Most annoying response when you tell someone you're a homebrewer?

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I've gotten that before, but I don't get upset about it. I live in Missouri, so I guess there are 3 types of thoughts here:

1. "Some unfamiliar cooking is going on; chances are its meth...."

2. "Dat mofo betta not be settin' up a competi'g meth lab... Imma git mah gun..."

3. "Someone's homebrewing? I thought I was the only one not making meth..."

I've had people say different versions of the meth lab thing.

I just laugh it off and tell them, "So if you see a man smoking a pipe, are you gonna label him as a crack head?"

The girl I'm seeing has a bigger apartment than me and I asked her if she wanted to learn how to brew last night. Her response was this. "No I don't want it to stink like a bar in here!" /facepalm
I have heard this before and It bugs me to no end. Really if they stopped to think about it for a minute they would realize this question is invalid since it take the (Fermentation) process to produce the actual alcohol.... SMDH
Good thing shes cute
The girl I'm seeing has a bigger apartment than me and I asked her if she wanted to learn how to brew last night. Her response was this. "No I don't want it to stink like a bar in here!" /facepalm
I have heard this before and It bugs me to no end. Really if they stopped to think about it for a minute they would realize this question is invalid since it take the (Fermentation) process to produce the actual alcohol.... SMDH
Good thing shes cute

Just ask her if she has ever had boiled barley. Thats pretty much what you are doing. And adding flowers to the mix.
I always thought that it smelled kind of like malted milk (the powder). Obviously not the same, but similar. I generally brew when my wife is away from the house, but once she came home just when I was finishing up and she reacted along the lines of "Yikes! What is that SMELL?"

I do think that most people who don't brew don't like the smell of boiling wort.
My wife says it smells like horse feed until the first hop addition. Once the hops go in she enjoys it a lot. I brew outdoors now though so she has to come outside if she wants a sniff.
My wife says it smells like horse feed until the first hop addition. Once the hops go in she enjoys it a lot. I brew outdoors now though so she has to come outside if she wants a sniff.

As long as I brew outside my wife is very supportive. When I was doing it stovetop that was encroaching on her territory.

Matter of fact I could be conjuring up black magic dancing around the brew pot in a loin cloth and it would not phase her as long as it was in the back yard.
I've gotten that before, but I don't get upset about it. I live in Missouri, so I guess there are 3 types of thoughts here:

1. "Some unfamiliar cooking is going on; chances are its meth...."

2. "Dat mofo betta not be settin' up a competi'g meth lab... Imma git mah gun..."

3. "Someone's homebrewing? I thought I was the only one not making meth..."

My buddy and I have brewed on several occasions in his driveway. He lives in a fairly nice neighborhood so when people drive by we always get funny looks. In response to those looks we comment to each other "Don't mind us we're just making some meth right here in the front yard."

I guess they don't really think that though because the cops haven't showed up yet.
As long as I brew outside my wife is very supportive. When I was doing it stovetop that was encroaching on her territory.

Matter of fact I could be conjuring up black magic dancing around the brew pot in a loin cloth and it would not phase her as long as it was in the back yard.

Makes we wanna brew a Black Magic Loin Cloth Imperial Stout tommorrow!
And don't forget you MUST shake your schwanzstucker while dancing around the kettle chanting well wishes in ubuntu for the beer gods! :ban:
I love it when people tell me "so and so is too! They got a Mr beer kit for christmas and they tried it out." Then I ask the person if they like to brew and they say "no. I tried it from a kit, but it's just not my thing". So no. They aren't a brewer. They did a kit one time. Big whoop. We really don't have that in common.
My wife was a little skeptical at first but.... by the second brew day she was all about it.

Now she encourages trips to the LHBS and goes with... Helps out with brewing, bottling, capping, cleaning the whole works.

By the third batch she was de-labeling bottles and getting ready for the next brew day.

And get this...... She's not a beer drinker ! She will taste it but doesn't normally drink beer. She's a Crown Royal person.

Actual exchange at in-law's Christmas deal:

Bro-in-law: Hey... how's you're beer going?

Me: Great, just bottled it last week, should be good to go by next week.

B-I-L: So, did you bring one so we could try it?
Actual exchange at in-law's Christmas deal:

Bro-in-law: Hey... how's you're beer going?

Me: Great, just bottled it last week, should be good to go by next week.

B-I-L: So, did you bring one so we could try it?

my MIL is horrible with time lines. she has a hard time with anything between right now and 6 months.
Most annoying response when you tell someone you're a home brewer?

"I'm coming over to hang out and drink your beer."

Am I Scrooge? Probably. I'm working on it....
Most annoying response when you tell someone you're a home brewer?

