batch.
Oatmeal stout tomorrow. BM's Centennial Blonde on Sunday. Both for my annual college get together at the end of July. Supposed to be close to 100 tomorrow, so it should be interesting!
I have a Kolsch that I need to brew tomorrow, but the bride keeps thinking she's gonna drag me to a baby shower. That type of talk needs to stop...
im brewing a hefeweizen on sunday night. Then a variation of the hefeweizen on monday night. I'll have both kegged at the same time to figure out which one i like better
Tomorrow I will be racking my porter onto some peachs in the secondary. My question is this, when you guys buy purees, where are you getting them, in the canned food section or what? Also, I am thinking of going with 3 lbs of frozen peachs and 1 lb of frozen apricots. If I wanted my own puree, couldnt I technically just thaw out all the fruit and just pulse it in the blender? :mug:
I'm brewing up a leftover batch.
50-50 Pils and Wheat grain bill.
50 IBU's from Centennial and Cascade.
Wyeast 1010
Not a great brew day yesterday. My March pump froze up, two big boil overs, and burned my thumb. This batch will probably be one of the best yet.
Austin Homebrew Supply's BECKS CLONE. My neck-and-neck favorite along with WILLIAM'S HONEY CREAM ALE (next weekend's brew).
Started my first Real batch of Beer yesterday night. only a 1 gallon batch so maybe i went overboard on ingredients

1 lb. 6 American 6 row
1 lb. Rice malt extract

no hops in boil i just threw on top to dry hop maybe about a 1/2 .oz of it

Oh, and I am using some Red Start bread machine yeast as I was to lazy to wait for the decent yeast to arrive. It is smelling good, and I can't wait:rockin:
I got mine out of the way before the weekend. Racked my pale ale to secondary to dry hope on Thursday night and then brewed 5 gallons of Arrogant Bastard clone yesterday. Man, I love this hobby.
If it rains I'm doing a 3 gallon Gumball Head clone indoors. If it's nice out a 6 gallon Hail Pale Ale using some hail my wife collected from the storm that ruined my hops for part of the strike water.
Going to go and hang out an brew with Terrapinchef tommorrow.

I'm going to do a Saison Dupont clone, and going to attempt it with some yeast harvested from a bottle of the original....It's not going to be enough yeast, so I'm going to pick up some WLP565 on the way there tomorrow...should have enough between the harvest and the tube to do the job...might end up picking up 2 tubes in case...I had planned to get the yeast yesterday, but the LHBS i stopped at had closed a half hour earlier....and today I went hitting the smaller local ones near me to no avail.

Then I remembered the bottle of saison dupont in the fridge, and figured I'd at least try to get that going today, and hopefully between that and what I puck up at the mega LHBS on the way to terrapin's I should be all set.
FINALLY going to get around to making a mild tomorrow. Will be using Nottingham and it's weird considering I haven't used dry yeast since my first brew two years ago. Hope everything turns out okay!
busy weekend.

bottled 5 gal spiced apfelwein with 1/2 of it carbed
and 5 gal of a 'well hopped wit' for the 4th

brewing 5 gal nugget IIPA (8.5%) and making a starter for 5 gal of a trappist style belgian strong ale (9.5%) to be brewed monday or tuesday.

O yeah, and I just built an immersion chiller earlier this week. I used 20 ft and made the "rib cage" style for less than $50. So I'll be trying that today.

Frink, a coconut porter sounds like a good idea...
I was brewing at first light this morning. As the Summer Solstice sun came up and hit my brew kettle, I swore I heard angels singing.
I'm going to call the beer Light O' Morn Tripel.
I did manage to brew, though not the Kolsch I had anticipated brewing. I made "A Promise to Arthur" stout, and then did a test batch of a dark lager as a second-runnings small beer. We'll see how they both come out - the stout smelled absolutely marvelous in the boil kettle!
Brewed a hefewiezen today. Trying Safale WB-06 for the first time. We'll see how it tastes compares to a liquid yeast but I had airlock activity in just over an hour, and all I did was sprinkle it on top of the wort!
Brewed another IPA today, this time the 60 minute type recipe from my LHBS. It came with amarillo to dry hop with, but I think I'm going to add simcoe to the dry hop as well. Rest of the hop sched included cascade and amarillo.

Can't wait to bottle!
I have a couple kits from Midwestern Supplies that should get here today.. Will be my extract brewing experience =)
3rd all grain today. Edworts Haus Ale. Made a minor change to the grain bill...

I started an hour ago and am just now, (hour and 45min later) draining into the kettle. My stove is a slow bastard... Boiling water takes a damm long time.
I've been threatening to do up a nice Scottish 80 schilling after spending too much money on commercial versions the last few months. Man I love that beer.

Knocked out 11 gallons last night. :ban: