made friends with the neighbor---NOT

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You're an audio engineer, and that's the best explanation you can come up with? :rolleyes:

The main difference between running an amp at low volume and running it full steam is in the THD (that's "Total Harmonic Distortion", Mr. audio engineer), and it's dynamic range.
Actually, amps are designed to sound their best at mid volume, where the frequency range is high, the THD is minimal, and the dynamic range (the ratio between the loudest and the (lowest voltage signal, I don't know the right English name) is highest, without trimming the signal. Beyond that, if you play it at too low a volume, you will lose the lower voltage signals, and if you play it at a higher volume, it will crop the louder ones.

So, sorry, that's a myth very popular among amateur musicians. You, as an audio engineer, should know better.
Guitar amps are a TOTALLY different aminal than most other amps, that's why the best guitar amps are still vacuum tube amps. We WANT distortion and often we WANT compression (i.e. less dynamic range) and you achieve that by cranking it up. Also, the way an amp interacts with the speakers changes as you crank it and you just can't 'fake' that. Also, our ears behave differently at high volumes (but that's the case with any sound source).

I've played guitar since I was a young teen (so ~35 years) and I've been building/modifying guitar amps for many years. It's just different (and generally better) at higher volumes.

EDIT: And you can certainly play drums with headphones. I've played with drummers that had electronic drums...a good electronic drum set actually can sound better in really small clubs because you don't have to deal with all that volume (especially the snare).
I say the op buy a bass guitar and join the drunks band at this point.
I say the op buy a bass guitar and join the drunks band at this point.

Actually, you reminded me that I have found the solution for the OP's problem.

OP: pay attention. You had the solution to the problem right at home from the beginning.

That's right: make a batch of homebrew just for him, and give it to him as a peace offering. That should calm him down.
But, just in case the gesture doesn't really make an effect on him, I read, somewhere, that, instead of hops, hemlock is really bitter!!!:D:D:D
I think we agree on the alienating your neighbors part. It's just not cool.

Exactly. And that's the whole point of the thread. The guy is not playing professionally, so there are ways to work around the sound quality issues, in case he really cares (and, being a drunk and a junkie, I seriously doubt it). But I have the impression the guy is more interested in driving the neighbors crazy than in playing guitar...
So you're fighting with your neighbour because his sound isn't too loud it's just the quality of the sound is not up to par? Man you're a ******.....oh wait, that fight was someone elses? I'm confused......
No I am trying to get it to a reasonable volume. When he plays at a reasonable volume I can live with it, but when the volume is so loud I can't watch TV in my own home when the windows are closed there is a problem. If he was not so drunk he could not stand or stoned it may sound decent but he still needs to keep it a resonable level. He could close the garage door or turn it down either one would work for me. It is to bad he feels he has a right to play his music as loud as he can. Because if he would have just yurmes it down or shut the garage door it would have been all good
No I am trying to get it to a reasonable volume. When he plays at a reasonable volume I can live with it, but when the volume is so loud I can't watch TV in my own home when the windows are closed there is a problem. If he was not so drunk he could not stand or stoned it may sound decent but he still needs to keep it a resonable level. He could close the garage door or turn it down either one would work for me. It is to bad he feels he has a right to play his music as loud as he can. Because if he would have just yurmes it down or shut the garage door it would have been all good

Apologies for cluttering your thread I was just getting irked at reading all the OT stuff about sound quality, like we all know Junkies care about sound quality, it's right up there with good meth and crack ;)
Signed a complaint on him today. If interested you can hear it here.
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That wasn't very loud.

How the hell is that not loud? I can walk out of my house in a pretty crowded suburban area and not hear a thing. That sounds like the equivalent of living next to a highway!
At the beginning is he playing a guitar or a didgeridoo? I almost feel bad for him he is so bad. That end part at about 0:40 sec was awesome, I couldn't stop laughing. Is numb hands a side effect of meth because that what he sounds like he has.

But anyway put this A**Clown down once and for all, and after the meat wagon carts the body away you can share some home brew with the neighbors that weren't spineless cowards...oh yeah that's none of them.

Sorry, I just cant stand disrespectful people

That wasn't very loud.

Grow up

How the hell is that not loud? I can walk out of my house in a pretty crowded suburban area and not hear a thing. That sounds like the equivalent of living next to a highway!

From the video it doesn't even sound as loud as a lawnmower. The guy definitely sucks though.
From the video it sounds about as loud as a lawnmower that's 5-10 feet away... but it's more than 10 feet away. Imagine trying to watch tv with a lawnmower running inside your house.

I like my music loud when I'm working in the garage, but you can't make out much past the edge of my yard.

Good luck dealing with this DB
Wow, I'd hate to see what happens if some kids run on your lawn.....
Even if it's not so loud, it sounds like the dude is kicking a bag of cats in his garage, it's not something I'd like to have to listen to all day.
You are in my thoughts and prayers, sbnccoulter. No one deserves to live next to that kind of racket and insensitive neighbors. Incessant, non-stopping noise like that can drive people crazy.
The problems of Americans always seem to amuse me. More-so the proposed solutions, really. Get a machete? A gun? brew a batch of beer to celebrate after you've shot him and the "meat wagon" takes him away? LoL. You all crack me up.
Machete is stupid, but the gun is a good suggestion based on this guys criminal history. I'd rather be American and be able to defend my family than any other nationality and not have that same right. Going after him with a gun is obviously wrong, but for defense, its a no-brainer.
That kinda sucks because yeah, he's really bad at playing the guitar.

