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It will come to an end.

When we designed hammers someone was sitting there going "You kids hammer to much. When I was a kid we used rocks and they were excellent.".

I'm just very ready for this to end. I love technology, but we need to decide on a common morality for it. The issue there is these are "personal devices" and rules like "Don't watch porn in the library" no longer apply if you don't risk anyone else seeing it.

Why would you go to a library to watch porn anyways?
I hate phones. I use mine all the time when I'm alone, but when I go out with friends it stays in my pocket or in the truck. The only time I take it out is to take a pretentious picture of a beer to post here. My friends invite me over for drinks and then stare at that crap the entire night or worse, mid-conversation will send a text. Dude if you're conjuring up a message for someone else you aren't hearing a word I'm saying. So I either just stop talking or say something absurd, to see if they catch it which they usually don't.

It is a plague. Stop thrusting your phone in my face to show me a funny picture from TheChive, I saw it on my lunch break at work. I'm no longer at work, I don't want to stare at electronics any more.

Grumble. Apps.
CADjockey. Your signature is freakin hilarious! I am the guy that doesn't do fb, twitter, or that one network about ducklips and selfies? Oh yeah, instagram. Eff all that stuff. If you want to show me something drop by my house. I'm typically wearing clothes and I always have a beer waiting for a guest.

I do spend a lot of time on this site, but that is different. It is for educational purposes. Kind of like porn in the library.
When do people like this think? If you have this constant stream of information and interruption bombarding you, how do you have one original thought in your head?
When do people like this think? If you have this constant stream of information and interruption bombarding you, how do you have one original thought in your head?

you don't.
you constantly 'share' everyone else's
It will come to an end.

When we designed hammers someone was sitting there going "You kids hammer to much. When I was a kid we used rocks and they were excellent.".

I'm just very ready for this to end. I love technology, but we need to decide on a common morality for it. The issue there is these are "personal devices" and rules like "Don't watch porn in the library" no longer apply if you don't risk anyone else seeing it.

Why would you go to a library to watch porn anyways?

True story, my sister is a librarian and theres one particular person that comes to the library every day that doesn't really know how to use computers all that well. They will ask my sister to help them use the computer. So the person in question, whenever they use the computer, they want to look at pictures of female professional wrestlers... Not porn, just, pictures of professional wrestlers who happen to be female.
Phones are for making calls and giving you something to do while you poop.
When you're in a social setting, put the damned thing away.

Nothing pisses me off more than when I'm out at a restaurant or bar or other social venue and one of the people I'm with is glued to their phone. Every time I've gone to dinner with The Woman's sister and BIL, he's dicking around on his phone the entire time ignoring everyone. It makes me want to slap it right out of his hand.

When I take The Woman out, I make her put her phone away as soon as we're seated. I'm not dropping $40 on dinner so you can ignore me the whole time.

Experience life. Quit live tweeting and photoblogging everything. You're so preoccupied with documenting everything that you're experiencing nothing.
Phones are for making calls and giving you something to do while you poop.
When you're in a social setting, put the damned thing away.

Experience life. Quit live tweeting and photoblogging everything. You're so preoccupied with documenting everything that you're experiencing nothing.

I play solitaire when I poop. Better than a book.

I love it when people film concerts the entire time. Why did you even go? The audio from your crappy phone video is gonna suck. Get over it and watch the damn concert that you paid good money to go to and lose some hearing over.
I totally agree with y'all. I was born before any of this stuff was thought of seriously. I wonder what these people would've done in my day without the internet, cell phones, etc? But if they're going to ignore the group the whole time, then why bother going out? Sit in front of that idiot box until your brain's fall out. Those that are popular on youtube that aren't digitally cheating experience life before blogging about it. Give it a rest people. I take my cell with me in case of emergency & little else.
If a double tandem slides sideways, blocking the entire highway, the last thing I'll be doing is filming it sliding straight for me at 70mph! I'll be too busy loadin' them up trying to avoid it while I kiss my a$$ goodby!
I hate phones. That being said, I love having mine, but theres a place and a time. Then again, I didnt have a cell phone till I was a senior in high school and it was a crappy flip phone. Now my mom's fifth grade students are walking into class with iphone 6's. And kids have no etiquette with them. Phones are for phone calls, texting and updating fantasy football on the fly.
I hate phones. That being said, I love having mine, but theres a place and a time. Then again, I didnt have a cell phone till I was a senior in high school and it was a crappy flip phone. Now my mom's fifth grade students are walking into class with iphone 6's. And kids have no etiquette with them. Phones are for phone calls, texting and updating fantasy football on the fly.

I feel so old. Flip phones didn't come out until I was out of college. We had these things called pagers that were like one way texting but only sent you the phone number of the person and you had to call them back.

I feel so old. Flip phones didn't come out until I was out of college. We had these things called pagers that were like one way texting but only sent you the phone number of the person and you had to call them back.


Same here, internet didn't become a real thing until after I graduated high school.
I remember losing my mind when Verizon had the Razor flip phone. I thought that was the baddest-ass phone. LOL

Times like this being "old" is kinda cool.:rockin:
I hate phones. That being said, I love having mine, but theres a place and a time. Then again, I didnt have a cell phone till I was a senior in high school and it was a crappy flip phone. Now my mom's fifth grade students are walking into class with iphone 6's. And kids have no etiquette with them. Phones are for phone calls, texting and updating fantasy football on the fly.

