In all hobesty( plz nobovy get mad)

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May 28, 2013
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In all honesty I am a 16 year old kid. Ever since I was in 4th grade I've been interested in making moonshine/beer. It's all due to my older bother doing a school report on popcorn sutton, a very well know moonshiner, and ever since then I've wanted to brew. and now it's summer time and I don't have to worry about school I have read multiple books on homebrewing and I have read so much I can do it, I know how everything works,the only question is should I? I IN ALL HONESTY have no intentions at all of drinking the beer it is purely to make profit off of it to friends and my friends connections. I see it as selling I to the kids who drink at my age. Again I am not drinking it I repeat I am not drinking it! It's purely for profit. For taste testing I'll have my close friend do that, again he's someone who drinks I am not one of those people, I just want others opinion on if I should. I already know I can it's just should I is the question. I've always been fascinated by homebrewing and I look up to you guys a lot! I caint wait to go to college and make and sell there I mean who can say they know how to make beer at this age! I think it's pretty cool and hopefully if I do go through with this I get good over the years! Plz respond!!!
WHAT?! Kid, go do your homework and come back when you're old enough.
#1 It is illegal to sell homebrew
#2 I think it is illegal to homebrew underage
#3 Be a kid while you still can...
Not only is it illegal for you at your age its illegal for ANYONE at any age to sell homebrew. As everyone else has said come back when you're old enough. Besides at your age there's more important things you need to be worrying about, like a drivers license.
Dude, leaving aside the legalities of selling beer without a license and providing alcohol to minors (both are illegal by the way), you will not make any money. Seriously.

Between the equipment you'll need to acquire and the ingredients you'll need to buy, you'll lose money.

It'll be cheaper and easier for your boozer buddies to have someone score them a cheap-ass sixer or 12 pack from a store.

You need another get rich quick scheme, because this business plan sucks!
Ok I have to interject a little here..
3 Really I have to give props for saying up front your under age KNOWING your going to get flamed
It is not illegal to buy the stuff to make beer at home under age. although its going to be a judgment call on your LHBS owner. I do have one young customer (16 to be exact when he started) come into the store "WITH HIS MOM" and ask if we would sell home brewing supplies to him. He was a straight A student and interested in the math and science involved in brewing and his mom was OK with him doing it. So how do your parents feel about you brewing beer? FORGET ABOUT SELLING you will be in jail before you know it!

The best thing for you to do is go chase some girls at school and focus on grades, there are MUCH better ways for you to make a little extra cash! Your neighbors lawn needs mowing I am sure and would be HAPPY AS HELL to pay you $5 to do it!


Kiddo, if I found out you lived in my area I would pay you and your parents a visit as an LEO to explain your errors in detail. Be a kid, study the science, chase girls, read some more, and stay clean. Any selling, possessing, giving, consumption by you is against the law and you will not find support here. And the personal consequences are not worth it. In PA any of those carries a mandatory license suspension that would start the day you get issued your license. Each act carries a one year suspension PER VIOLATION. Quick way to not see your license until you're 35. Trust me, I know of a guy who won't see his license 'til he's 43. Hard to even get hired without transport. No money, no fun.

And.... in before the lock.
When I was 16 I found an awesome recipe for homemade soap. I made a ton of money selling it to people in my hometown. That's legal, right?
When I was 14 I manufactured bullets for the local gun club. I made a ton of cash! It was totally legal and a great income for a 14 year old kid! Find another way. I love the entrepreneurial spirit I really do but there is a MUCH better way! STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER AND HBT AND GO WASH A FEW CARS!!!

I almost died laughing. Go mow some yards. Seriously though... I bet the $ per invested hour is far greater doing yard work.


Get out from under the bridge TROLLOLOLO
20 views and 19 responses. Hahahaha. Don't feed the trolls! Ah he11... I just fed it a scrap too.
This raises an interesting question in my mind (as someone who was banned for a year or so from this forum for taking the underage route)...

Many states allow minors to consume alcohol if provided by their parents. Lets take Wisconsin for example.

Wisconsin brewing laws only mention age in regards to the total volume of beer produced (the old 100-200 gallon thing). It makes no mention of minimum age to brew beer.

There are obviously some serious legal issues with what the OP proposes to do (selling and distillation), but the reaction of some to say that, "Ehrmergerd! You're under 21! It's illegal for you to brew beer!" isn't necessarily true.
Though I feel this is a troll I want to reply in the off chance it is real.

In a country that is rife with litigation imagine the liability you are willing to assume by knowingly manufacturing, and providing minors with alcohol.

If one of those teens were to get alcohol poising or god forbid die or kill someone else in a wreck, you have become criminally involved in that and can do far more time than just the threats of losing your license. You and your family also become civilly liable and would no doubt lose your home and any money you may have and ever will have.

I cannot see where the risk outweighs the reward in this instance. Go deliver pizza or work at a restaurant. Learn what it feels like to earn your money legally. Adulthood will be here soon enough and you'll wish you could be young again.

Damn trolls get me every time...
To hell with all the haters!!!!!!!!!!!! DOOOoooo IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry couldn't resist. Trolling is kind of fun. How is this not locked blocked and poster banned yet? :D
To hell with all the haters!!!!!!!!!!!! DOOOoooo IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry couldn't resist. Trolling is kind of fun. How is this not locked blocked and poster banned yet? :D

Because despite me pointing out that I post late and could help I wasn't approved for a moderator membership... :(
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