Newbie first recipe

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2013
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So my first ever from scratch recipe. I've been brewing BIAB for a year now but have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to recipe making so please don't hold back. Not much to it cause I wanna keep it simple. Been really wanting to do a hoppy wheat. I love wheats and, while I don't like IPAs cause their bitterness I do enjoy the aroma and flavor. I've had a couple micro versions but they are hard to find so I wanna make my own. Plus it gives me a reason to do my first dry hopping. Only doing a gallon to start cause its 10 degrees outside and I can do a gallon on my stove. Plus I've been wanting to try gallon BIABs for experimenting and if it turns out bad I wont waste a whole batch.

I'm not to savvy in grains and didn't think just a gallon would be good for multiple grains so it's just simple American wheat with two malts.

Hoppy Wheat

2 Row-1lb (57%)
Wheat Malt-.75lb (43%)

Cenntinial-.25oz @60
Cascade-.25oz @ 20
Cascade-.25oz @ 10
Cascade-.50oz Dry Hop

WLP060-American Ale Yeast


So be honest. I am open to all suggestions. This might be totally messed up. Went with the American Ale yeast to keep it clean. Thought about maybe even doing this extract since its such a small batch. Open to different adjuncts and different hops.
I think the recipe looks perfectly fine. I would up the dry hop to 1 ounce. Otherwise, looks like you'll be happy.
You need to double check your hop calculations, this would be an extrememly bitter/hoppy wheat with the equivalent of over 6 oz/5 gal. I think you could do all late addition hops with this from 15 to zero and would probably need less than an oz.

Edit: In beersmith I get like 87 IBU's, I think you calculated for a 5 gal batch
I used beertarget to calculate it but I'll double check. But it wouldn't be equivalent to 6oz/5gallons. The bittering hops would only be 1.25oz/5gallons. Unless hops don't scale that way.
I used beertarget to calculate it but I'll double check. But it wouldn't be equivalent to 6oz/5gallons. The bittering hops would only be 1.25oz/5gallons. Unless hops don't scale that way.

I was saying over 6 oz total in 5 gal is a lot for a wheat beer. 1.25 oz is a fair amount for a bittering addition - usually in IPA range.
Personally I think the recipe looks good. Originally I was going to say add rice hulls (before it fully occurred to me this was BIAB XD), so no need for those :cross:. I do agree upping the dry hop to an ounce seems like it would be good though.
My own personal opinion also, but I think WLP051 could blend better with all the hops and such since it gives a little fruity character, but you don't have to take my word for it. After all it is your own brew :mug: Cheers!
So you guys would dry hop with the equivalent of 5 oz per 5 gal in a 1.048 wheat beer? Does everyone see that this is a 1 gal batch? OP that's fine if you want an IPA-like wheat, but you yourself said you don't want a bitter beer. I think loading up on the late hops some is okay if you want big aroma, but I think you need to back down or even eliminate the 60 min addition. You probably want to aim for more like 25-30 IBU and, depending on the AA of your hops, I have you sitting around 80.
When you say you want a hoppy wheat beer, I assume you mean flavor/aroma since you don't like the bitterness. In that case, I think you're on the mark. Since taste and smell are so linked together, you may find that you want a little more bitterness than 23 IBUs to make it "hoppy". Maybe shoot for 30-ish, which is still well below true IPA territory.

I agree with the others that you should up your dry hop, but maybe just to .75 oz. You may even consider a .5 oz hop stand. I find them great for flavor and aroma. Also, you might check out Wyeast 1010 American Wheat. It has become my go-to yeast for wheat beers. Very clean and refreshing.

Even with no changes, you've got a good recipe there. Everything else is just adjusting for preference. Enjoy!
Ok. After double checking Brewtarget I made some changes. I'm still a little new to the software so might have made a mistake. After fixing some things and dropping all the boiling hops to 1/8oz I'm at 34 IBUs and I think that's perfect. And thinking about upping dry hops. Got some unopened DME I need to use so I'm gonna make an extract version first then break in the mill I'll be ordering with this recipe.

Thanks everyone for your help.

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