Keg questions -begginning keg

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
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so Im a new brewer who bought a keg recently and have some questions first can I age my beer in a keg for example when I get a recipe on BeerSmith and it says age 30 days when fermentation is should I put the beer in keg after fermentation and let it sit at the temperature and should co2 be attached?

Other question I was reading there was a couple ways to keg a beer you can add co2 for two weeks at whatever reccomended psi for your volume of co2 is this correct ?

I understand there is a thing called force carbonation from palmars book in which the 30 psi is added to a keg overnight what do I do after how do get to the reccomended psi for my style of beer do I do it after the overnight at 30 psi?

Very confused please help
yes you can age in the keg with co2 on. I age with co2 at serving temp, but you could do it warm. co2 dissolves better in cold beer than warm. you can also force carb but i prefer 3 weeks at serving pressure. i think it gives better carbonation, but that is just my opinion.
Hey guys I have a separate question regarding leaking keg faucets. I just built my keezer this winter and have been going fine. I have the carb situation getting under control-ish but I put a computer fan in the keezer yesterday. I poured a few pints and came back put to the garage and had beer spilt on the floor. The taps were closed completely and were not left open. Is it a temp differential causing pressure to push out fluid, leaky seal?
You can keg before the end of fermentation but the reason to keg after terminal gravity is so you can control the amount of CO2 that is dissolved into your beer. If you keg prior to terminal, the yeast are still producing CO2 and the amount would be based on current gravity at the time you seal it in the keg and what you believe terminal gravity will be and then guess based on that. It is much easier to wait until fermentation has ceased. This means you can lager in keg without a problem. You can even combine lagering with carbonation or just go straight to the carbonation phase.

There are two ways to carbonate, conditioning, which is adding a specific amount of sugar into your fully fermented beer. Sealing up the keg and letting it sit in a warm space for 10 to 14 days. The remaining yeast will convert the sugar to CO2 and alcohol both of which will dissolve into the beer. Head space is a factor with this method so keep that in mind.

The other is forced carbonation where your beer is carbonated the same way as seltzer water. Place the beer under a specific pressure of CO2 from an outside source. That pressure is based on the beer's temperature and the volume of CO2 desired using the carbonation chart. Over time the gas dissolves into the beer. The time this takes depends on how the CO2 is introduced to the liquid. If you are just attaching a line to the gas in on a corney keg it can take weeks to dissolve the desired volume of CO2. This is because the gas and beer can only interact at the surface. This is why people shake their kegs in an attempt to increase the surface area and gas/liquid interaction. This has never produced the desired level of carbonation for me. I have a suspicion that a lot of gas is being wasted in generating foam instead of actually entering into solution, which is the ultimate goal. The most reliable way, I have found, is by using a 0.5 micron carbonation stone and a head pressure gauge. I've covered the process elsewhere on this forum but I get to my target volume in about 24 hours at 34ºF.

Serving your beer from keg is the same no matter which way you choose to carbonate. Your service pressure is based on the same temperature and pressure chart you would used to force carbonate. Find the volume of CO2 you choose for your beer. Check that against the temperature of your beer and then see what pressure the chart states. Take that pressure and run it through one of the beer line calculators you can find online. Then cut the line to that length. Assuming your measurements were correct and your lines are kept at the same temperature as the keg, you should get great pours of your beer from first to last.
All good advise, well done.
The only thing I'd add to that is: don't use just any random beer line length calculator because virtually 99% of them will cause aggravation because they get a fundamental tubing performance metric totally wrong.

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[...]I put a computer fan in the keezer yesterday. I poured a few pints and came back put to the garage and had beer spilt on the floor. The taps were closed completely and were not left open. Is it a temp differential causing pressure to push out fluid, leaky seal?

Raising the temperature of carbonated beer will indeed raise the static pressure on the faucets (look at any carbonation table and see what happens if you raise the temperature 20 degrees, for instance). That said it would take a major control failure for that to happen, and I doubt adding a fan to prevent temperature stratification would make matters worse.

What type of faucets are you running? There have been a few faucets on the market over the last 10-15 years that were a bit hairy-edged wrt holding tight (Perlick 525 was notorious for that)...


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