I am going to go 31 days without beer...

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Day 5 of picking up Arizona's slack. Went out to dinner at Shuberg's Bar and Grill in Big Rapids before grocery shopping. Met the daughter coming home from work training. Grouper sandwich and pub fries washed down with Alaskan Amber. Was ok, but they served in a frozen mug.

After shopping sat down to play WoW with friends and watch Pistons. Half glass of homebrew Pale and a sip of Jack Daniels (Got a nice sampler pack for Xmas).

Ended up having another half glass of Pale because I also snacked on some Cheez It snacks I found in my cupboard. Really didn't feel like beer at that point, but my kegerator was sitting right behind me, and the water was in the kitchen, half a house away!
Day 5 of picking up Arizona's slack. Went out to dinner at Shuberg's Bar and Grill in Big Rapids before grocery shopping. Met the daughter coming home from work training. Grouper sandwich and pub fries washed down with Alaskan Amber. Was ok, but they served in a frozen mug.

After shopping sat down to play WoW with friends and watch Pistons. Half glass of homebrew Pale and a sip of Jack Daniels (Got a nice sampler pack for Xmas).

Ended up having another half glass of Pale because I also snacked on some Cheez It snacks I found in my cupboard. Really didn't feel like beer at that point, but my kegerator was sitting right behind me, and the water was in the kitchen, half a house away!

I get myself in trouble when I start thinking I'm being a good boy by drinking half glasses. I forget how many I've had and keep going back because...well there only half glasses.
You do know ten half glasses is five whole glasses right?
Keep up the good work.
Day 5 of 31....

Long day of work, so an easy day of avoidance. However, I'm in a bit of a panic knowing Friday and Saturday are approaching, my favorite days for a delicious brew. Realizing that I've only gone ONE weekend without a drink in the last 6+ months, I think beer became a coping mechanism.

Must stay strong....
I usually give up alcohol for Lent. Not sure yet if I'm going to this year or not.

First time I did it, I was surprised how much my taste and alcohol tolerance reset during that period. I broke the fast with a SN Bigfoot, and it was so heavy and boozy i almost couldn't finish it. Before, I could easily drink them two at a time.
Realizing that I've only gone ONE weekend without a drink in the last 6+ months, I think beer became a coping mechanism.

Must stay strong....

This like x10000. Really battling with myself to not go grab a sixpack for tomorrow night (don't got any home made ready yet) almost feel like being addicted to the stuff.

It sucks... but if I can, you definitely can!
Day 6 of 31 - harder than I thought it would be.

I even rationalized with myself, "If I have a shot of whiskey or a vodka soda, that's not beer. That's okay. Right?"


Took the kids to get ice cream instead. The first Friday is survived. Streak intact.
Day 7 of 31....1/7/2017

Hardest. Day. Yet.

Discovering that beer has become a habit, not just something I enjoy. After a long hike, I was really craving a brew, but resisted. Later, when replacing a doggie door, I had to do some manipulation with a saw, and always reach for a beer when doing manual labor. I even rationalized that I should be allowed to drink O'Douls once in a while. O'Douls? HFS.

I made it. First Saturday out of the way. Only 3 more....


Day 8 of 31, 1/8/17

Easy to avoid beer most of today. Went on another long hike, then played in a playoff hockey game (win) and then had to referee a playoff game. Would have liked a smooth amber or lager afterwards, but I'm sofa king tired and worn out I'm going straight to bed.

Cheers....only 23 days left.
Arizona, great for you to do this! Honestly I do support you and after I got food poisoning on Friday night I thought maybe, just maybe, I would extend my one day beer free streak to two.

However I'm with Homercidal.


I had my comment written. But I'll be kind, I do beer demos practically Friday through Monday at work when I'm not in the pharmacy I'll sample at least 10 new brews each weekend. I simply can't. I'll live vicariously through you though haha

Nerves tight as a violin string... sauna and a sixpack for me...
Having done this myself a dozen or so times, may I recommend something? Just do it and stop obsessing about it! Your running commentary is not annoying; that's not my point at all. But I think it is sabotaging your effort. When the month is up, post a followup about what you did instead (I drink a lot of diet Ginger Ale.) Meanwhile, experiment with a new hobby (yogurt making? target pistol?) or read a book or something.