I was 49 when I got my first cell phone........................... a crappy flip phone. I was 50 when I got a smartphone. I'm pretty sure I can use it, if I wanted to, most of the time. My plan doesn't even have a texting plan, since I can't do it anyway.
I feel so old. Flip phones didn't come out until I was out of college. We had these things called pagers that were like one way texting but only sent you the phone number of the person and you had to call them back.


I know what pagers are. Im not THAT young. I did the whole walkman thing, so I have a respect for todays technology that kids dont have. I dont fault them completely for it (more their parents) but thats a whole new can of worms.
Research. :D

My wife works for our library, and they are very anti-censorship. One of the things she was told on her first day was that as long as a patron isnt breaking the law, its allowed. Porn included. If they are bothering other patrons, they are supposed to ask them to "conduct their research" at another computer away from others, if available. They word it just like that too.
I got a nice picture of our group of friends all sitting at the table on NYE. Everyone had their phones out taking selfies. I'm sure one or two were doing it to be ironic, but most were actually tryign different ways to get a "good" selfie. I almost missed the shot because I had to take my phone out of my pocket and unlock it and start the phone app....

I'm not kidding when I say my wife can rarely go out to eat without taking her phone out at some point to check her tumbler. Sometimes I just pull my phone out and ignore her, just to show her how it feels and piss her off!
I got a nice picture of our group of friends all sitting at the table on NYE. Everyone had their phones out taking selfies. I'm sure one or two were doing it to be ironic, but most were actually tryign different ways to get a "good" selfie. I almost missed the shot because I had to take my phone out of my pocket and unlock it and start the phone app....

I'm not kidding when I say my wife can rarely go out to eat without taking her phone out at some point to check her tumbler. Sometimes I just pull my phone out and ignore her, just to show her how it feels and piss her off!

We do the phone stack game sometimes just to have a phone free dinner
Statistically, there is no such thing as an original thought.

Sorry, what? I was watching a cat video.

And, no, that can't possibly be true. In order for a thought not to be original, it must be have occurred previously. Working backward in time, at some point, a thought must have its genesis - it must be original. So, you might instead say "thoughts are no longer original", which would also be untrue. New innovations occur all the time. I can't have a thought about a light bulb until the light bulb is invented and is named. So, you might instead say that "original thoughts are rare", which would also be untrue. Because not only are innovations occurring constantly, but every time a person encounters a light bulb, he or she has a thought about a light bulb for the first time. Sure Thomas Edison had a thought about a light bulb a long time ago, but a child born today has not. There's no way for anyone to experience someone else's thought. The fact that it occurred in another head is meaningless. Life is a sum of our individual experiences and how we view them through the lens of self. Original thoughts happen constantly, because each thought is a unique experience to a unique mind.

This is like saying that a monkey with a typewriter, given enough time, will reproduce the complete works of Shakespeare exactly. Which is a complete fallacy. The genesis of an idea is more than a combination of letters.

Said no one ever while watching cat videos on a smart phone.
Sorry, what? I was watching a cat video.

Said no one ever while watching cat videos on a smart phone.

Innovation is an evolutionary process, not revolutionary. The innovative product of today is just an adaption and modification of a previous idea or thought from someone who came before. Based on the evolutionary ideal, the modern smartphone is a descendant of the wheel and every step that lead from there to here.

And the cat gif is captivating, CADJockey.
Nope. I refuse to get started on this or I may wear out my gaming keyboard. Let's just say I'm not a fan of phones in social venues. Great for having, fantastic if the car breaks down, but don't bring it to the pub. Or movies. Or anywhere you intend to interact with people. There is a solution... I've got an el-cheapo 12 set of pilsner glasses. Been thinking of modifying a few.

...the modern smartphone is a descendant of the wheel...

But someone thought of the wheel. Considering this is an internet debate, and a philosophical one at that, I'm calling this a historic victory - one to rival that of Wellesley at Waterloo or Nelson at the Nile.

I don't have a smartphone, but I do have a cell phone. If I'm at a restaurant and I get a call I need to take, I apologize to everyone at the table and go outside. It's so incredibly rude to be calling or texting in someone's company. But maybe this is all a fad, and the attachment to smartphones will go the way of the pet rock... Holy crap, I just realized I could make a ton of money off of a pet rock app.
But someone thought of the wheel. Considering this is an internet debate, and a philosophical one at that, I'm calling this a historic victory - one to rival that of Wellesley at Waterloo or Nelson at the Nile.

I don't have a smartphone, but I do have a cell phone. If I'm at a restaurant and I get a call I need to take, I apologize to everyone at the table and go outside. It's so incredibly rude to be calling or texting in someone's company. But maybe this is all a fad, and the attachment to smartphones will go the way of the pet rock... Holy crap, I just realized I could make a ton of money off of a pet rock app.

I'm willing to call it, so long as I can be von Blücher.

Skip the app, make a pet rock case so you don't ever need to actually buy the smartphone for testing the app and pocket all the profit.
Isn't this a good thing though? It's like wearing an idiot sign. Enjoy it now, once we have implants you won't be able to tell as easily.
It will come to an end.

Riiiiight.... More like "it" will meld into a vital accessory to our lives. Like a car, refrigerator, beer.

AI will take on a whole new meaning with all knowledge of the world displayed in front of us at all times.

With Elon musk and Branson working on getting satellites into orbit that will provide internet on all surfaces of the world, you won't be able to hide from it.

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There is a twilight zone type of miniseries on netflix called Black Mirror. There is an episode that is all about AI and eye implants in a dystopian futuristic light. Pretty weird stuff.

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