Losing the will to brew

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I always try to split a batch with a friend. It's great help to have a partner in the process. Some times it's a teaching process other times it's just getting together with a good friend. But the other person always brings a motivation to the process that is contagious. And it seems like everyone wants to brew something different, so I have a huge variety of beers in the pipeline. Good luck.
It's that way with me now too. I dread having to move batches from bucket to keg and get stuff out and clean it and put it away. Plus I have one beer on tap that I don't even care to drink because I've brewed so much of that one recipe over the past 2 years I'm just sick of it. I did just put one batch on gas to carb and have another waiting to be racked to keg and am doing an extract batch tonight though. I'm stressing out over building a rig and it's really taking the fun out of it all for me. Can't wait till it's finished and I can get back to just making beer.
It's that way with me now too. I dread having to move batches from bucket to keg and get stuff out and clean it and put it away. Plus I have one beer on tap that I don't even care to drink because I've brewed so much of that one recipe over the past 2 years I'm just sick of it. I did just put one batch on gas to carb and have another waiting to be racked to keg and am doing an extract batch tonight though. I'm stressing out over building a rig and it's really taking the fun out of it all for me. Can't wait till it's finished and I can get back to just making beer.

Just stop making beer and focus on the brew rig! I'm with you. I like doing all that stuff, but it's hard not to feel guilty about some other things in life that I should be doing. Brewing can take more time than most people will admit, when you factor it ALL in.

I have a mead that probably should have been racked a while back. I just can't make time to transfer it. The airlock is probably dry now that I think about it.

Got plans to go electric this summer. Still have a bit of research to do and I'd like to see a couple more system in action before I decide. Can't decide between RIMS or HERMS and actual layout. Want to build a pump. Want to brew about 6 different beers. Plus the regular stuff like cars need minor repairs and stuff for the house and kids schedule and ....
I brew in surges, when the ground water and basement temperatures are right. This ends up being spring and fall. I'll brew several batches in a row (succeeding weekends) until I have enough to carry me through till the next brew season.

Right now I'm redoing my mash tun with an all-stainless manifold, which is a break in and of itself. (My old 10G Igloo tun cracked, so using that as an excuse to redo the manifold.)
I havent been brewing long enough at all to be tired of it. Just look ar it in different ways such as how much cheaper it is than buying beer. Than do something different. Do random batches. Ive made my last 5 recipes from scratch and when they turn out amazing it just makes me want to brew something else to see if that can be amazing too. Thats what keeps me going. Im getting bummed out bc i know house projects are going to be taking up a lot of timw soon amd then im back to midweek brew sessions witch arent as much fun or relaxing. Well now that ive rambled on for a bit im thirsty. Time to get a beer!
I brewed for about a year and a half, made 15 batches or so, then all of the sudden lost interest. Now a year after that, I've got brewing fever. Ready to start all-grain this time!
I brewed for 10 years, at some point, at SWMBO's behest, I moved my equipment from the garage to the shed and brewing became a PITA. I eventually stopped brewing and sold all of my equipment, and hadn't brewed for another seven years. Last year I had several people telling me they were thinking about brewing, which got me excited to start up again. Now I'm more into it than I ever was.
I eventually stopped brewing and sold all of my equipment.

I bet you made the buyer very happy!

I got most of my current AG toys from an ex-brewer who lost interest in brewing. I was just lucky to claim his stuff on craigslist first. It was a very good deal. After the deal was done, I was puzzled by the reasons why someone would sell such nice things at a generous price, so I asked him, why? He just said, I no longer have as much time as in the past and don't quite enjoy it anymore. It happens.
I bet you made the buyer very happy!

I got most of my current AG toys from an ex-brewer who lost interest in brewing. I was just lucky to claim his stuff on craigslist first. It was a very good deal. After the deal was done, I was puzzled by the reasons why someone would sell such nice things at a generous price, so I asked him, why? He just said, I no longer have as much time as in the past and don't quite enjoy it anymore. It happens.

Ya, he got a great deal! The sad thing is that I got a lot of that stuff cheap or free (I'm really regretting that I gave him all my cornies), and now its costing me a lot more to get the same stuff. The moral of the story is: Don't sell your brewing stuff, just because you're not brewing right now!
Ya, he got a great deal! The sad thing is that I got a lot of that stuff cheap or free (I'm really regretting that I gave him all my cornies), and now its costing me a lot more to get the same stuff. The moral of the story is: Don't sell your brewing stuff, just because you're not brewing right now!

Excellent point! That's exactly what I tell myself everyday... it's so tempting to get any money for stuff not being used.

I was just interested in some, but not all things the guy was selling. But he wanted to get rid of everything, so he asked what I was willing to pay if I take everything... it turned out that a lot of stuff I thought I would never use are my favorite brewing gadgets now... even SWMBO approved the deal, and that was a miracle ;)
Grow Hops if you haven't already! So much fun and nothing will motivate you more to brew than using your own hops. I will dig up some rhizomes from my second year plants for you!

(If you have the room to that is).
Wow, dude - to offer to dig up hops for that guy - you're truly a brewing brother.

Contrast that to the "man up" comment - you win!

I also agree about not selling your equipment - I'm damn glad I didn't sell my brew stand, carboys, etc. and instead walked around it for many many years, because now I'm seriously looking forward to using it all again.

Hope it turns out!
I was out of it, for several years, when I first moved down here to Florida, from Ohio.

Very glad I did not sell my homebrewing stuff!!!
I'm back. Took a bit of a break this summer, but fall has me wanting to brew again. Will be doing a light brown ale tomorrow.
You know if I was only brewing for myself it would be so easy to quit. BUT.....I have two big parties a year featuring homebrew and I just couldn't let my friends down!!:mug: Honestly I have found brewing for others helps to keep me engaged in all aspects of homebrewing.
everybody gets a bit burnt out, i was brewing consistanly small batches a year and after enough styles and too many new craft brews,im slowing down.Probably because im often drinking more than a few,it doesnt matter i can still brew when i want and still seek out some new beers i havnt tried yet. I just get nervous how long i keep an opened pack of dried yeast in my fridge till my next brew day.I think i brewed enough styles throughout the year where now, im goin to brew more and better them but im still in the process of learning malts/hops/ yeasts and body taste,all of that is so complex and a challenge to put it all together.
I think you need a brew-hug too. Ha
I'm back. Took a bit of a break this summer, but fall has me wanting to brew again. Will be doing a light brown ale tomorrow.

I just read through this thread and it was nice to see you drifted out and then back again.

My interest ebbs and flows in the hobby, too. I started in 1991 and brewed for about 5-6 years then quit until 5-6 years ago. I haven't had such a drastic ebb since that one and I attribute that to HBT and being able to explore many types of beer that I previously didn't even kn ow about.

Welcome back!

Sounds like you need to brew new styles. I've only been brewing almost a year and never did the same beer twice. I also joined a brew club who showed me the competitive side of homebrewing. Maybe thats an option for you?