"I'm coming over to hang out and drink your beer."

Am I Scrooge? Probably. I'm working on it....

Hey, my wife is from Lake in the Hills. Always nice to see someone close by.

And I hear you. Far better if he or she is going to bring over something else to swap or share. Too much work goes into a batch to give it away in bulk. I'm sure some homebrewers are in a financial position to do that, but I am not. I do cough up one or two to close friends or new brewers, though.
Hey, my wife is from Lake in the Hills. Always nice to see someone close by.

And I hear you. Far better if he or she is going to bring over something else to swap or share. Too much work goes into a batch to give it away in bulk. I'm sure some homebrewers are in a financial position to do that, but I am not. I do cough up one or two to close friends or new brewers, though.

Greetings to you both! I could throw a stone to LitH. Might just hit neighbor's house, I'll not try it.

I have only one friend who'll come and spend hours sipping on my beer and rambling about life. Complaining is wrong. He homebrews, too. Better than I. It's my own fault. I need to go hang at his house and empty his bottles.....
Most annoying response when you tell someone you're a home brewer?

"I'm coming over to hang out and drink your beer."

Am I Scrooge? Probably. I'm working on it....

No your not a scrooge I have a friend like that. But worse than that he wants me to brew a cider (which I have never done ) and supply the keg, tap, and CO2 for his woman to drink. I gave him a list of ingredients to get. ....
No your not a scrooge I have a friend like that. But worse than that he wants me to brew a cider (which I have never done ) and supply the keg, tap, and CO2 for his woman to drink. I gave him a list of ingredients to get. ....

Why are we so weak? Are we hungry for approval? Or just nice guys.... Whatever, we won't finish last. Not in our minds. No sir. We will have home-brew and some friends. Even if we bought them, it's not so bad. lol
I have the opposite problem. I don't have enough friends who drink craft beer and then end up with a glut of my own home brew. I like to brew more than I like to drink, and I've won enough medals to know it's not bad beer. I just wish I had more friends who are into good beer.
It was nice, at our Solstice Party this year, to have people begging for more Christmas Ale, and we went through all I had. Guess I just need to throw more parties!
I have the opposite problem. I don't have enough friends who drink craft beer and then end up with a glut of my own home brew. I like to brew more than I like to drink, and I've won enough medals to know it's not bad beer. I just wish I had more friends who are into good beer.
It was nice, at our Solstice Party this year, to have people begging for more Christmas Ale, and we went through all I had. Guess I just need to throw more parties!

I've only brewed for a two and a half years and am starting to get the hang of it. Tomorrow I'm taking a keg to a family party. It'll be the first time a Christmas beer sort of turned out and the first time taking a keg anywhere. Previous attempts either didn't last until Christmas or weren't so good.

The reaction to your beer must make it feel like the work of making it was worth it! Pretty cool.
My oldest Brother lives in Lake In The Hills. After tasting my American Amber Ale, he no longer thinks Pilsner Urquell is the only beer worth drinking.
Greetings to you both! I could throw a stone to LitH. Might just hit neighbor's house, I'll not try it.

I was in Huntley last weekend for the Old Lady's family's Christmas party. Someone "won" a Mr. Beer kit out of the grab bag. I wish it'd been me so I could subvert it into making something decent!
I have the opposite problem. I don't have enough friends who drink craft beer and then end up with a glut of my own home brew. I like to brew more than I like to drink, and I've won enough medals to know it's not bad beer. I just wish I had more friends who are into good beer.
It was nice, at our Solstice Party this year, to have people begging for more Christmas Ale, and we went through all I had. Guess I just need to throw more parties!

I had exactly the same experience - last spring we hosted a graduation party for my oldest and the keg of witbier I made for it was drained.
Four years ago I mentioned to my BIL that I was making beer, he laughed and asked if I meant horse piss. Today's he's one of the biggest fans of my beer, he really enjoys wheat beer that's not Blue Moon now. Goes to show you never know.
I have the opposite problem. I don't have enough friends who drink craft beer and then end up with a glut of my own home brew. I like to brew more than I like to drink, and I've won enough medals to know it's not bad beer. I just wish I had more friends who are into good beer.
It was nice, at our Solstice Party this year, to have people begging for more Christmas Ale, and we went through all I had. Guess I just need to throw more parties!

Yes. Throw more parties.

Although, I'm a bit envious... I have a pretty good feeling I'm going to hoard this beer for myself.

"Oh, have you tried that one already? Yes? Ok, then you don't need another one... hit the bricks hoser."

I have 94 bottles of home brew from two batches and I'm worried they will not last long. I drink an average of 30 beers a week... so, I think I'm screwed. Maybe if I get back to back to back to back batches going, I can build some kind of pipeline... maybe.
Yes. Throw more parties.