Good luck! :)
Having done this myself a dozen or so times, may I recommend something? Just do it and stop obsessing about it! Your running commentary is not annoying; that's not my point at all. But I think it is sabotaging your effort. When the month is up, post a followup about what you did instead (I drink a lot of diet Ginger Ale.) Meanwhile, experiment with a new hobby (yogurt making? target pistol?) or read a book or something.

Good luck! :)

HUSH! Hush it down!

Some of us are enjoying the entertainment! :D

But for real, yeah? Kudos to Arizona for his efforts! I know it would be hard to do. After work I usually have a glass of some beer while working on a project. I don't know what else to drink since I am pretty much not drinking soda, tea is "meh" (Except Ice Tea in the summer) I can't stand coffee past work hours, and fruit juice is nasty to me.

Beer helps me not throw wrenches through the garage wall when I break the bolts on one of these 20 yo cars I try to maintain! :mad: lol!

I could try to drink less beer, but I'm already eating healthier and working out, so I don't want a total shock to my system.

This weekend of filling in for Arizona was a challenge. For some reason, just like it was hard for his to say no, it was hard for me to say yes. Saturday was a stay at home and putz around the house. Barely had the urge to pour a glass. I powered through, though, and poured a glass of homebrew pale. Sunday I rode an exercise bike, and then went to a friend's house to help him put fiberglass insulation in this upstairs remodel, then finish hanging drywall in that portion of the house. After getting home the wife had Beef Stew ready, so I had a glass with dinner while we watched Con Man.

After that I think I had water while playing WoW. Just didn't feel much like drinking more beer.
I started a Dry out after Jan 1st and was surprised at how easy it has been. Can't remember the last time I went 2 plus weeks so we shall see what happens. I came close to giving in after removing 19 inches of snow on Saturday but didn't give in. Cheers on Feb 1!
My wife and I are going from Jan. 1 until Feb. 15 without alcohol. So far it's been easy for me and she says the same.
If you are having problems abstaining, you should seriously consider giving it up completely...Just sayin'...

I have lost loved ones to addiction so I'm a little sensitive...
DAY 9 of 31.....1/9/17

Weekdays feel easier now. Watching the college football championship, would love a glass of hoppy goodness to go along, but settled for a cup of decaf coffee after a delicious dinner of chili and avocado.

Enjoying all the replies and banter. Thanks for the support!


I write my updates for two reasons:
1. accountability
2. support

I know what works for me. I'm a best selling author and have a podcast with 30,000 downloads a month, so I'm disciplined when I want to be, but I find public accountability works well. I also walk my talk.

Just remember when you get to the end you will only remember the days you missed out on drinking good beer!
My wife and I are doing another whole 30, so I'm in the boat with you. I will say the lack of beer has not been a big deal except for the other day when we were hanging with friends and everyone else was drinking and I had fizzy water. Worse than lack of beer is lack of carbs.
I've scanned through this thread and it strongly motivated me to go without beer, as well...until 5:00 pm today! :tank:

Good luck and hang in there. I've gone "dry" for extended periods a few times, if nothing else just to prove to myself that I could. I am sure my liver was grateful!
If it's any consulation my misses is currently having to go 9 months with out beer... So I have a closet of aging beers that we both enjoy together for after those 9 months and I keep it limited to a few a week so I don't feel to bad... I'd say relax have a homebrew but you shouldn't do that you would just be cheating your self =p
In the same boat with my beer loving bride, she is out of commission until July. She keeps telling me she can't drink and I can why would I do this to myself?
Hang on Az. Goalie.... REFOCUS !! You are just about halfway there !!
Halfway through the month!

I won't say we've gone cold turkey, but since I went on a low carb diet this month (we're going to Floriday soon!) HWMO gets to at least somewhat come along for the ride. So trying to make all carbs count - not eating much bread, potatoes, etc - and limit to one beer with dinner, if at all. Maybe a mixed drink if we're out, or a little wine.

Have to admit we had a bit too much over the holidays, so trying to let my poor old liver recover. Even got the dust off the Nordic Track and the yoga mat....

