She's Pregnant! I need a Special Beer!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Appleton, Wisconsin
I have a family friend who's only goal in life has been to be a homemaker. She got married a few years ago and has tried for years to get pregnant, but to no avail. About 1 1/2 years ago she finally tested positive for being pregnant, but when she went for her first ultrasound they discovered the baby had already died. A heartbreak to say the least. After unable to become pregnant they had tests done, but no one could find a reason why they couldn't conceive.

Finally this week she announced she is pregnant with a healthy baby (she waited to tell anyone till after her first ultrasound)!

We had planned for her to come over to my place next weekend to drink some of my homebrew for the first time, but obviously we won't be doing that now. So I want to commemorate this occasion by brewing a beer that will be ready to drink 7 months from now (that is when she is due). So her first beer post pregancy will be extra special.

I have never brewed a beer that requires a long aging time, so I would love for any suggestions for a good beer that would be worthy of such an occasion! Brewing an ale would be best since I am unable to lager.
No no no-

You need a lot of beer.

Trust me.

/has 30 days to go

I am brewing an RIS for my fist Xmas with the latest edition. Brew something big, bold and strong so you can let it age with the baby.
Hmmm, hard to tell without knowing what she likes. If it were for me, I would probably brew a Russian Imperial Stout, Barleywine, or a porter, stout, brown that can sit on oak for a bit.

If those aren't her thing, you could always brew a Belgian beer like a dubbel, trippel, or strong ale, or maybe an Irish Red.

Im too impatient and usually dont let my brews hang aorund that long
Hmmm, hard to tell without knowing what she likes.

Yeah I know. I don't even know what her favorite styles are. I am just hoping to get some ideas from you folk on brews that age well over 7 months so that I can pair one of those up with what I think she'll like after I am able to pick her brain on beers!
You should consider EdWort's Apfelwein. Chicks dig it. And it ages nicely.

I now have a batch aging to celebrate the birth of my daughter in early November.

BigCask, that is a great suggestion! That is something that has been on my to do list for a while anyhow and I know she likes fruity beers.

This is going to the top of my list, unless she tell me something that steers me different!
You should consider EdWort's Apfelwein. Chicks dig it. And it ages nicely.

I now have a batch aging to celebrate the birth of my daughter in early November.


How could I forget Apfelwein???? :drunk: I have one that is almost 3 months old, still sitting in my carboy. It is really coming a long well. This would be my first suggestion too!
Firstly congratulations to all involved. My wife is now 11 weeks and i came up with the same problem, a beer that could be drunk without blowing your mind.

here is what i will be doing, Shall make it in january, we are due in March.

Deebees baby brew 25 liters

4.50kg MO pale
0.2kg Crystal malt Pale
0.2 kg chocolate ( 450 srm)


28 g Northdown ( 8.50 %) 60 mins boil
30 g first gold ( 7.5%) 15 minute boil
20 g crystal (3.5%) 1 min boil

S-04 yeast

Gives following Est OG 1045
Est FG 1012
Abv 4.5%
Bitterness 32.1 IBU

Or If you want something a little lighter on the ABV then drop the MO to 4,2 kilos and get an ABV of around 4-4.1 %

Mash at max 67 C for 90
Boil for 60
I made the Westy 12 clone for the birth of my son: aging now, will send off a bottle to saq and then save the rest until December. I'll probably make a barleywine on/near his first birthday to, in theory, age at least some of for 20 years. I also found a commercially brewed braggot with I think cherries and ginger that I'll be popping once the day comes.

The thing is, you don't want to go too high gravity or else it won't be completely ready in time (says the dude with the 11.4% in the carboy). I'm partial to UK barleywines but that's me.
i would say ask her what she likes then wait till the new baby is about two-three months lod that way she can fully enjoy a beer, because women can really drink for the frist cupple of months if they are brest feeding. that is what i just went through, i now have a two month old baby girl named Jessica Elizabeth Atkaliq Caldwell and she is the best!!! tell your frined a congrats and good luck to her husband!!!

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