But don't most noise ordinances have hours that they deal with. I hear what you are saying but how is that any different from you mowing your lawn in the middle of the day. If it was at night that would be different, but the middle of the day?!?!?!?

If I were you I would buy him some lessons.
Here's an idea. Make him into a Youtube sensation. Start a channel.


Post his crappy noise. Make sure locals see it.
He is being charged with disturbing the peace and making a public nusance. So it is not thevsame as just being loud late in the evening
Machete is stupid, but the gun is a good suggestion based on this guys criminal history. I'd rather be American and be able to defend my family than any other nationality and not have that same right. Going after him with a gun is obviously wrong, but for defense, its a no-brainer.

Ok, then. What's your suggestion?

Well, the crackies around here are pretty harmless. Obviously you've got bigger problems than I could solve... perhaps grenades? Claymores? Could you hit his amp with a mortar?
Machete is stupid, but the gun is a good suggestion based on this guys criminal history.

That depends on what you want to do. If you want to kill the guy, a gun is the way to go. But take a swing at somebody with a machete, LIKE YOU MEAN IT, and stop the thing an inch from his throat (yes, I've done it), and, criminal or not, that guy is never bothering you again. And you didn't have to hurt anybody.

I'd rather be American and be able to defend my family than any other nationality and not have that same right.

It must be nice to live in fantasy land.
For your information, it's actually the other way around. Here in the US is where you can get in trouble for defending yourself. Most anywhere else in the World (with the exception of maybe a few countries in Europe, Japan and Canada), that guy would've been hurt, and possibly dead, a long time ago, and the cops would've done nothing.
So it looks like it is going to be a good day at the neighbors house. He is drinking from the bottle of a half gallon of gin, rum or vodca. I name those 3 because it is clear. I doubt it is ever clear but.... I would not have to worry about him any more after a hard night of listening to him.. :)
perhaps grenades? Claymores? Could you hit his amp with a mortar?

Sorry i had to give all mine back when I retired. I really miss firing the whilly pete rounds they burn anything they touch. But I am going to let the city do their thing so as to not open myself up to any litigation..:)
Well, the crackies around here are pretty harmless. Obviously you've got bigger problems than I could solve... perhaps grenades? Claymores? Could you hit his amp with a mortar?

In all honesty, most of the crackheads around here are harmless as well. But every so often you come across that one that is just too far gone. And you will never know which one it is until it's too late. And on that front, grenades, claymores and mortars? I'd hardly call that constructive. I understand that you're being funny, but I don't think it's very fair to say how Americans can go overboard on our solutions to our problems without really being able to offer any real suggestions on how to handle it. Inodoro Pereyra has some suggestions that may be a little far fetched in what might be considered "polite company", but by the way he describes them, it sounds like he's speaking from experience. But in short, sitting back and pointing your finger does nothing to help the situation and only really may end up getting yourself labeled as a troll.
The problems of Americans always seem to amuse me. More-so the proposed solutions, really. Get a machete? A gun? brew a batch of beer to celebrate after you've shot him and the "meat wagon" takes him away? LoL. You all crack me up.

Typical Canadian to group an entire nation on the response of a handful of people. You sound like my customer from Quebec, he rambles on and on how lazy Americans are but he's a stay at home husband.
In all honesty, most of the crackheads around here are harmless as well. But every so often you come across that one that is just too far gone. And you will never know which one it is until it's too late. And on that front, grenades, claymores and mortars? I'd hardly call that constructive. I understand that you're being funny, but I don't think it's very fair to say how Americans can go overboard on our solutions to our problems without really being able to offer any real suggestions on how to handle it. Inodoro Pereyra has some suggestions that may be a little far fetched in what might be considered "polite company", but by the way he describes them, it sounds like he's speaking from experience. But in short, sitting back and pointing your finger does nothing to help the situation and only really may end up getting yourself labeled as a troll.

Ino is South or Central American. You know what happens to us gringos down there... :p
Inodoro Pereyra has some suggestions that may be a little far fetched in what might be considered "polite company", but by the way he describes them, it sounds like he's speaking from experience.

Ohhh yeah....!:D:D
Don't get me wrong: I'm usually a calm guy, and I hate violence. But I come from a country where the cops are too busy eating pizza and polishing their cars to do any real police work, so we tend to solve our own problems.
Now, I've been, in the past, at both ends of a gun, and, one thing I know, it's a lot harder to hold a gun against somebody than to look down the barrel. Meanwhile, I've also had a knife against my throat a couple of times. That thing sure makes an impression.

Ino is South or Central American. You know what happens to us gringos down there... :p

I'm Argentinian. Believe it or not, Argentinians are known for being hardcore xenophiles (so, if you went to my country, you'd probably end up banging all the girls), but there are things you have to get used to, or suffer the consequences.
Other than that, Americans have a big problem, pretty much anywhere else in the world: you have to answer for your government's actions. That alone makes you very unpopular in most countries...:(
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