Rooting for you AZGoalie!
DAYS 10-15 OF 31....

Spent the last several days traveling, speaking, and conducting a 3-day workshop. Events and travel are some of the toughest times for me when it comes to drinking. If the event goes well, you want a nice brew after. If the event sucked, you feel like you need one.

Being on the road is also one of my favorite ways to try new brews. Seems like every city and town now has a collection of small breweries, some of which have amazing beer.

However, NOT this time. Avoided it altogether. I didn't want to. I saw several taps in hotels, restaurants, and airports I wanted to partake it. Somehow, I'm still on the wagon. On to day 16....hump day.
DAYS 10-15 OF 31....

Spent the last several days traveling, speaking, and conducting a 3-day workshop. Events and travel are some of the toughest times for me when it comes to drinking. If the event goes well, you want a nice brew after. If the event sucked, you feel like you need one.

Being on the road is also one of my favorite ways to try new brews. Seems like every city and town now has a collection of small breweries, some of which have amazing beer.

However, NOT this time. Avoided it altogether. I didn't want to. I saw several taps in hotels, restaurants, and airports I wanted to partake it. Somehow, I'm still on the wagon. On to day 16....hump day.

PERHAPS the best by-product of this "no drinking January" is that I've hiked 38 miles so far in 2017 and lost about 7lbs and counting.
Very nearly fell off the wagon this weekend. Sunday is usually regular 2 or more beer day since I have all day and am usually working on projects around house, gaming, or just plain eating well. As it was I didn't feel that great so I almost didn't have anything. But a friend came over and I managed to fit in 1 glass of BBA stout. It was a close one.

Actually brewed a Bo Pils (CZech Premium Pale Lager) on Saturday with a friend's daughter. Sampled a few flavors from the tap and a bottle. Right Brain Naughty Girl Stout with real mint. Not bad. Homebrew IIPA with a touch of Bourbon. (taste), Pale Ale (Taste), Belgian Pale (Taste), Pre-Prohibition Porter (Taste). Brew went very well even though I had US Saaz instead of Czech Saaz. Hit numbers good and it only took 6 hours with long mash and 90 minute boil and cleanup. I blame not drinking much.
Well it happened. I drank a beer. I went to try and buy some hopslam, they were sold out of cans but had it on tap, so I drank one. I am now back on my not drinking till the end of the month, unless they get another keg of hopslam (or some other equally rare beer) in.
Well it happened. I drank a beer. I went to try and buy some hopslam, they were sold out of cans but had it on tap, so I drank one. I am now back on my not drinking till the end of the month, unless they get another keg of hopslam (or some other equally rare beer) in.

Too bad. Hard to pass up a rarity like that. Hopslam on tap is better than the can for sure. Stopped in to the local place the other day to have a half-glass before picking up my daughter at dance. Had Oddside Ales' Citra IPA. I tasted and went , WHOA! That's better than I remember! First time I've had it on tap.

Almost broke my own streak last night. While picking up the house and making pizzas for dinner I poured a Hopslam. Sipped on that through dinner. That was about it, though. Only thing on tap is another IIPA and a Belgian. The IIPA was more ABV than I wanted, and the Belgian sucks. (I Actually poured some, and choked down a bit, but I really need to pour that keg down the drain.)

Say, it's been over a week since we heard form Arizona! Wonder how it's going?
I've had only Genny Bock beer within the past couple of days. Wasn't feeling tip top so that's about all my body could handle.

Going to a brewery today otherwise I would've fallen onto the wagon.
I went through this before. I was so bad I had shakes and cold sweats at night. Hopefully none of you ever reach that point. I have since learned that I really do need to respect alcohol and the effects it can have on the mind and body. I can do about 44 ounces of beer and if I go past that I know I'm headed toward the land of the wasted. Id say if you are planning on drinking every day you really should only have a couple drinks.
I'm in Arizona.
Waiting for my clone recipe on the Orval trappist ale.
sure tasted and smelled good when I bottled it.
got about 3 weeks to go to find out.
Reach for a flavored seltzer instead. You'll forget about the beer.

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