Need help with the Beast

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2012
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Grain valley
I have been trying to find a clone recipe (or even one just close) to Avery's the Beast. This is my all time favorite beer and it is impossible to buy here. My understanding is that it is a strong dark Belgium but none of the recipes I have read seem close enough.

the website lists these as the grains. Two-row barley, Honey malt, Dark Aromatic, Pale wheat, Roasted wheat, Special B

and these as the hops, Bravo, Bullion, Sterling, Hersbrucker, Columbus, Styrian Goldings

and these as added sugars, Dates, Molasses, Dark Belgian Candy Sugar, Colorado Honey, Raisins, Turbinado

OG: 1.135
ABV: 15-17%
IBUs: 63
Color: Burgundy

Before anybody asks: NO! i did not just pick out the strongest ale i could find. This peculiar brew is one of the primary reasons I started brewing.

I do have beer Smith and just finished my stir plate. I would like to brew this one soon so I can have it start to age to hopefully be ready to drink by winter of 2013.

Thank you HBT community.
In before someone says, "if you make that beer right, you can drink it three weeks after brewing". ;)

This beer IS a beast. It's almost like a brandy. A slow sipper for sure.
Yes, I've had it and agree to age it for 6-12 months.

I'm going to try to make a recipe, just for the heck of it.
Thanks, sounds good.

Anybody else want to give a try also? It should be fun to take several recipes and use the best ideas of each to brew this up.

Just a guess. The numbers look good.


[size=+1]The Beast[/size]


Boil Size: 6.72 gal
Boil Time: 60 Minutes
Batch Size: 5.25 gal

Estimated OG: 1.126 SG + secondary = ?
Estimated Color: 31.9 SRM
Estimated IBU: 64.1 IBUs
Estimated ABV: 15.0 % + 1.5%ish from secondary = 16.5%



Amt                   Name                                     Type          #        %/IBU         
13 lbs                2-Row  (1.8 SRM)                         Grain         1        58.4 %        
3 lbs                 Pale Wheat (Dingemans) (1.6 SRM)         Grain         2        13.5 %        
1 lbs                 Roasted Wheat (Dingemans) (12.0 SRM)     Grain         3        4.5 %         
12.0 oz               Honey Malt (25.0 SRM)                    Grain         4        3.4 %         
8.0 oz                Aromatic Malt (20.0 SRM)                 Grain         5        2.2 %         
8.0 oz                Special B (Dingemans) (147.5 SRM)        Grain         6        2.2 %         

2 lbs                 Turbinado (10.0 SRM)                     Sugar         7        9.0 %         
1 lbs                 Candi Syrup, Dark d-180 (275.0 SRM)      Sugar         8        4.5 %         
8.0 oz                Molasses (80.0 SRM)                      Sugar         9        2.2 %         

1.00 oz               Columbus (Tomahawk) [14.00 %] - Boil 60. Hop           10       29.9 IBUs     

2.00 oz               Hallertauer Hersbrucker [4.00 %]- 20min  Hop           11       10.3 IBUs     
1.50 oz               Bullion [8.00 %] - Boil 20.0 min         Hop           12       15.5 IBUs     

2.00 oz               Styrian Goldings [5.40 %] - Boil 10.0 mi Hop           13       8.4 IBUs      

1.00 oz               Bravo [15.50 %] - Dry Hop 7.0 Days       Hop           14       0.0 IBUs      
1.00 oz               Sterling [7.50 %] - Dry Hop 7.0 Days     Hop           15       0.0 IBUs      

1.00 lb               Dates (Secondary 4.0 weeks)              Other         16       -             
1.00 lb               Raisins (Secondary 4.0 weeks)            Other         17       -             

bottle condition with honey
Wow, that looks really good. I like the thought of bottle conditioning with the honey even if the flavor of it isn't pronounced it should blend well. I'm surprised how little grain there is in this. I was expecting more.
What efficiency did you figure it at? Also, what yeast would be best? I guessing about a 5 liter starter would work.

Sorry about all the questions and thank you so much for the help on this.

You're welcome.

75% efficiency.

I used 16.7% sugar. That might even be a little low.

A 2-2.5L starter will work with a stir plate. Not sure which yeast to recommend. A Belgian with high alcohol tolerance is what you want.
I doubt the color is right. The recipe I posted will likely be darker.


