In Line For Pliny the Younger!!

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WTF people? Something is wrong with taking the day off work to drink beer???
Let us know if it was worth it and how long the wait was please.

1. Doubt it. It's just beer.

2. About (how long he was there) - (3 minutes) too long. This is the scientifically determined length of time one should spend obtaining commercial beer. Home brewers can adjust this by multiples of 1,000.
I've scoured the internet, phoned friends and stopped at every beer store along my way to find a beer, but floc standing in line like that.
My buddy was in line at RR for 4 hours. If you have the time and you're there then do it!
Last year walked into a pub in Philly that announced Pliney would be tapped later that day. Strolled in unimpeded, ordered a pliney, barmaid said it was the absolute last one. It tasted like a strong Imperial IPA. I felt so smug having NOT invested inordinate amount of time to drink it. But I will say also, it was pretty damn tasty! ;)
Not sure what all the hating is about - when I was a kid we would line up for a chance to get concert tickets. Made some good friends and definitely had a good time in those lines, but I guess we were being stupid since we could have listened to the band on CD (back then) instead of waiting for hours for a chance to see them in concert. Maybe we could have formed our own band... Who knows...

Standing in line for beers brewed on a limited scale, available for a limited time with a hundred other likeminded people? Been there and had quite a bit of fun! I've also walked into a bar that happened to have a keg of PTY and ordered it without a wait - for me, wasn't the same.

Sometimes it's the journey I guess....

To the OP - I've stood in that line outside RR and met some great folks, I hope you did too and that this years batch was everything you hoped for. Hell, even it it sucked you had fun, right? And that's what counts!
Last year walked into a pub in Philly that announced Pliney would be tapped later that day. Strolled in unimpeded, ordered a pliney, barmaid said it was the absolute last one. It tasted like a strong Imperial IPA. I felt so smug having NOT invested inordinate amount of time to drink it. But I will say also, it was pretty damn tasty! ;)

WissahickonBrew for the WIN! :tank:
No problem with the action here. Each individual is free (or is intended to be by God and nature) to pursue their own happiness via whatever means they desire so long as the person doesn't harm the person or property of another. Good for the OP. I wouldn't do it, doesn't make it wrong though!
lol. I bet that was not the reaction the OP was expecting.
My friends were there last Friday. Fortunately for me, I was not able to take off work and didn't have to wait 9hrs in the rain with them on the first day. If they allowed drinking in line, then maybe it wouldn't so bad.
i've waited outside of three floyds to grab a few cases of zombie dust before, never longer than a half hr or so, but hey, it was worth it to me. :rockin:
lol. I bet that was not the reaction the OP was expecting.
My friends were there last Friday. Fortunately for me, I was not able to take off work and didn't have to wait 9hrs in the rain with them on the first day. If they allowed drinking in line, then maybe it wouldn't so bad.
No drinking in line? F that. I'm out :)

That's the only thing that made the 3-4 hour line for Dark Lord worth it. Great people and great beer.

Despite that, it will be a long time before I do that again.
Heck, I'd do it! Once, for the fun of it. Some of the most fun I've had at beer events has been waiting in line. Of course, the 'no beer on the sidewalk' rule might be a spoiler for me, though!

I've met other homebrewers, brewery owners, Bob Feller, and the San Diego chicken standing in line. Sometimes I've met people I know since my memory is so bad. :drunk:

I was in line at a beer festival with Pappers (who wandered away) and bumped into Omar Ansari (owner of Surly Brewing company) and Zamial (from this forum) and a guy who rode a bus to Dogfish Head Brewery and sat with me in Delaware- all in Madison Wisconsin at a beer festival! it was great fun.

Seriously, I was standing in a beer line a number of years ago, and started chatting with an older guy standing next to me. He looked vaguely familiar, and turned out he was Bob Feller who a guy introduced me to in 1982. He actually sort of remembered me as the mutual friend (my boyfriend at the time) was also a MLB pitcher. Anyway- isn't that cool? Standing in a beer line with Bob Feller chatting about the game and the beer.
I get it, its a big socialite thing where everyone can be all +1 cause they've had it and "experienced" it. I'd rather be in some dark hollow, 1000 miles away from any of that nonsense. I'm sure everyone in line was twirling their curly mustaches and crying on flakebook about the budweiser super bowl commercial too. Just because someone drinks/pursues (good) beer, does not make them some kind of automatic friend to me. I've ran into some pure bred a$$holes at beer festivals, and craft beer bars. I realize I sound like a dick (no coincidence), but these lineup events are everywhere now. Do the people in line realize they are just buying into hype and cheesy marketing for an overpriced glass of beer? Do what you want with your free time, people should, by all means, do as they please. I just find it hard not to chime in on this topic because I feel like the pretentious, elitist B.S. has surrounded the so called "craft beer" industry these days. Proverbial "'chasing the dragon"...and the dealers are the only ones who stand to benefit...

At the same time, I hope OP got one and it was the best beer ever.
This thread turned into something very different than one guy asking if anyone else is in line for Pliny the Younger...
This thread turned into something very different than one guy asking if anyone else is in line for Pliny the Younger...

Everyone's a critic.

I'm comfortable enough in my own skin that I don't have to talk down to others for doing something they enjoy... little bit of that Golden Rule stuff people seem to forget about once they leave kindygarten.
Was that supposed to be ironic?

