lets share hangover cures

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2008
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Poconos, PA
I don't do this too often, but some Friday nights my buddy comes over with some Yings, and we drink a mix of those, my brews and some good brews I find locally. I'm good for a couple pints, but this guy definitely stretches my limits--hell if I keep pace with him, I feel like @%#$ in the morning. So here are some things I've learned to get me through Saturdays:

* crystallized ginger (candied ginger root) from spice rack: suck on these in the morning like lifesavers and they will save your stomach to a point
* water prior to bed and every so often between beers
* over easy eggs and toast in the morning.

Let's hear some of yours.
The Complete Joy of Home Brewing has a nice section on this topic...But mostly it centers around self control and responsibility.

As for me, in my days of working at the truck stop and drinking all night....you can't beat a hot link with Mustard and Chocolate Milk to cure a bad case of stupidity.
Greasy sausage patty on a biscuit with yellow mustard. I haven't had a hang over in many years but that was my go to cure. Strange sounding I know, but it works.
Ive gotten pretty stupid a few times, and it always helps when I drink a huge glass of water, pop a couple advil, take a hot shower, drink another glass of water, refill, and put the glass and a couple more advil on the bed stand. If I need to be somewhere the next morning I will set the alarm an hour early so if I feel like crap I will chug that water and pop the advil and snooze another 45 minutes or so to let it kick in

For hangover food, I love me some Vietnamese noodle soup :D

And a trick I learned form one of my BIL's was fill your coffee mug with Gatorade in the morning; rehydrate while people think you are just trying to wake up ;)
2L of water, 2 ibuprofen, and a multivitamin before bed. 1L of water each time I wake up to pee in the middle of the night (which is maybe once...shows you how much drinkin' dehydrates you). If it's still bad in the morning, then some alka seltzer and a breakfast burrito.
I've found that if I take 2 advil right b4 bed that it seems to nip a hangover in bud pretty well. Usually take it with a full glass of water. If I really get trashed, and do not drink any water the whole time, I'll drink a few glasses of water and take a vitamin C and E, plus the advil. Hangovers are caused by 3 things, dehydration, flushing the water soluble vits, and mins out, and by the toxins and tannins in the drinks.
Here's an interesting thought: a lot of your cures focus on mustard and pork (sausage, links, etc). I've also heard of egg sandwiches and swear by over easies on toast if the stomach is taking food. I gotta wonder how eggs benedict would fit into this...

Anyway keep em coming. I think we need to hear from everybody on this site. At some point I think we need to pull some of the best ones and/or common and recurring ones into separate thread that gets stickied... :tank:
Thankfully, I don't get hangovers with beer. Ever since an unfortunate Tequila incident when I was 16, my body has made it *very* clear when it's time to quit.

Still, before I start drinking I'll usually take a multivitamin, I always rotate a glass of water or Gatorade in between beers, and sometimes take a delayed-release aspirin or two before I go to bed. The next morning, I'll often start with a Gatorade and a plain snack, and I'll be good to go.
And a trick I learned form one of my BIL's was fill your coffee mug with Gatorade in the morning;
This reminds me of an old welder I worked with for a few years. He Distilled his own hooch, and it was some of the wickedest crap I've ever tasted, but he'd show up every morning with a mug of Gatorade and turn the oxy torch on and huff the oxygen (NO gas) for about 10 minutes, then that hard ass was fine and dandy all day. Outworked my ass...and he was 70+ years old.
In technical diving we use 100% O2 for decompression, which also works very well for hangovers. About 10 deep inhalations at 20 minute intervals.

WARNING: DO NOT use the O2 you get out of cylinder from home depot as it is not medical grade.
A bunch of these.


Chased with a room temperature 40 oz bottle of this.


After this, you won't be complaining about a hangover. :D
I used to have a protein shake and go workout... sweat it all out, then take a nap afterwards.

When I took my bartending course they explained to have a lot of breaded/fried food as it absorbs a lot of the alcohol.
One I was reminded of recently, a few of my classmates have sworn by a few drops of flunixin (Banamine) in a little OJ. Apparently the stuff tastes like crap so if you can hold it down you are good to go for the day.
A bunch of these.


Chased with a room temperature 40 oz bottle of this.


After this, you won't be complaining about a hangover. :D


oh my.........I drank a 40 of 8ball once. That stuff gave me a terrific hangover. Usually my hangovers are only a bad headache (unless I threw up at some point) . That stuff gave me the horrible headache, plus the feeling as if I had thrown up that night, plus an all around yucky feeling.
Electrolytes: they're what drunks crave! Seriously though, sports drinks are your best friend. They've got electrolytes and water for dehydration and some sugar. At least the sugar helps me, but not too much of it. Fruit and sprite are good too because they're refreshing and easy on the stomach.

Though, I rarely get hung over with beer unless I drink a LOT of it or I'm drinking something with crazy high alcohol. Wine will almost always ruin me the next day, even if I'm not especially drunk.
on the mexican cruise i recently went on the only cure was more alcohol
pop some vitamin B complex before bed and some more with breakfast, and menudo (if you live close enough to mexico you know what I'm talking about) works like a charm every time.
Vitamin B and water if you've got to be somewhere in the morning. Hair of the dog if you don't.

