I have reached the epitome of beer snobbery

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It's all so subjective to taste right? So yeah, brew and drink what you like. Personally I've gone through 10+ batches now and only a few have been "very good" a few non drinkable and the rest just okay in my opinion.
I've learned I do not like honey weiss or lemon coriander weiss, bleh, but I'm sure there are many who love that.
I have a cherry stout on tap now that I'm really enjoying. Pale ale and amber ale in the fermeneter.
Drink what you got, brew what you like, love what you drink, it all good.
AND no one answered my question so I guess the answer is no... I'm the only one
I'm not saying my beer is or ever was better than anyone's but FWIW...when I stopped brewing beer I stopped drinking beer. Now that I brew again I average 2-3 per night. Maybe I just don't like buying beer because I almost never do.
I cant buy beer and enjoy it anymore.Don't get me wrong there are some great beers out there.But I think there is no style that I cant make better than retail.Am I the only one?I realize I'm coming across as a pretentious ass,but I'm serious.Any other Elitest beer snobs out there?

The call it 'cellar blindness'. Enjoy it.
I'm not back peddling dude.Thats what I originally meant and apparently it got misconstrued.And it's not foolish.believe it or not I am a humble person,but brewing to my tastes is why I got into brewing in the first place.And I have accomplished that.Of course there are some beers out there that I don't try to make and I'm sure my first few tries wouldn't compare.Also not everyone on here is a argumentative d!ck.Some of these replies were just peoples honest opinions minus the rudeness.I have drank many different kinds of many different styles before I started brewing, and I have my favorites.NOW my favorites of those same styles are the ones I make at home.I'm open to new beers that I haven't tried before.I think it's funny how I didn't personally attack anyone on here and I have people calling me a ****** bag.Well if you don't like it scr3w you buddy.I was just making an honest statement.To any mods reading I am sorry.I'm not trying to start a fight nor am I usually this rude.
sorry that was directed at west.there was a few posts inbetween there while I was typing:)
I think that if the shoe fits then...don't act like a ********* and people won't think that you are one. A lot of people gave a lot of honest responses. That said, I think that the original post stated a very vague and yet very specific statement.

I cant buy beer and enjoy it anymore.Don't get me wrong there are some great beers out there.But I think there is no style that I cant make better than retail.Am I the only one?I realize I'm coming across as a pretentious ass,but I'm serious.Any other Elitest beer snobs out there?

To me the above original post says that you can brew anything better than the commercial breweries. It doesn't really express what you are trying to say, that you brew the styles of beer that you enjoy more to your taste than most commercial examples. There is also mention of "coming across as a pretentious ass" which most of us agree with.

That said, continue your ranting now.
Some of my beers match commercial products (IMO) while others don't. It really is a great feeling when you pour a pint of homebrew and can honestly say "that's about as good as it gets!"

+1 Some of my best beer drinking moment's have come comparing a homebrew vs. a commercial beer that I've enjoyed.
Maybe some of you guys should cut Joos a little slack - especially now that he's clarified his position. Who cares if he thinks he brews the styles he likes better than any commercial example? It would be great if we could all say that, regardless of what anybody else thinks. I and the guys I brew with have the same goal - brew beer that we like, and when it turns out great, then awesome.
Well, I want this to be clear for me from now on.

I'll soon begin to brew my own brew. My intentions were not to brew the best beer in the world, but rather to learn about the whole process so I can admire more the brewers who crafts my favorite beers and to gain some experience with it. To understand it better.

However, I still intend to do good beers. I know my first ones will probably sucks, but if my beers are always crap, maybe I'll get tired of it. Furthermore, I have my pride and a certain reputation among my friends of being a beer freaks on who they can rely on to discover some new quality beers. So I don't want to serve them something who tastes like... a cat's litter box. I'm not saying I want to brew the best in the world, but I would want to brew some decent beers.

So, what quality can I get from brewing my beers? I understand I can't match the better beers of all style (i.e. Rochefort 10 for belgian ale), but can I have somewhat of a decent beers comparable to many microbreweries? Will it be better than what macros (Bud, Bud Light) do? I must admit I'm not very fond of these beers... So if my beers have the same quality as a Bud Light, I'm better stopping right now the process and spend my money away.

So let's say, on a range going from 1 to 100 (100 being the best brews of a style and 1 being the poorest), around which numbers can I reasonably hope to be?

(Oh, and I know that, even if I start doing some very good beer myself, I'll still continue to try new beers -- there are just too much to drink!)
What's wrong with a guy who is confident in his brewing abilities? No problems with the OP's post here.