Did it seem ironic... me being ashamed of people who have to rain all over someone else's parade for no good reason, other than to mount up on some high horse, looking down on the lowly peasants who would dare to do something they might enjoy?

If you think that's ironic then, that's just like... your opinion man.
WOW! What a day! Don't hate us, cause you anus! (Interview reference)

Friend swung by house at 7AM and we were in Santa Rosa a little after 8AM. We parked the truck the cruised over. I guessed the line was a little more than 100 people when we got there. My buddy went to the front and asked how long the 1st in liners had been there = since 2AM! He did a prelim count on the way back and came up with 109. Turns out he was pretty accurate given invariably some peeps out getting coffee / taking the Browns to the Superbowl, etc..

We took turns wandering and holding down the fort in line. By 9AM, the line had extend behind us all the way to the intersection and around the corner. By the time it started moving at 11AM I would guess another 200-300 people were behind us in line!


As the line started moving, I was able to see some of the signs for the "rules" of the Younger line:


Even closer:


By the time we got to the pavilion / shade thing it was clear we would be RIGHT on the cusp. The importance of that is if you don't make the first 135, you have to wait for people to leave to get seated. They have 3 hours to burn, so it can be a LONG wait!


We got our wrist bands and were offered THE LAST TABLE still open.


Directly next to the line outside. I was ready to say, "Let's do this!" but my friend asked, "Any chance we could share a table inside with someone?" The hostess came back and said they had found someone who would be willing to share. Woot!

Made the introductions and realized just how small the world really is! One of the guys was the best friend of the husband of one of my coworkers! The other was a diehard Seahawks fan. The conversation went something like this, "I Like Beer. HEY, I like beer too! I know someone you know! I like the Seahawks as well! Let's be best friends!" :mug:

Sat down and fired off Tab 1 of 3 tabs on the wrist band for my first pint of the Younger. I wanted a clean pallet given the effort and time. Server came out with our first pints:


Clinked glasses, and took the first sip. The reaction?



DAMN!!! Like the Elder but without a definite more kick at 10%. It had a nice mouth feel and body. The hops were actually not as hoppy as I expected but still a nice strong bitter and aromatic. It was pretty awesome for sure! Not a person reading this wouldn't have enjoyed it, even if you're not a hop head.

It actually didn't take long before I tore off my 3rd tab and downed what I thought would be my last quaff of the nectar. It was time to see what other offerings were on the board. Other than the Younger, I was most excited about the sours!


Which lead to:


Actually we did the full flight twice. What better way to wash down the 42 sampler? A pint of The Elder. Yummmm! Ordered a pizza, as you can tell by the picture I was feelin' it if you know what I mean!


Went to take a piss and snapped a shot of the packedness!


Just when I thought we were slowing down, a dude popped over and randomly offered me one of his tabs! WOOT!


I split it up amongst the table and we all put down our last taste of the Younger. Was a great way to end the RR :) Spent a few duckets getting 2 growlers of the Elder, a shirt, and a 6 pack of Concentration and Supplication. So frickin' good! I honestly like Concentration better the the Elder to be truthful!


Went to the truck and dropped off the loot and decided neither of us was in any condition to drive. Decided to watch a movie to sober up. Bought tickets and had a few minutes to burn, so stopped by Aleworks and had another beer :ban:

Watched / slept through the movie, still wasn't sober, so hit Aleworks again. Man for a Tuesday this place was hopping!


Finally with something in our stomachs other than beer, it was time to head out. It was only 10 PM, lol! Got home at 11:45 PM, crashed, had to wake up much too soon for work, worked all day today, and now am at home reflecting on the awesome times! Can't wait till next year! was worth it :)
Awesome man, sounds like fun! I don't like doing things like that very often, but I think that would be really fun to do once. I would be one of those there at 2 AM :p
WOW! What a day! Don't hate us, cause you anus! (Interview reference)

Can't wait till next year! was worth it :)


I have to drive up from L.A. to visit this little gem of a pizza place, but yeah, let me know you plans for 2016 and I will be there to celebrate this event that has zero marketing and is put on by a true brewer who lives his craft and loves the people who are willing to stand in line to experience it!

I might have a mustache, but am far from a hipster here. Just really enjoy the company of folks who value the finer things. Those who don't wanna stand in line can stay home - more for us!

So glad you had a great time!
I get it, its a big socialite thing where everyone can be all +1 cause they've had it and "experienced" it. I'd rather be in some dark hollow, 1000 miles away from any of that nonsense. I'm sure everyone in line was twirling their curly mustaches and crying on flakebook about the budweiser super bowl commercial too. Just because someone drinks/pursues (good) beer, does not make them some kind of automatic friend to me. I've ran into some pure bred a$$holes at beer festivals, and craft beer bars. I realize I sound like a dick (no coincidence), but these lineup events are everywhere now. Do the people in line realize they are just buying into hype and cheesy marketing for an overpriced glass of beer? Do what you want with your free time, people should, by all means, do as they please. I just find it hard not to chime in on this topic because I feel like the pretentious, elitist B.S. has surrounded the so called "craft beer" industry these days. Proverbial "'chasing the dragon"...and the dealers are the only ones who stand to benefit...

At the same time, I hope OP got one and it was the best beer ever. sound like a garage dweller

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