I'm also a big proponent of drinking the good stuff. Quality beer and spirits affects me less than mass produced swill. I think maybe the extra calories and carbs in good beer at least give your body a little more sustenance as compared to the 5%Alcohol + slightly-flavored-water you get with BMC. The presence of yeast may also be a factor. As for hard liquor, I attribute it to cleaner distillation. Either way, the better stuff doesn't hit you as hard.
I have a great hangover cure that works every time... Don't drink so much!!!

Just kidding... That never works. if I don't drink enough the party sucks and if I do drink enough, I pay for it for at least three days... One thing zi try to remember to do is drink a lot of water before I fall asleep.

Anyway, my number one favorite hangover breakfast is French Toast with sausage, a side of corned beef hash and a tall glass of apple juice.

And a nap...
My hangover cure comes from my cousin who is, unfortunately, an alcoholic. He taught me this trick, and after a long party I have used it, with much success.

Prior to bed, take 2 alka seltzers as per instructions on the pack. It's sometimes hard to swallow, but it works every time, I promise.

Good luck with that

I'm new to homebrewing. Started a few months ago, brewed and bottled an IPA and a porter, and I have 2 new ones going (yet another IPA and an oatmeal stout). It's the best hobby I ever picked up. Great fun, and you get to drink your labor. Nice.

Vitamin B and water if you've got to be somewhere in the morning. Hair of the dog if you don't.

I'm also a big proponent of drinking the good stuff. Quality beer and spirits affects me less than mass produced swill. I think maybe the extra calories and carbs in good beer at least give your body a little more sustenance as compared to the 5%Alcohol + slightly-flavored-water you get with BMC. The presence of yeast may also be a factor. As for hard liquor, I attribute it to cleaner distillation. Either way, the better stuff doesn't hit you as hard.

I agree the better the quality the better you will feel in the morning
On the rare occasion I'm feeling rough the morning after, I find a really big cup of coffee and a couple sausage biscuits is enough to kick in the one thing that makes me honestly feel better; taking a big ol' dump. Something about getting all that crap (pun intended) out of the system makes me feel loads (pun intended again) better.
Aspirin, Gatorade, and something greasy to eat.

*edit: gettin out there and doing something that makes you sweat really helps. (manual labor, swing a shovel damn it!)
My hangover cure is Breakfast Grease. It goes like this:
  1. Fry up about three strips worth of bacon pieces, remove from pan, drain and reserve part of the fat.
  2. In the pan with some of the fat, fry up two potatoes, cubed in 1/4 inch cubes, one onion, and fresh or dry parsley. Add a pat of butter partway through.
  3. When the potatoes are done, add the bacon back in, sprinkle liberally with cheese, and cover with two tortillas.
  4. After the cheese is melted, make two burritos with the potato/cheese mixture and a liberal dose of good green chili.
  5. Eat and enjoy. Don't tell your doctor this recipe.
Please please PLEASE stop taking pain relievers while drunk! Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is metabolized by the liver and the combination of alcohol and acetaminophen can cause your liver to release a toxic metabolite. Alcohol mixed with acetaminophen is very dangerous and can do serious damage to your liver. Tylenol was recently forced to include warnings on its packaging telling its users not to mix it with alcohol. Ibuprofen is metabolized by your liver as well.

The next morning when you feel like crap it's OK :D My hangover cure is as much water as I can stomach before I pass out, a multivitamin, and a huge glass or bottle of it next to the bed. When I get up to pee I do it again, drink as much water as I can then go back to sleep. Then in the morning, something greasy and gatorade and another vitamin.
Please please PLEASE stop taking pain relievers while drunk! Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is metabolized by the liver and the combination of alcohol and acetaminophen can cause your liver to release a toxic metabolite. Alcohol mixed with acetaminophen is very dangerous and can do serious damage to your liver. Tylenol was recently forced to include warnings on its packaging telling its users not to mix it with alcohol. Ibuprofen is metabolized by your liver as well.

You are completely correct about acetaminophen - it has hepatotoxic properties and should never be mixed with alcohol.

Ibuprofen however is a much safer drug. It does not have the hepatotoxic properties of acetaminophen, as well as is able to be excreted by the kidney in a non-metabolized form. So if liver conditions happen to be somewhat impaired (by an overdose of ethyl alcohol) the drug can still be metabolized and eliminated by your kidneys.
Please please PLEASE stop taking pain relievers while drunk! Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is metabolized by the liver and the combination of alcohol and acetaminophen can cause your liver to release a toxic metabolite. Alcohol mixed with acetaminophen is very dangerous and can do serious damage to your liver. Tylenol was recently forced to include warnings on its packaging telling its users not to mix it with alcohol. Ibuprofen is metabolized by your liver as well.

The next morning when you feel like crap it's OK :D My hangover cure is as much water as I can stomach before I pass out, a multivitamin, and a huge glass or bottle of it next to the bed. When I get up to pee I do it again, drink as much water as I can then go back to sleep. Then in the morning, something greasy and gatorade and another vitamin.

Tylenol would never get a pass by the FDA if it were launched today. Snuck it in years ago, it isnt safe. Take aspirin or anything elses..

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