Off Flavors From Lager Temperature Fluctuations???

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Mar 7, 2016
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Since I don't have a refrigerator devoted to my fermenters, I've only brewed ales. I live in Dallas and just checked the 10 day forecast. It looks like the weather is going to stay in perfect lager temperature range (as opposed to the 75 degree days that we normally get around Christmas).

I was thinking that I would brew a lager, and just leave my fermenter covered on the patio for the next 2 weeks. My question is, would there be any off flavors from the 10-15 degree daily temperature fluctuation?

I haven't read anything about lagers that are fermented within the yeast's temperature range, but the temperatures weren't steady. I was curious if anyone has dealt with this. I'm not trying to make the perfect lager, but it's something that I would like to try if I won't get funky flavors by leaving my fermenter outside.
While it may work, those types of swings are not giving your yeast the best scenario for a healthy fermentation.

Is there a more stable place indoors that will be cooler during those days?
Yeah. I suppose the garage could be better.

I'm definitely brewing this weekend, and I haven't decided if I want to use lager yeast yet. So I may bypass lagering. I was just excited that the temperature would allow it for once.
While it may work, those types of swings are not giving your yeast the best scenario for a healthy fermentation.

Is there a more stable place indoors that will be cooler during those days?

Yeah. I suppose the garage would work. I just worry about it getting slightly too warm in the garage, but I am not certain that it would.

I may not lager. I was just excited that I had a temperature range that would allow it.
I lager in my garage, in a rubbermaid of water which helps minimize temp fluctuations. Best of luck!!
I agree with the tub of water suggestion, your actual beer temperature will remain pretty stable.
Before I got a dedicated freezer/fermentation chamber, I made a cheapo "chamber" using a large cardboard box and 1" insulation board. Sealed it with duct tape, added 1 and 2 liter frozen water bottles and it worked good, but had to be checked every day and ice added. I also added a cheap thermometer.
I could easily maintain 10 degrees F below my ambient basement temperature, and brewed many lagers. Putting something like that in your garage would be better than nothing.
Lowe's has some 7 cu/ft freezers on sale right now for $150, A temp controller will run $50-80, and you can use the freezer for its intended purpose if you get tired of brewing.
Big tub of water. Throw in ice bottles in the morning and again after work if needed. You can do OK in the high 50s depending on your yeast.
Wyeast 2124 can tolerate temps up to 68F and ferments pretty clean. Made a schwarzbier with it and the primary temp was about 64-66 degrees. Out of the primary before secondary, it was a fairly clean flavor. Maybe give that a try for your first lager since it's pretty forgiving of higher temps.

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