Ok, Admit You Do It

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SmokeyMcBong said:
The kids these days do something very similar but a little different. they put a nice log in the bottle first and then the juice, cover tightly with a lid with hole, attach a balloon to the hole and after a few hours, inhale the vapours!!! They call it "Poo Hash", thats a true story lol, couldn't make that up if I wanted to lol!

That's most certainly NOT true. Maybe you didn't make that up, but someone else sure did. That bit of BS has been floating around teh interwebz for a while now.
Hell yes, I pee in my yard...what good is a backyard if you can't pee in it! I do feel sorry for those who must dwell in apartments and tightly packed modern developments...
I live in a townhome complex, so there are lots of people living in a small amount of acreage. One night, drunk, the wife and I are walking the dog, and I get the idea that I'm gonna out do the dog by peeing on everything she just got done peeing one. Lemme tell ya, thats not easy! I don't think I could do it sober. No pun intended, but that pissed the wife off, and probably several witnesses to.
That's most certainly NOT true. Maybe you didn't make that up, but someone else sure did. That bit of BS has been floating around teh interwebz for a while now.

I certanly hope you're right. Lost a whole lot of faith in the next generation cuz of that one. I will ask this tho, how many kids do you think read about that and went and did it for a free buzz? I'm willing to bet that lots did!
My buddy actually has a "mens room" sign hanging on one of his trees in his backyard. I'll take a pic of it next time I visit, it's rather funny.
I certanly hope you're right. Lost a whole lot of faith in the next generation cuz of that one. I will ask this tho, how many kids do you think read about that and went and did it for a free buzz? I'm willing to bet that lots did!

I'm no biologist and don't like to even think of the idea . . . but what is supposed to give you the "buzz?"

I agree it was probably just somebody wondering if he could get people to do it :D
I'm no biologist and don't like to even think of the idea . . . but what is supposed to give you the "buzz?"

I agree it was probably just somebody wondering if he could get people to do it :D

According to Snopes, this is possibly true in a specific slum area of India. Kids "living" there would scoop up the waste from the sewage and ferment it in cans with some plastic wrap to hold in the vapors.

Then they would breathe the collected vapors for a supposed high. The vapors would contain methane and other various aromatic compounds.

There is little to no evidence of this happening other that in that one, extremely destitute location.
It's a question I ask myself whenever I'm buying a house...

"Can I step out into the back yard and take a pizz?"

If the answer is no, I pass on that particular house.

I must be able to relieve myself in my back yard without the neighbors calling the county Sheriff. (I won't live inside any city limit)....
when we bought our house the wife wanted this, that and the other. I had 2 conditions......more than 20ft off the road(unlike most new developments), and be able to pee in the back yard. 100 yard driveway, nothing but woods in the back, and 15yrs later I'm still an outside wizzin fool.
Where we lived in Montana one ranch family's kids would run around naked all the time in the yard--it was very rural. One day I stopped by to visit the rancher and as we were looking at his calves his little naked daughter (about five) came running around the corner of the house, stopped, got a look on her face, squatted, peed, stood up and ran around the next corner. I laughed and said, "I guess it's natural."
I haven't since I moved into my house, but I did on more occasions than I can count when I lived in my apartment. :D Lol, none of them on brew day though.
Where we lived in Montana one ranch family's kids would run around naked all the time in the yard--it was very rural. One day I stopped by to visit the rancher and as we were looking at his calves his little naked daughter (about five) came running around the corner of the house, stopped, got a look on her face, squatted, peed, stood up and ran around the next corner. I laughed and said, "I guess it's natural."

Why? Seems pretty natural to me, too.

The only problem I see would be training the children to meet society's norms as they grow older.

In sort of the same vein: I grew up calling my parents Dwaine and Erlene, and it had no bad effects whatsoever on family structure, discipline, etc. But when I started school they had me start using Mother and Daddy instead, because it was upsetting teachers and other outsiders.
Just pee right in your wort it's good for keeping down hot flashes and as a yeast nutrient.
I'm pretty sure we, as a species, have been peeing outside a great deal longer than the luxury of indoor plumbing. I love going over to Amsterdam every once in a great while and seeing the various types of open air urinals the city has installed. It keeps people from peeing in the streets, especially from the pubs and bars after a major soccer match or holiday. Nobody thinks anything of someone taking a quick piss outside. It's only the prudes that have an issue with it.
Why? Seems pretty natural to me, too.

The only problem I see would be training the children to meet society's norms as they grow older.

In sort of the same vein: I grew up calling my parents Dwaine and Erlene, and it had no bad effects whatsoever on family structure, discipline, etc. But when I started school they had me start using Mother and Daddy instead, because it was upsetting teachers and other outsiders.