Although, I'm a bit envious... I have a pretty good feeling I'm going to hoard this beer for myself.

"Oh, have you tried that one already? Yes? Ok, then you don't need another one... hit the bricks hoser."

I have 94 bottles of home brew from two batches and I'm worried they will not last long. I drink an average of 30 beers a week... so, I think I'm screwed. Maybe if I get back to back to back to back batches going, I can build some kind of pipeline... maybe.
start by brewing a bunch of session beers back-to-back. and you fill in areas with "homework" beer.
start by brewing a bunch of session beers back-to-back. and you fill in areas with "homework" beer.

That was kind of the plan... just want to stop buying so much beer, if at all possible.

Also... your Surly Coffee Bender video was floccing hilarious, nice dungeon. Wish Surly still had distribution here, I really liked that one.
I've had this exchange more than once:

Them: "Oh so you brew beer... do you sell it?"
Me: "No, that would be illegal, you need a license to sell it"
Them: "Oh, so you just drink it yourself then?"
Me: "Yeah, and sometimes some friends/family on occasion"
Them: "So how much do you brew at a time?"
Me: "5 gallon batches"
Them: "Wow! How long does that last like 6 months?"
Me: "About a week and a half"
Them: " :pipe: "

Heard that Rev...

Friends are having a party and I told them I was just gifted a picnic tap...

"We are having a big party and everyone was told to bring a case of coors or miller light so we have enough beer, but why dont you just fill your keg and bring that over then so we have something different?"

Oh sure... Let me just fill a keg right quick for you.. to abuse with your beer pong and flip cup.
Oh sure... Let me just fill a keg right quick for you.. to abuse with your beer pong and flip cup.
Parti-gyle to the rescue? Ultimate cheapskate recipe coming up.
Brew something nice for yourself. OG 1.060-1.080. 5 gal batch, must use late hop addition.
Proceed as normal right up to pitching.
Save hop sludge in kettle on the side for batch 2.*
Ultra sparge the tun. Maybe batch 2 is 3 gal. It's free! *
Use some sludge for bittering addition.
A dash of sucrose for about 1.035-1.040 OG
Boil, no late addition, cool rack, and pitch something harvested. Don't even worry about a starter.

Tada! almost free quaffable stuff the masses will love. Of course you still need a couple weeks notice to make it happen.

*Yes, I've done the late addition sludge as a bittering addition. It worked just fine.
*Batch 2 might be smaller size than batch 1. Make it work.
Parti-gyle to the rescue? Ultimate cheapskate recipe coming up.
Brew something nice for yourself. OG 1.060-1.080. 5 gal batch, must use late hop addition.
Proceed as normal right up to pitching.
Save hop sludge in kettle on the side for batch 2.*
Ultra sparge the tun. Maybe batch 2 is 3 gal. It's free! *
Use some sludge for bittering addition.
A dash of sucrose for about 1.035-1.040 OG
Boil, no late addition, cool rack, and pitch something harvested. Don't even worry about a starter.

Tada! almost free quaffable stuff the masses will love. Of course you still need a couple weeks notice to make it happen.

*Yes, I've done the late addition sludge as a bittering addition. It worked just fine.
*Batch 2 might be smaller size than batch 1. Make it work.

This is beautifully devious, I have to try!
No your not a scrooge I have a friend like that. But worse than that he wants me to brew a cider (which I have never done ) and supply the keg, tap, and CO2 for his woman to drink. I gave him a list of ingredients to get. ....

The solution to this is bottle conditioning. Tell him to grab empties from a couple bars on a sunday morning, spend 3 bucks on caps, and just send it home with him.
The solution to this is bottle conditioning. Tell him to grab empties from a couple bars on a sunday morning, spend 3 bucks on caps, and just send it home with him.

I'm pretty much limited to using one arm. Bottling is too much work anyway. If he wants cider he will get the appropriate things for his house or I'll just have to drink it :drunk: and he will have to come over to put it in his woman.
I have dozens of bags of caps because of all the kits I use to do and never bottled except when I need to empty a keg or age something.
I'm pretty much limited to using one arm. Bottling is too much work anyway. If he wants cider he will get the appropriate things for his house or I'll just have to drink it :drunk: and he will have to come over to put it in his woman.
I have dozens of bags of caps because of all the kits I use to do and never bottled except when I need to empty a keg or age something.

With a buddy, I can bottle a 5 gallon batch in an hour, which doesn't seem too hard.. Put the buddy who is mooching to work! He can run the capper. Seems like the least you can ask him to do if you are making him cider.