Loud Neighborhood Parties

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Home brewing moogerfooger
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Torrance, CA
Does anyone else live in an area where someone throws a loud party almost every weekend? It would be one thing if it was every once in a while, or if they warned the neighborhood in advance. But no, I come home on a Saturday evening to have loud music (read: Rap, Hip-Hop, Mariachi, and Ranchera) blaring. It's after midnight and it's still going. What makes it worse is that the neighborhood is packed with houses. Parking is horrible already and now there's a hundred extra people with their lame music and cars everywhere. If LAPD was reliable, I might think about calling them, but even if I did they wouldn't get here for a couple hours...
Mustangj said:
join them.


You make your own beer. Bring over a few, along with some cups (no drinking out of bottles of course). You'll be that weird dude neighbor who makes his own beer and is pretty cool... :mug:
Mustangj said:
join them.

Yeah, right. What if the poor guy has to work in the morning??? Not everyone has off on the weekends. I had the same problem when I lived in an apartment complex. Every Friday night there was a party somewhere, lasting till at least 3:00 and I had to get up at 4. It sucked- people need to be more courteous, plain and simple.
I love not living in the middle of an estate.
No door to door callers.
I never hear my neighbours and rarely see them. I have houses at the back but apart from the odd Christmas/new year/bonfire party, I never hear anything.
Go outside with a bullhorn, get where no one can see you but you are still within earshot and yell:


That ought to clear em out pretty quick.

I was on a construction site one time. One of the potential investors came to see our progress. I don't know who it was as they wouldn't tell us, but the guy had money and thought he was pretty important. He had a whole team of bodyguards, probably about 20 or so. They were all dressed up in Black tactical gear. Only a handfull of people knew they were going to be there. So it kind of caught everybody else off guard.
Well one of the crane operators had a good idea...He grabbed his bullhorn and screamed in his best hispanic voice: "LA MIGRA!"

Within 10 seconds half the entire job's manpower had dropped their tools and just dissapeared. No Joke.:D
Used to have the problem in Sunnyvale. Small lots and mostly rentals. Mariachi every weekend next door. My lot backed up to the park, so June & July were always fun. And there was the various religious processions through the park, always early in the morning, generally with gongs, bells and chanting.
Burn a couple Led Zeppelin CDs, give them to the people, and tell them that if they are going to play something really loud that it might as well be music.

But if you think the cops really arent going to do anything or just take forever to respond then i would just pop on some headphones and listen to something you enjoy and enjoy a homebrew.
Years ago when I lived in Riverside it was like that, loud azz mexican polka music until 2am, then the dogs and donkeys barking and braying until sun up, then the roosters took over, then the whole chorus started again around noon. My neighbors were mexican and even they attributed it to the ignorant wetback nopaleros.
Had that problem in my old apartment building. There were a bunch of college kids in the apartment directly above me and they had parties every Friday night (at the time both me and my wife had to work on Saturdays). The bass was so loud it would make our windows shake.

After having to go up there and ask them to turn it down every week for a couple of months I finally told them I was gonna start calling the cops (all underage kids of course) if the noise went on past midnight (I was in college once too). Surprisingly enough that was the last time I had any issues with them.
If it's too loud, you're too old!
:p :D

I'd join 'em! +1 for the weird neighbor guy who always shows up with good beer! Mexicans love to party!

If ya gots to work in the morn, you could try to get some ear plugs. Helps with me sometimes - I live in a college town and gotta put up with parties all over the apartment complex all the time.
Join them or get ear plugs. If it were a weekday, I may have some sympathy, but most people want to celebrate a little on the weekends.
rdwj said:
Join them or get ear plugs. If it were a weekday, I may have some sympathy, but most people want to celebrate a little on the weekends.
It's possible to celebrate without rattling windows on the whole block.
You can go talk with them, offer them beer and party with them, but you have to be careful when dealing with those MFers, machismo is the biggest killer of mexican men.
Might want to find a new neighborhood. Not much you can do about that. If you are in a neighborhood where everyone is pissed at them, then you'll could team up and be tell them to move or quiet down. If it's a rap music party, no way in hell I'd join and I'd be pissed off if I had to get up at 4. Now, I like to party, but I ****ing hate rap music with a passion.
Ó Flannagáin said:
Now, I like to party, but I ****ing hate rap music with a passion.
Yeah, that crap wouldn't last long around me and the Bill Murray Caddy Shack-esque stunts would begin. Make them afraid to party or the spirits will return. It could almost be a sport. ;)
rdwj said:
Join them or get ear plugs. If it were a weekday, I may have some sympathy, but most people want to celebrate a little on the weekends.

Bullsh!t. It's called common courtesy. If you're being too loud, you quiet down. It's not that hard to figure out. Besides, earplugs are not an option. Not only are they uncomfortable, how the f*ck are you going to hear the alarm clock with them in???