Not sure how they get burgundy


That's what it looks like in normal light. Darker.
Curse you, you are making me very thirsty. I guess I'm not to picky to the color. I just want a good sipping beer. I probably wont be able to brew this for about a month, But I will brew it.
First off I was just able to secure 3 bottles of this and after having one my new mission is to have this brewed soon. I played with beer smith and came up with a plan. Keep in mind I increased some of the grains to compensate for lower efficiency.

the beast
Belgian Dark Strong Ale
Type: All Grain Date: 8/14/2012
Batch Size (fermenter): 5.25 gal Brewer:
Boil Size: 6.96 gal Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 90 min Equipment: My Equipment
End of Boil Volume 5.46 gal Brewhouse Efficiency: 60.00 %
Final Bottling Volume: 5.00 gal Est Mash Efficiency 60.0 %
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage Taste Rating(out of 50): 30.0
Taste Notes:

Amt Name Type # %/IBU
20 lbs Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) Grain 1 64.5 %
3 lbs 8.0 oz White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) Grain 2 11.3 %
1 lbs Acid Malt (3.0 SRM) Grain 3 3.2 %
1 lbs Wheat, Roasted (425.0 SRM) Grain 4 3.2 %
12.0 oz Honey Malt (25.0 SRM) Grain 5 2.4 %
8.0 oz Aromatic Malt (26.0 SRM) Grain 6 1.6 %
8.0 oz Special B Malt (180.0 SRM) Grain 7 1.6 %
0.53 tsp Amylase Enzyme (Mash 3.0 days) Other 8 -
2 lbs Turbinado (10.0 SRM) Sugar 9 6.5 %
1 lbs Candi Sugar, Dark (275.0 SRM) Sugar 10 3.2 %
12.0 oz Molasses (80.0 SRM) Sugar 11 2.4 %
1.00 oz Columbus (Tomahawk) [14.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 12 30.5 IBUs
2.00 oz Hallertauer Hersbrucker [4.00 %] - Boil 20.0 min Hop 13 10.6 IBUs
1.50 oz Bullion [8.00 %] - Boil 20.0 min Hop 14 15.8 IBUs
1.05 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 15 -
2.00 oz Styrian Goldings [5.40 %] - Boil 10.0 min Hop 16 8.5 IBUs
1.0 pkg Trappist High Gravity (Wyeast Labs #3787) [124.21 ml] Yeast 17 -
0.53 tsp Amylase Enzyme (Primary 0.0 days) Other 18 -
1.00 oz Bravo [15.50 %] - Dry Hop 7.0 Days Hop 19 0.0 IBUs
1.00 oz Sterling [7.50 %] - Dry Hop 7.0 Days Hop 20 0.0 IBUs
Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.141 SG Measured Original Gravity: 1.129 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.011 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.010 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 17.5 % Actual Alcohol by Vol: 16.0 %
Bitterness: 65.5 IBUs Calories: 461.6 kcal/12oz
Est Color: 52.9 SRM
Mash Profile

Mash Name: Single Infusion, Light Body, Batch Sparge Total Grain Weight: 31 lbs
Sparge Water: 1.71 gal Grain Temperature: 72.0 F
Sparge Temperature: 168.0 F Tun Temperature: 72.0 F
Adjust Temp for Equipment: FALSE Mash PH: 5.20
Mash Steps
Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
Mash In Add 34.46 qt of water at 158.9 F 148.0 F 90 min
Sparge Step: Batch sparge with 2 steps (Drain mash tun, , 3.53gal) of 168.0 F water
Mash Notes: Simple single infusion mash for use with most modern well modified grains (about 95% of the time).
Carbonation and Storage

Carbonation Type: Bottle Volumes of CO2: 2.3
Pressure/Weight: 4.34 oz Carbonation Used: Bottle with 4.34 oz Honey
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 70.0 F Age for: 30.00 days
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage Storage Temperature: 65.0 F

Created with BeerSmith

This is one of the most complicated recipes I have seen. A few thoughts. one of my concerns is getting to a low enough FG. Given the ABV and the OG provided by Avery the FG should be in the neighborhood of 1.012. That's asking a lot of any yeast. Wyeast lists 3787 up to 12%+ ABV this should come in around 16%. I have my doubts that it is up to the task. I know there is other strains out there that go higher I'm thinking of pitching a 2 liter starter of one of those partway through fermentation. To help the yeast out I'm thinking of using Amylase Enzyme in both the mash and primary.

What does everybody think of this?

The folks at Avery love homebrewers. I wouldn't be surprised that if you emailed them, they would give you some good pointers or maybe even the recipe. Just a thought.
I doubt the color is right. The recipe I posted will likely be darker.


Not sure how they get burgundy


That's what it looks like in normal light. Darker.

If you want the color closer. decrease the Dark syrup and molasses and use more turbinado. I did a Belgian that came out almost exactly that color and used mostly turbinado. Maybe even reduce the special B a little. Otherwise I agree the recipe looks pretty good. You will get some flavor from the dates and raisins. I did a dubbel with dates and date sugar that is great.

Sounds like a good recipe.Keep us posted if you brew it.
I made a few changes, I made it a half batch and adjusted it to be a little lighter. This is really a shot in the dark and I don't mind tying up my 3 gallon better bottle for a year.