To me using your parents first names instead of mom and dad is nowhere near the same as watching someone's kid take a naked leak and then telling everyone on the Internet about it. But that's just me and my social norms I guess.
admit it? hell, I announce it! my neighbors hate that I have a megaphone.

That's very funny right there... I don't care who you are.

You do realize that this subject is the very reason women are so pizzed at men. They're jealous that they can't stand up to pee... and that we feel comfortable peeing outside.
I also believe that the world is my urinal....with reservations. A buddy of mine had four daughters, and he would whip it out whenever and wherever. When they were real young, they didn't seem too concerned about it, but it got a little strange when they got older. When I was at his place, I used the bathroom!
It's one of the best things about the country I live in. I can go anywhere, anytime and no one batts an eye!
No. I live in the city, but even if I were in the sticks, gotta wash your hands on brew day even if you don't any other time (you filthy animal).

Sheeit man, all the men in this family will whip it out and pee whenever wherever- you gotta go you gots to go.

Sent from my SGH-T889 using Home Brew mobile app
I do this frequently especially when I am drinking beer outside or brewing, which means I am drinking beer outside!!!

Nothing but woods around here.
I relieve myself on brewday out side many times..no shame...its natural...just make sure you are far enough away from the kettle
Once, in college, I came home from the bars on a cold January night, to see a couple of guys pissing off of their balcony onto my roommate's car (he had just gotten out of the army and joined us as a 22 year old freshman). I informed him of the shenanigans. He immediately grabbed a roll of paper towels and headed to their apartment kicked open the door and told them very politely that he'd "appreciate it if they'd stop urinating on his car and if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could they please use these paper towels to clean off his car." or something similar and totally not threatening to help them over the edge of the balcony. The guys protested saying they hadn't done it, until they saw me and knew they were busted. The 20° temps had caused the piss to freeze by now and when they tried to wipe it, they were unsuccessful. It was then that my roommate told them he was going up to shower and that his car better be clean when got back. I stayed to supervise as these guys scraped the frozen piss off using their fingernails.

We still retell that story every time we get together even 15 years later.
Pee in my yard--Hell no. Pee in my neighbors--Hell yes. Ohh and maybe in the garage utility sink once or twice :confused:
An American tourist in London decides to skip his tour group and explore the city on his own. He wanders around, seeing the sights, occasionally stopping at a pub to soak up the local culture, chat with the locals, and sample a few pints of bitter.

After a while, he finds himself in a very nice neighborhood with big, stately residences...no pubs, no stores, no restaurants, and worst of all NO PUBLIC RESTROOMS.

He really has to go, after all those beers. He finds a narrow side street, with high walls surrounding the adjacent buildings and decides to use the wall to solve his problem.

As he is unzipping, he is tapped on the shoulder by a London police officer, who says, "Sir, you simply cannot do that here, you know."

"I'm very sorry, officer," replies the American, "but I really, really have to go, and I just can't find a public restroom."

"Ah, yes," said the policeman..."Just follow me". He leads the American to a back delivery alley to a gate, which he opens.

"In there," points the policeman. "Go ahead sir, anywhere you like."

The fellow enters and finds himself in the most beautiful garden he has ever seen. Manicured grass lawns, statuary, fountains, sculptured hedges, and huge beds of gorgeous flowers, all in perfect bloom.

Since he has the policeman's blessing, he relieves himself and feels much more comfortable. As he goes back through the gate, he says to the police officer, "That was really decent of you... is that what you call English hospitality?"

"No sir...", replied the police officer, "...that is what we call the French Embassy."
So I'm brewing right now, I'm currently drinking a Stone Sublimely Self-righteous Ale from a growler fill and I'm a couple beers in on a New Year's Day. I just had the urge to go and instead of walking through the house in my new rubber boots, is just went behind the garage and drained the lizard. This is not the first time for me and I can't be alone. Any one else relieve themselves outdoors on brew day or any other time???

I am temporarilly relegated to a 2 br apartment. When my GF goes into the bathroom, I know it might be a while and I suddenly have to pee.

There is a thin strip of woods 20 ft off the back door between the apartments and a neighborhood.

I have probably peed in those woods 20 times or so in the last 6 months, lol.
I've got over an acre in the middle of nowhere, so you'll have to forgive me if I thought this question seemed a little silly. :-D

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Hell yes, I pee in my yard...what good is a backyard if you can't pee in it! I do feel sorry for those who must dwell in apartments and tightly packed modern developments...

That was my grandfathers saying as well "what good is a yard....." I have to agree. Especially as I get older and apparently my bladder gets smaller
I dunno about brew day, but there has been a few COLD mornings when I head out to work and don't have time to scrape the ice off the windshield...found an empty cup in the bed...filled her up and used to de-ice!

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