I like Imperial IPA's. Pliny, Ruination & Rouge I2PA are my favorites. What I brew is in my mind the equal of those. Why?, maybe because I made them, they are much cheaper and they don't suffer from transportation & mishandling problems so I have an advantage.

Can I brew every style and be great - I would not even try. I really am at this point thrilled to be making great IIPA's.
I agree with samc. That's the OP's opinion. I brewed a PG Texas Brown Ale for years that I would put against any. Never placed in competition. I made 1 batch of mead and it took 2nd at the same competition. I tried some of the winning browns at 2 different competitions and I didn't care for them. I do buy beer to try the new micros out there. And one thing I've learned, I won't drink another Wit or Hefe (and several others) at gun point. BMC wins medals at competitions all the time, as do the majority of Sam Adams. I don't like the majority of them either. Do I think my beers are better than them, yes. I'm not a beer judge, and while I respect their opinions, I don't always agree. This board is a great source of info and I love the good natured banter but attacking someone or calling them a ********* because you don't agree with them is ridiculous. Ya'll need to check yourselves. - Dwain
So let's say, on a range going from 1 to 100 (100 being the best brews of a style and 1 being the poorest), around which numbers can I reasonably hope to be?

You can expect to be.....somewhere between 1 and 100.

My point is that you will have some good brews and some bad ones. Even after many years of brewing you can expect some to turn out better than others. Some will blow your mind and others you may be tempted to pour down the drain (don't do it BTW). You'll eventually perfect certain recipes and techniques but you should never expect to be an all around perfect brewer. A big part of brewing is learning and experimenting. A "perfect" brewer no longer has a need for these things and that would just make homebrewing lame and pointless.
My most recent tripel is just fantastic IMO but it got crushed with a 31 when I entered it in a competition. Although to be fair, it's not exactly to style but it's exactly what I was going for.
I love that sig. I read the link and it's great. I always thought bag toss was bag toss and cornhole was..... well, you know - Dwain
I'll give him some slack, but there is a difference between saying I like the beer I brew because I can make it to my taste and saying I brew better beer than commercial and won't buy commercial beer anymore.
I agree with samc. That's the OP's opinion. I brewed a PG Texas Brown Ale for years that I would put against any. Never placed in competition. I made 1 batch of mead and it took 2nd at the same competition. I tried some of the winning browns at 2 different competitions and I didn't care for them. I do buy beer to try the new micros out there. And one thing I've learned, I won't drink another Wit or Hefe (and several others) at gun point. BMC wins medals at competitions all the time, as do the majority of Sam Adams. I don't like the majority of them either. Do I think my beers are better than them, yes. I'm not a beer judge, and while I respect their opinions, I don't always agree. This board is a great source of info and I love the good natured banter but attacking someone or calling them a ********* because you don't agree with them is ridiculous. Ya'll need to check yourselves. - Dwain

One person used the word *********, not everyone. Why would everyone else need to "check ourselves" for disagreeing?
If you can make any style better than any commercial brewery then you should have no problem finding investors to start your own brewery. I expect you to be a millionaire inside of a year if you are the king of every single style of beer. Not only do a not believe you can make better than commercial offerings of every style, I don't believe you can make the best of any one style. This is certainly an attainable goal I think people here would have done, but I'd like to think that skilled a brewer would be humble enough as not to proclaim themselves the king of every style of beer so much so that drinking any other is beneath them.
[IOne person used the word *********, not everyone. Why would everyone else need to "check ourselves" for disagreeing?][/I]

attacking someone or calling them a ********* because you don't agree with them is ridiculous.

What I said was if you attack someone or call them names because you don't agree with them, you need to check yourself and I stand by that statement.
i believe the name calling was in verb form as "*****ing it up"

the OP's first post came off very arrogant and I don't think he intended it to be but whatever.
thats the problem with online forums.it is very easy to misunderstand someones intent.Reading my original post now it does seem like I meant to be very arrogant.But I didn't.So thank you for the support,and those of you still trying to tell me what my intentions were go find something better to do.
thats the problem with online forums.it is very easy to misunderstand someones intent.Reading my original post now it does seem like I meant to be very arrogant.But I didn't.So thank you for the support,and those of you still trying to tell me what my intentions were go find something better to do.

