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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2009
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Dayton, OH
I'm gonna use this thread as my show n' tell. This is label for my first brew. I had a posted a black and white one earlier, but decided to scrap it and go color. It may return someday...anyway - mah new label:


Critiques always welcome. :mug:
Looks good, photoshop cs 4 is the newest I think that makes it 11 don't really remember there being an 8 think it went from 7 to cs.
Here's a different label for the same beer, the main design is actually from a rock show poster I did last year. A local indie record label, Squids Eye Records, is releasing two new albums next month. The label's owner is a beer geek, so I'm gonna give him a few bottles with the new label glued on as a gift.


If anyone's gonna be in Dayton on August 14th, you should swing by Blind Bob's around 10PM. Yakuza Heart Attack and Astro Fang are both releaseing new CDs, and both bands are amazing live.

And, as always, critiques are welcome :D
I hope the IPA tastes as good as the label looks. Great job! What program did you use to do that?

I hate when I go to the store and buy something new because the label is cool/the name is funny (like Moose Drool) and then the beer tastes like they put about .5% of the effort that they put into the label, into the beer.

Anyways, awesome label!
Here's one for batch number two. I named it the Apathetic IPA because a lot of everything went wrong from the beginning of this brew, and I simply stopped caring. I had to go to my LBHS three times, I missed my target OG by many points and realized I forgot priming sugar well after capping all the bottles to name a few of the setbacks. I figured a half-assed "I give up" label would fit it pretty well. I used Photoshop, but Paint would have been more appropriate. I even used Comic Sans (my least favorite font of all time.) Anyhow - here is my attempt at an awful label:


Critiques are always welcome, but in this case, they will go ignored. :D
I actually like that label. It's amusing. I would probably buy something like this in the store because of a label like that. It makes it seem like the brewer doesn't care what I think of his product...which is probably where you're at right now if you messed up on the batch.
My favorite part is the "5ish % ABV" at the bottom. That defines apathetic.
"So, how much alcohol is in this?"
Shrugs. "Eh, I dunno. Some. Like, 5ish?"
My buddies' band made it to the final round of a the long running Dayton Band Playoffs, so I've decided to give them a six pack of homebrew based around one of their songs, "Rabid Beaver Attack." It's the same beer as the Apathetic IPA, which turned out much better than I had anticipated. I decided to give them some bottles to help ward off the beavers, and it's covered with references to the song's lyrics. Tell me what you think!

I just won the Best Label award at Dayton's Oktoberfest for this variation of the Forestwalk IPA. Pardon the ridiculous text, I'm a big fan of cheese.

Well done! All of your labels are great. I especially love the notes and directions on the Apathetic. And congrats on the win... I can't believe I missed Oktoberfest in my home town of Dayton!
I just put this together tonight instead of sleeping. My scanner is finally back up and running, so I had to take full advantage of it. I know it looks kinda busy and 'lopsided,' but keep in mind that when it's on a bottle you can really only see three inches or so at a time. You're pretty much only going to be seeing the junk to the left and right if you choose to turn the bottle.

Click the image for a better view.

I hope this beer turns out well, haha. :mug:
Printing this and the Christmas beer labels off at the Kink-holes tonight. This one is for my literal interpretation graff, based off The Dark Tower books. It turned out surprisingly well.

Click for printable size. Cheers!
Great labels! I especially love the xmas one. Nicely crafted assemblage always trumps digital cleanliness.
Great final look! I still love the IPA and Christmas labels the best. What label paper and printer are you using? It looks like they have a glossy look to them.
Thanks! I just print 'em off at Kinko's and use their standard issue color copy paper. I'd imagine the flash is probably giving them the glossy look.
Not at all. I use a glue stick to apply them, and they come right off with hot water. Just don't over do it. I do a strip of glue down each vertical side, then a little squiggle in the middle, and it works out great.
Thanks for the tip! I printed some out on adhesive backed paper and that was a pita to remove. Your solution makes more sense all around (that paper is pricey!). :mug:
Greencoat I wanted to say those are some seriously sick labels. I have a Graphics Design degree, mostly useless now as a minister, and about 15 years experience. Thusly I fancy myself somewhat knowledgeable about design layout and such. You have a real talent my friend! The christmas, squid, & forrestwalk are off the charts!

Greencoat I wanted to say those are some seriously sick labels. I have a Graphics Design degree, mostly useless now as a minister, and about 15 years experience. Thusly I fancy myself somewhat knowledgeable about design layout and such. You have a real talent my friend! The christmas, squid, & forrestwalk are off the charts!


Wow, thank you! I took a couple design classes in high school, and a few in college before I decided to become a rock star.

Needless to say, I'm going back to school in the winter.
I want that Forestwalker IPA hop image for my desktop background! That's friggin sweet!

What is your desktop size (pixel x pixel)?? I can throw that together real easy like!

Edit: Here is the hop background @ 1280x1024.

Wow, thank you! I took a couple design classes in high school, and a few in college before I decided to become a rock star.