EDIT: BTW, if you want to drive your point home, light off brick of firecrackers under their bedroom window around 5 or 6 the next morning.
Oh, am I glad I live out in the middle of nowhere! My nearest neighbor is about a quarter of a mile away.

When I lived in a Chicago apartment in the early '80's, I used to play my music continuously. At 9 pm the guy downstairs would start banging his broomstick on the ceiling....I turned it down. Yes, courtesy is a lost item nowadays.
So I went to sleep at about 2:30 am and it was still going.

A couple responses to posts.

Yes I did have to be somewhere in the morning.

No, I don't live in the ghetto. The neighborhood sucks, but it's not that bad. I am looking at moving, but not for a couple years. $$$

There are parties all the time and aren't usually this bad. Tons of people and loud way too late. It all boils down to common courtesy. If they would tell me in advance they're having a party and it's going to be loud, fine. The noise ordinance says 10 pm, and I'm cool till about midnight. But window shaking music till after 2 am is too much. Even when I have a birthday party or something like that on a weekend afternoon, I tell my neighbors, just so they know there will be cars and people. I know lots of you guys here are young, single, and like to party, which is fine. I may still be young, but I'm married, have a 3-year-old, a couple jobs and too much stuff to do. The last thing I need is someones loud party annoying me, or especially my wife. ;)
I used to live above a grad student when I was in school. Had my kids then. He'd start up at around midnight and go into the wee hours. I never said anything, but one day the housing office calls me, and get this, HE complained that my kids were "walking loudly" on the floor. And that was at around 11:00 am! LOL. Gotta love people.

Damn my list of reasons to move away into the mountains and become a hermit is steadily growing....:D
Back when I was dating my wife, she used to call me an "old man" then. I'm going to be one crochety dude some day! :D

I've done the apartment thing...never again. Just saving the nickels till I can blow this joint.
I bet if people's cars started suddenly having unexplainable flat tires when they came over to party, they'd stop coming by. Most people carry a spare tire in their car but if they "accidently" had 2 flat tires, that would put them in a rather bad spot.

A couple weekends of these "accidental" flat tires and no more large noisy crowds.

Or, you could complain in writting to your local city council/city manager and cite the increased chances of drunk drivers killing their voters. Send a copy to the police HQ, and the local news stations. Let the politicians' own desire to stay in office work for you. (Do this all anonymously of course as a dedicated and concerned citizen)
Neomich said:
Or, you could complain in writting to your local city council/city manager and cite the increased chances of drunk drivers killing their voters. Send a copy to the police HQ, and the local news stations. Let the politicians' own desire to stay in office work for you. (Do this all anonymously of course as a dedicated and concerned citizen)
I don't want to do anything illegal...

We're talking about the city of Los Angeles here and the LAPD...
The most incompetent bunch of bureaucrats, politicians, thieves and crooks
Brewsmith said:
I may still be young, but I'm married, have a 3-year-old, a couple jobs and too much stuff to do. The last thing I need is someones loud party annoying me, or especially my wife. ;)

That's a point that wasn't made by any of us, and it is a good one. Life gets infinitely worse if they wak the little one.
My son will sleep through anything, but there have been nights where my wife had a headache and the noise wouldn't stop.
Neomich said:
I bet if people's cars started suddenly having unexplainable flat tires when they came over to party, they'd stop coming by. Most people carry a spare tire in their car but if they "accidently" had 2 flat tires, that would put them in a rather bad spot.

A couple weekends of these "accidental" flat tires and no more large noisy crowds.

A nice way of doing this is to pull the valve stems. If you have a conscious and don't want to cost them money ie cost yourself money if you get caught.

My friends and I use to like to play bad practical jokes on each other, this one was always fun.
I should have put this in the OP but I just did it.
Brewsmith said:
So I went to sleep at about 2:30 am and it was still going.

I'm married, have a 3-year-old, {and} a couple jobs

The neighborhood sucks, but it's not that bad.

I hate say it, but it sounds like you are in denial... You could live in a country club, but if you can't sleep but a few hours and the wife and kids aren't happy, it's time to pack it up...
How about a directional parabolic speaker? They're pretty easy to make and if the partiers like rock, project country. If they like country, project classical. If they like rap, project music.
Docapi said:
You don't live in your house?

Was her headache THAT bad???:p
If my garage had a bathroom I'd never leave! Brew gear, beer, kegerator, computer, musical instruments, mini recording studio...:D
Brewsmith said:
If my garage had a bathroom I'd never leave! Brew gear, beer, kegerator, computer, musical instruments, mini recording studio...:D

Next time Im in Cali I think a Brew-Jam session is in order...

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