It's all good. We all understand by now (or should anyway) what you were trying to say. You love your homebrew and prefer it over commercial beer, and that's great. You made an outrageous claim (unintentionally apparently) and got nailed for it, which is how it works here. You clarified your statement so now it's time to move on. You've been punished enough. :D

Cheers! :mug:
Joos, no need to apologize...

If no one else agrees, likes what you have to say, etc, who cares?

thats the problem with online forums.it is very easy to misunderstand someones intent.Reading my original post now it does seem like I meant to be very arrogant.But I didn't.So thank you for the support,and those of you still trying to tell me what my intentions were go find something better to do.
Yeah, I love my homebrew, but by no means am I anywhere near brewing to the quality of my fav beers. Maybe some day..but as of right now I still love going to my local bottle shop and shooting the **** about beers that I didnt brew. For example if you have never had Lost Abbeys Serpents Stout you are doing your self a grave injustice.
I've been homebrewing for a while now (a year and a half), and I must say that my attitude toward commercial beer has dramatically altered. Brews that I thought were awesome, and helped lead me to homebrewing, I now find bland and boring. On the other hand, beers that I had long ago rejected, like our standard mega-brew lagers, I now appreciate a little: they are cheap and fun to drink every now and then.

Home-brewing has lead me to research the great beers of the world, and I have been working hard at trying them. Some are so amazingly good, they make my head ass-plode. But when it comes right down to it, there is nothing that would make me give up my own brew. And sometimes I find that the most renowned brews don't quite measure up to what I really want. This is true even of fine restaurant food: sometimes even the most impressive meal just inspires you to go home and make it your own way.
I like the distinctive flavor of many of my homebrews. But I seriously doubt they would compete in contests or the marketplace. I recently tasted Sierra Nevada WCPA on tap for the first time recently. It was a humbling experience. The article about Sierra Nevada's expertise in the latest issue of "Zymurgy" is also enlightening. They go so far as to crush their grains in a nitrogen atmosphere to prevent oxidation in the process. That's brewing strong.
Better, best, etc are useless terms. So you brew beer YOU like better than commercial brews of the same style. Taste is subjective. Plus, if a commercial brewery makes something then you can't make it better cause it wouldnt be the same brew. Okay I make a Fat Tire Clone it taste different but I like it better than Fat Tire...I didnt make Fat Tire. If it tastes different then there is no comparisons.

Why not say, I brew beer I like better than the commercial brews I have tasted in the same style.
Wow... I don't understand the hate on the OP. Taste is subjective. If he thinks he makes a better IPA than any commercial brew out there, then HE DOES! He is the one drinking it.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if many homebrewers like their own brew better than commercial. Maybe some of you just haven't made beer that you like very much. Refining a recipe takes a lot of time, but don't hate on the OP just because he took that time and now makes a killer brew.

Is he a ********* because he likes his beer best or because he had the audacity to say so?
My philosophy is that there is a very fine line between arrogance and self-respect.

The OP has straddled that line and has become the subject of a debate on which side of the line he's more firmly on. Personally, I was raised to present myself confidently, but humbly. I wouldn't have ever expressed myself as he did; if you do you, pretty much, open the door to criticism. That being said, if the OP has a thick skin and can handle the critiques, so be it.

My two bits.

BTW: Freeman - great handle! Ah, Half-Life. When is HL2:E3 gonna come out?
My philosophy is that there is a very fine line between arrogance and self-respect.

The OP has straddled that line and has become the subject of a debate on which side of the line he's more firmly on. Personally, I was raised to present myself confidently, but humbly. I wouldn't have ever expressed myself as he did; if you do you, pretty much, open the door to criticism. That being said, if the OP has a thick skin and can handle the critiques, so be it.

My two bits.

BTW: Freeman - great handle! Ah, Half-Life. When is HL2:E3 gonna come out?

Though I agree, there should be some impartial, objective judging to be had when it comes to the man's brew.(Has it won awards?)

However, I certainly can't hate on the guy just because he perceives his own product to tower over all others. Remember, perception is everything, and I'll leave the rest to the haters.
None of us have the right to tell him he doesn't make beer better than what he buys. Be open minded...maybe he's better than most of us. But i know we all think we are pretty damn good. Papazian, the God himself says that the best homebrew, is by far the best beer in the world. Its in his "The Joy of Homebrewing"
I'd just be surprised if he could make rodenbach grand cru better than rodenbach.

So style has a lot to do with it.

Example- maybe the op likes blonde ale. I'd take a fresh, well made homebrew blonde over something comparable in the local brewpub just about any day of the week.

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