I need your opinion guys (microbrewery ideas)

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...I have been in love with Anodyne from the beginning and am going to try my best to make t work. I am going to quickly explain to people the definition of it and hope they relate my beer to something that can take away their stress or pain...

I can see what you mean.

I've seen this trend in advertising lately so why not use it yourself? Just place this somewhere on the label:

an·o·dyne (phonetic spelling here) adj. 1. Capable of soothing or eliminating pain. 2. Relaxing. n. 1. A medicine that relieves pain. 2. A source of soothing comfort.

Unfortunately, when used as an adjective it also means bland, dull, boring, insipid, unexciting, uninspiring, uninteresting...:eek:
i like anodyne too. i bet you no one agreed with sam calagione that 'dogfish head' was a good name for a brewery, but look where they are now. labels are OK, but could probably work better with the brewery name, they just seem disconnected to me.
Dude, I don't agree with those who don't like the name Anodyne. I'm a big fan of Uncle Tupelo (saw them once in Chapel Hill), Sun Volt and now Wilco. When I read the name Anodyne the song is the first thing I thought of. I didn't look at your labels.

Stick with what you want. After all it is your dream.
an·o·dyne (phonetic spelling here) adj. 1. Capable of soothing or eliminating pain. 2. Relaxing. n. 1. A medicine that relieves pain. 2. A source of soothing comfort.
Interesting idea, but I'm pretty sure the state licencing board or the FDA will slap this down. They look like Indications for Use, for which you need FDA clearance.
I'm pretty sure the state licencing board or the FDA will slap this down.

Could still play on a similar idea.

an·o·dyne adj. 1. Pure liquid enjoyment. 2. Brews for your brain.

fwiw: I like Anodyne. Anodyne to me is a little fresher and more unique.

And, why not play off the medicinal connotations by making all your beers mental health related:

Frontal Lobe Lobotomy IPA, Amnesia Imperial Sout, Mnemonic Porter, Mind Eraser, Blunt Force Trauma, Brain Damage, Psyc Ward, Coo Coo Bin...

Love the stock illustrations for the labels but you'll want to hire an illustrator (not just a graphic designer) to give you something unique. Maybe a juxtaposition between the style your leaning toward and old time snake oil bottles?

Not your style but Coney Island had a nice solid line that all plays within a similar theme... http://www.coneyislandlager.com/CONEY/index.html

Dude, you just named my next high gravity batch. That's incredible!:rockin:

Csutton, I think most guys that gravitate toward the craft brew section in the beer aisle are very receptive to and intrigued by something different. For example, I am one that will buy a six pack of something just because I've never heard of it, and I would venture to say that most on this forum operate similarly.

While wedgehead has the current trendy "edginess" to it, I think that it gets lost in the mix for that very reason (unless the beer itself is really that unique and incredulicious:cross:). I didn't like anodyne at first, but think you might take a variation on the "dictionary" bit and try to make it your own. Just pick your theme, and stick to your guns.

One of my favorite marketing lines is Stone. "You are not worthy of our beer." It's hilarious, and it works. I actually am not that big a fan of their beer (not a hophead, and really am not worthy of it), but you have to give it up for their spin. They have a niche, and they work it.

Disclaimer: I have very little business knowledge. Just hoping the best for you, and look forward to seeing your beer on tap. Good luck.:mug:
IMO, Stone and Dogfish Head are way stupid names and they seem to do OK. But then Ommegang somehow sounds cool...to me. Look at some band names over the years; The Who...really? Red Hot Chili Peppers...seriously?

A beer by any other name, would taste just as sweet.
Benjaromeo Franklin
For the record.. I think there is still plenty of room in Tampa (especially New Tampa area) for more breweries/brewpubs etc. Currently your major players in the area are CCB and St. Somewhere (Tarpon Springs) and I believe Dunedin Brewing Co. is off and running strong too.. but you could definitely find your niche.. good luck!
If you have to think about the name and explain it, then it only detracts from your beer and business. KISS rules.

Service and product are what counts for a long term success, marketing and image will take you so far until the next guy comes along with an even cuter name and gimmick.

Been there and done all this. My high quality service oriented business was a resounding success. My other cuter venture fell on deaf ears, coincidentally not far from where you may or may not be opening. Ultimately it's not what you think is great, it's what they think is great.

business 101 rant has ended!

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