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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2009
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Sorry if I'm pulling the wrong strings or ruffling the wrong feathers, but can someone explain to me the the PBR obsession? I'll be honest, besides the fact that its not BMC, I find no other reason to buy it! I personally don't purchase BMC because of taste and PBR tastes just like all of the other garbage! Why do so many home brewers/advocates keep talking this up???
Im going to agree. My mother in law had purchased a 12 pack of that, she offered me one. I took one sip and dumped it down the drain. It was so fowl.
I grew up drinking it, and I still feel that there is nothing better than a ice cold PBR on a super hot day. While it may not seem different to the other BMC's it will always hold a place in my heart.

We're all a bunch of hipsters?

For me at least, it's price. In my opinion it tastes better than BMC (albeit not much) for cheaper. It's my "I'm broke and my pipeline is empty and I want a refreshing beer after a hot day" beer.
That famous line from Blue Velvet...

I drank a lot of it back in college -it's cheap, you can drink it all night, and it's really cheap,
Here in Wyoming it has somewhat of a cult following with Ski Bums and Fly Fishing Guides.
"They don't give a blue ribbon to every beer."
For me there is something about PBR that I love. granted it not the best tasting out there. But an ice cold PBR, a dive bar and a good band all go together.
If it's good enough for Charlie
From Wikipedia
"Charlie Papazian, president of the Brewers Association, published the following tasting notes for Pabst Blue Ribbon in 2008: "A contrasting counterpoint of sharp texture and flowing sweetness is evident at the first sip of this historic brew. A slowly increasing hoppiness adds to the interplay of ingredients, while the texture smooths out by mid-bottle. The clear, pale-gold body is light and fizzy. Medium-bodied Blue Ribbon finishes with a dusting of malts and hops. A satisfying American classic and a Gold Medal winner at the 2006 Great American Beer Festival."[7]"
PBR was the beer of choice with my family & friends in Indiana. Keggers at July 4th bbq's were great. Reminds me of good times when I was young,dumb,& full of ***.:D
I like it ok when there is nothing better. I also like Schlitz.

It's a great lawnmower beer, and it's cheap. I like Miller ok, too. Not the "Miller Light" but the Miller High Life.

There was a bar I went to in Milwaukee (forget the name) and they had "SH#T Beer Sunday". Every **** beer was $1 a can. PBR was my number 1 choice, and I liked it!
PBR is BMC. It is contract brewed by Miller. So technically it is a BMC beer. As a previous post stated its a hipster beer. I don't get it. Different folks, different stokes.
I hate hipsters, I mean really absolutely unabashedly loath hipsters.

That said, I will gladly choose PBR over almost any other beer in a bar or club. Now, if I'm in a bottle house or real beer bar then I'll try something else, but I feel no shame in admitting that I'll drink a PBR before a deadguy or SNPA or heineken or (insert macro scale micro priced yellow semi-hoppy ubiquitous wish-we-were-craft-or-imported beer here).

And yes, I DO think it tastes good.
I also like PBR. I feel that it has a much better taste than standard BMC beers and it's crazy cheap. At that price point it can't be beat (in my opinion). It's also my go-to beer pong beer! :)
I also hate hipsters and there are more of these *****es in Richmond than you can imagine (VCU is swimming with them). If I'm @ a bar that doesn't have craft, I'm drinking bourbon or nothing.

Trigger, you would choose PBR over SNP?
you're using the wrong term! "hipster" is the modern name for "hippy",of which I am an aging one. What you are referring to is a yuppy. The only thing I hate worse than a yuppy thinkin they're "hip" is two of them.:mad:
At least it isn't milwaukee's best.
I would take a warm PBR over a cold "beast" any day.

I heard this one from my older son a few days ago. At the store they all work for,they call MB the BEAST! Go two of'em in the fridge,sittin in the back. "In case of HB emergency,break seal".
I heard this one from my older son a few days ago. At the store they all work for,they call MB the BEAST! Go two of'em in the fridge,sittin in the back. "In case of HB emergency,break seal".

I hope it never comes to that sir.
For me, it's Old Style. I fondly remember sneaking sips of my dad's Old Style while sitting in the bleachers at Wrigley Field. Not a good beer by any means, but definitely good when sitting in the sun watching a game.
PBR is more of a cult following in my impression. A cult comprised of those that have succumbed to the realization that tonight is going to be a night that can only be truly celebrated with a beer that is cheaper to buy that make yourself, and goes great with any meal.
I heard this one from my older son a few days ago. At the store they all work for,they call MB the BEAST! Go two of'em in the fridge,sittin in the back. "In case of HB emergency,break seal".