The beast 2.5
Belgian Dark Strong Ale
Type: All Grain Date: 8/14/2012
Batch Size (fermenter): 2.75 gal Brewer:
Boil Size: 3.86 gal Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 60 min Equipment: My Equipment 2.5 batch
End of Boil Volume 2.86 gal Brewhouse Efficiency: 60.00 %
Final Bottling Volume: 2.50 gal Est Mash Efficiency 60.0 %
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage Taste Rating(out of 50): 30.0
Taste Notes:

Amt Name Type # %/IBU
6 lbs 8.0 oz Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) Grain 1 52.0 %
2 lbs Honey Malt (25.0 SRM) Grain 2 16.0 %
1 lbs 8.0 oz White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) Grain 3 12.0 %
8.0 oz Acid Malt (3.0 SRM) Grain 4 4.0 %
4.0 oz Aromatic Malt (26.0 SRM) Grain 5 2.0 %
4.0 oz Special B Malt (180.0 SRM) Grain 6 2.0 %
0.25 tsp Amylase Enzyme (Mash 0.0 days) Other 7 -
0.50 oz Columbus (Tomahawk) [14.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 8 43.3 IBUs
1.00 oz Hallertauer Hersbrucker [4.00 %] - Boil 20.0 min Hop 9 15.0 IBUs
0.60 oz Bullion [8.00 %] - Boil 20.0 min Hop 10 18.1 IBUs
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 11 -
1.00 oz Styrian Goldings [5.40 %] - Boil 10.0 min Hop 12 12.1 IBUs
1.0 pkg Trappist High Gravity (Wyeast Labs #3787) [124.21 ml] Yeast 13 -
1 lbs Turbinado (10.0 SRM) Sugar 14 8.0 %
8.0 oz Candi Sugar, Amber (75.0 SRM) Sugar 15 4.0 %
1.0 pkg Super High Gravity Ale (White Labs #WLP099) [35.49 ml] [Add to Secondary] Yeast 16 -
0.50 oz Bravo [15.50 %] - Dry Hop 7.0 Days Hop 17 0.0 IBUs
0.50 oz Sterling [7.50 %] - Dry Hop 7.0 Days Hop 18 0.0 IBUs
0.25 tsp Amylase Enzyme (Secondary 0.0 days) Other 19 -
Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.110 SG Measured Original Gravity: 0.000 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.009 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.010 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 13.5 % Actual Alcohol by Vol: -75.8 %
Bitterness: 88.4 IBUs Calories: 34.4 kcal/12oz
Est Color: 25.0 SRM
Mash Profile

Mash Name: Single Infusion, Light Body, Batch Sparge Total Grain Weight: 12 lbs 8.0 oz
Sparge Water: 1.74 gal Grain Temperature: 72.0 F
Sparge Temperature: 168.0 F Tun Temperature: 72.0 F
Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE Mash PH: 5.20
Mash Steps
Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
Mash In Add 13.75 qt of water at 164.2 F 148.0 F 90 min
Sparge Step: Batch sparge with 2 steps (Drain mash tun, , 1.93gal) of 168.0 F water
Mash Notes: Simple single infusion mash for use with most modern well modified grains (about 95% of the time).
Carbonation and Storage

Carbonation Type: Bottle Volumes of CO2: 2.5
Pressure/Weight: 2.47 oz Carbonation Used: Bottle with 2.47 oz Honey
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 70.0 F Age for: 240.00 days
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage Storage Temperature: 65.0 F

Created with BeerSmith

I would appreciate any feed back.
Avery is one of my favorite brewers. The Beast (of which I have five 2009's in my cellar atm) is near the top of my top 10 beers, as is Mephistopheles (of which I have nearly a complete vertical, just missing the latest batch, #7).

Let us know how this turns out and if you'd make any adjustments to the recipe. I plan to brew this in a couple months and would love to help experiment to nail this clone.
I was just discussing our HB version of 'the beast' this morning that friend & I made some years back. We did not hit the numbers on the bottle, but the final result of our brew came out excellent and got a 39 in LHB club competition. It was written up in NW Brewing News: page 26

also, I note in the 2nd version I made of the recipe in June 2011 I got 1 gallon more wort into the fermenter so when i added the sugars I used 1 gallon less water, so the end result is higher alcohol

For batch June 2011
8.5 gallons of 1.115 wort
2.5 gallons of 1.096 wort 2nd addition
12.7% ABV

1st version, from article, is now about 3 years old. Ours has much lower carbonation than the commercial example. For me it is kind of like a sherry and the high attenuation makes it so smooth or soft. Love the aroma once it warms, much more muted when cold. A really ass kicker from the alcohol too because it is so smooth now, really deceptive. Even though the article says wait 1 1/2 years to drink, I think it is finally hitting its stride a 3 years.

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