Needless to say, I'm going back to school in the winter.

Rock Star huh... that's a good un, familiar but good! :)

Hope you're not going back to school for graphic design! I advise against it if you ever want to be able to take care of a family! Seriously I can't imagine the job market is much different anywhere as related to 'graphic design' positions. I was an art director for 8 years, tons of experience, fairly talented, professional, dedicated, good references, stable job history, etc. Yet finding a graphics job that pays over $10 an hour is damn near impossible right now. Sure a lot of it is the economy, but it's simply a depressed marketplace. The fact is in my area the employers are hiring all these people with 'technical institute' certificates/degrees or junior college graduates at $8-$12 an hour. They'll gladly go through 4 or 5 before finding one with enough talent to hack it in order to keep cost down. It's a lot easier than paying me what I'm worth, or other similarly qualified people. I would have made a very fine living if not for the over-saturation of the job market by lesser skilled people. Glad to have gotten out when I did! Moral of the story, do yourself a favor, become an engineer, IT guru, or go Medical! Sorry to hijack the thread, I simply enjoy offering unsolicited advice! :mug::ban::tank:

Rock Star huh... that's a good un, familiar but good! :)

Hope you're not going back to school for graphic design! I advise against it if you ever want to be able to take care of a family! Seriously I can't imagine the job market is much different anywhere as related to 'graphic design' positions. I was an art director for 8 years, tons of experience, fairly talented, professional, dedicated, good references, stable job history, etc. Yet finding a graphics job that pays over $10 an hour is damn near impossible right now. Sure a lot of it is the economy, but it's simply a depressed marketplace. The fact is in my area the employers are hiring all these people with 'technical institute' certificates/degrees or junior college graduates at $8-$12 an hour. They'll gladly go through 4 or 5 before finding one with enough talent to hack it in order to keep cost down. It's a lot easier than paying me what I'm worth, or other similarly qualified people. I would have made a very fine living if not for the over-saturation of the job market by lesser skilled people. Glad to have gotten out when I did! Moral of the story, do yourself a favor, become an engineer, IT guru, or go Medical! Sorry to hijack the thread, I simply enjoy offering unsolicited advice! :mug::ban::tank:


Hah, I'm done with graphic design besides for my own personal reasons. I'm going back for business management. Boring stuff.

I do have a new label, though. Its for a beer that doesn't exist yet, but I just wanted to make a photo manipulation of a hop plant and turn it into a creature. My first though was a hop monster, but this guy seemed to come together a lot more naturally. Keep in mind, this was thrown together fairly quickly, so there's some cleaning up to do yet. I present to you - Karate Hop!

Click for a larger size. Critiques welcome, of course :)
Sometimes I get way too enthusiastic and design labels before I have any beer to coincide with them. This is the case for Dayton Water Imperial Stout. Whenever I do get around to making it, I'm gonna go for 9.37% ABV (our area code here is 937.)

Yes, the texture is a dirty sock after a hard day's work.

(As if it's not painfully evident in my labels, the only thing I like more than boobies is a 'rising sun' design.)
nice labels boys. one trick that i picked up was to prink them in high resolution on regualr paper. then its as simple as putting stick glue on the paper and putting them on the bottles. hold on very nicely. when time to get the label off just put in water and the labels float off and no scrubbing required. Ive been getting lazy lately and just kegging all my brews. i need to start bottleing some!!
This is a label I just whipped up for BierMuncher's Black Pearl Porter. The sample I took while bottling was delicious, I can't wait to try the final product!


n00b question for ya: What filter/effect did you use on the background of this label (the kinda wrinkly paper look). I've been looking for a decent filter like this and I haven't been able to come up with it.
n00b question for ya: What filter/effect did you use on the background of this label (the kinda wrinkly paper look). I've been looking for a decent filter like this and I haven't been able to come up with it.

I scanned a piece of printer paper I crumbled up a bit, then changed the color to fit my needs in Photoshop. I try to use pre-made filters as little as possible and just go for the gold!
I scanned a piece of printer paper I crumbled up a bit, then changed the color to fit my needs in Photoshop. I try to use pre-made filters as little as possible and just go for the gold!

I'm enjoying the new labels. The Black Pearl has a nice cartoonish feel.

When using pshop filters it's best to apply them to a scanned/original texture of some kind or to combine them for effect. When I designed wallcovering it was always fun to stick my head in the boss' office and say, 'I'm headed to the hardware store I need a new texture'. I've sponged, spackled, scraped, scratched, and painted as many textures as pshop has.

And another! I'm brewing up my Delicious Awesome in a couple days and figured a label was in order. It's been a while since I've done anything in black and white, so I figured I'd go that route - and it's a ton cheaper to print, too!

My favorite part of making rock posters back in the day was the stark contrast between the blacks and whites - I love the strain it puts on your eyes. It's almost like a distorted guitar for your vision. I decided to exploit that feeling to an extreme with this label.

As I said, it isn't being brewed until Thursday, so unless everything goes perfectly as planned, I'll have to change the ABV% upon completion.

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