I hope it never comes to that sir.

It just might. got stuff for the holiday,but out of money,only 2 beers left. Ours isn't ready quite yet. aaaaarrrrgh!
you're using the wrong term! "hipster" is the modern name for "hippy",of which I am an aging one. What you are referring to is a yuppy. The only thing I hate worse than a yuppy thinkin they're "hip" is two of them.:mad:

:off: A lot of hippies were hipsters, but just like back then, a bunch of lame-ohs and dorks have jumped in on the fad going on right now. Hipsters are supposed to be avant garde and genuinely cool, but the indie music craze went on for too long, and now you have a bunch of goofs dressing up in nerd glasses and neon cardigans riding fixies to vegan BBQs.

I am not a hipster, just hung around a lot of them. Some were cool, most were lame.

Anyways, I like PBR for the price, drank it a lot in college. I drink bud light now. :mug:
Honestly, I think this is all about marketing. There is no mainstream football, bikini, nascar,pro sports or extreme oriented marketing affiliated with PBR. For the light American beer enthusiast who feels like they don't want to "buy in" to consumer culture, there is only one non-logical, highly hypocritical choice.

Plus the can goes great with a truckers cap and a crisp clean set of blue collar type garb that have never been worked in.

Cynical enough for ya?
So it's like I said. Only now,it seems,the yuppy kids think that's how to "look" cool. We had those back in the day. They didn't understand that a "hippy" was a counter-culture type of person. They stuck out like a sore thumb. But PBR had it's place with my Indy side of the family.
you're using the wrong term! "hipster" is the modern name for "hippy",of which I am an aging one. What you are referring to is a yuppy. The only thing I hate worse than a yuppy thinkin they're "hip" is two of them.:mad:


It's just a natural progression from one to the other.

But I will have to admit, I always keep a case of PBR in my fridge. It's just as cheap as Natty ($15 for a 30) and it's a helluva lot better.
Except we had real,home made tie dye tees & bell bottoms. Not to mention,canvas sneakers or sandles. And "dirty" hippy is a misnomer. And the baggy of Roman Red & Easy Widus...:D
I haven't done a lot of side-by-side tasting of macrobrews - maybe I'll do that today at work if I can find some cheap singles at the convenience store.
PBR used to be "my beer", back when I lived in Ohio. When I first came down to Florida, I could not find any, in 2004. Then it started appearing everywhere down here.

BUT, it tastes nothing like it did in Ohio. It is definitely a different tasting beer down here.

I've noticed that the same brand of Canadian beer tastes far superior up there, than the US version. I.e Molsons and others such as Old Vienna. The Canadian versions were smoother and had more body and flavor.
I would love to see a blind tasting of PBR, Natty, Beast, and Bud. Any amount of $ says that virtually no one could correctly ID them!
I could identify them in a blind test. I know the signature flavor of Bud well, some of my friends only drink that brand. Plain old Miller High Life is my lawnmower beer.
Trigger, you would choose PBR over SNP?

Yea, sorry, I just don't like paying SNPA prices at a bar. It's not that I dislike it, but I honestly can't remember what it tastes like, and at $5+ a pint that's not good.

I think PBR tastes good, is very drinkable, and costs half what SNPA does.
I would love to see a blind tasting of PBR, Natty, Beast, and Bud. Any amount of $ says that virtually no one could correctly ID them!

I'm pretty sure Zane Lanfrey from Drinking Made Easy did that taste test. Neither him nor the bartender got it right. And the bartender was a hard core PBR drinker.
I did the side- by side with PBR, Budweiser and Heineken. Worst idea ever - I couldn't finish all the cans (16 and 24 oz was all the store had in singles). FWIW, I was surprised at how close PBR was to Heineken in taste ( I thought it was the same beer), And how insipid Budweiser tasted compared to the others.
um...it won an award!

Nope so sorry. The worlds fair, during that time frame did NOT give ANY awards, let alone a "blue ribbon".

As for cheap crap beer, one is no better than the other IMO. I have but 1 liver and I will no longer waste it on drinks I dislike. If you like the taste, then I guess that is great for you...I will never try to talk you out of drinking what you like.
If you gotta have a fizzy pilsener, by all means have a PBR. Last time I had one, I had no gray hair.....probably the '80s.