made a booboo.... advice?

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Jan 16, 2012
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Fall River
Hi all....

So i just finished brewin a batch of beer and as i was walkin my fermenter to storage i realized i forgot to add the hops in my boil! Heres a question... can i boil hops in a little water and add it at secondary fermentation or at batch priming? Sounds crazy... i know. Any tips?
I'd boil some hops in water and add right away. i'd also think about dry hopping depending on the beer. What's the recipe and what hops do you have?
If the lupulin in hops is activated by heat then doing another boil with water would work. The only problem with that is that if you add that water to your wort then it will decrease the OG. You may get a semi hoppy brew but at the cost of low OG and watered down taste.
It all depends on the the style.... if it's a Ipa or barleywine or other high bittering style I really don;t know maybe a hop extract could be your best bet though other styles you may be able to boil pellets or whole hop in a small amount of water and get away with it. Dry hop additions would only add to the aroma and nothing more so either extract or a small boil with hops are your best bet.
Dry hopping wont add bitterness , so it wont work to balance the malt. If it was me I would take 2-4 quarts out of the beer and boil the hops in that for an hour. Then cool it and dump it in!

And you could always add a little water to the newly boiled wort to get back to your original volume..
Who's taking my name in vain?

Make another extra bitter brew and double the hops for flavour and aroma and blend the two brews after they finish fermenting

That would work. But if you don't want to do another batch, you could just do a small boil (say 1 gal) using enough malt extract to bring you to around 1.040 and add your hops additions to that (maybe a little extra as the utillisation would probably be lower), then cool and add to your beer in the fermenter. If you don't have enough room in your fermenter for the extra wort, you could siphon out enough of the unhopped wort to make room. Or Stauffbier's suggestion of using some of your unhopped beer for the hops boil is another option.
The only condition with my idea is that you have to boil the unhopped wort before any real fermentation begins. The yeast that are in suspension will die and become yeast nutrient. If it has already been fermenting then do what aidan says if you have the extract or grain to do it..
You can make a hop tea by boiling hops in water and adding it to the brew. I did it once and it worked, but I had added bittering hops; just not enough.
You may want to google "hop extract" which should give you some solutions that would yield more predictable resuls.

You can make a hop tea by boiling hops in water and adding it to the brew. I did it once and it worked, but I had added bittering hops; just not enough.
You may want to google "hop extract" which should give you some solutions that would yield more predictable resuls.


HopShot is a hop extract but it still needs to be boiled. There is another extract that doesn't need boiling, but I can't think of the name. You could also try to add some pre-hopped LME (in addition to dry hopping) but that will increase your OG.