HOWTO - Make a BrewPi Fermentation Controller For Cheap

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Is it hooked up to a fridge? Just set the fridge constant and let it roll

No, its not hooked up to anything.. I don't have the fridge yet. I suppose I could just hookup a lamp or something and fake out the temp sensors with heat and cold?

I know there was a test image for the Arduino. Does this have any built-in test capabilities? Or am I just supposed to fake it with some 110v device?
I just used lamps attached to the plugs and then switched the stated from inverted to non inverted from the maintenance panel
Raspberry B+ is now $25. I may pick one up as the laptop running my rig has probably less power then the RPI.

Spend the $10 and go with the RPi2.
It is amazingly faster at nearly everything.

Example: with a B or B+ (same SOCs) it takes many seconds for RaspberryPints to update my tap list after a pour is registered. Otoh, with the 2 running the show, the screen doesn't even blink, the update is so quick.

Another example: checking my temperature logger with a B/B+ running it can take 20 seconds or more to pull down the chart and table covering the last 24 hours. It takes the 2 about five seconds...

The rPI 2 was released the day my B+ was shipped. I was pissed. Still- something's is better than nothing. I don't want to go back to a world where my fermentation temps aren't plotted for me.
So I got my BrewPi system up and running. $35 craigslist minifridge, a 3.5" collar, and the parts listed in the OP. Primary tests ran great, with 1 gallon of water staying withing 0.3 degrees of the set temp for over 24 hours.

Problem is, I now want to add a room temp probe, and can't seem to do it. No matter what I do, it will only sense the first 2 probes installed, and won't pick up the third. I've tried rebooting, uninstalling all the probes, and even reflashing the arduino, but with no luck. And it's literally the first 2 physical probes I used that it senses. If I plug a new probe into the same port (I wired in 3.5mm audio ports), it doesn't pick it up. Tried all combinations of probes and ports, but only those first 2 are sensed. Any ideas?
Have you tried going into Maintenance Panel - Device Configuration, removing all of the probes from the Installed Devices set, reboot the Arduino, then going back into Device Configuration, set the Read Values switch and seeing if all three probes show up when you refresh the device list?


[edit] This paradigm sounded familiar and indeed a couple of folks ran into the same thing recently (look back a few pages).
I don't know what causes this to happen as I haven't run into it - yet.
But from others' posts, eventually - with repeated unplugging/replugging - it gets sorted out...
Have you tried going into Maintenance Panel - Device Configuration, removing all of the probes from the Installed Devices set, reboot the Arduino, then going back into Device Configuration, set the Read Values switch and seeing if all three probes show up when you refresh the device list?


[edit] This paradigm sounded familiar and indeed a couple of folks ran into the same thing recently (look back a few pages).
I don't know what causes this to happen as I haven't run into it - yet.
But from others' posts, eventually - with repeated unplugging/replugging - it gets sorted out...

Tried it already. And I've been plugging, unplugging, rebooting, reflashing, etc, all day. Can't seem to figure it out. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
I'd be willing to bet it's either a bad probe or it's wired wrong. Remember color doesn't make any difference when it comes to these premade sensor cables.
I'd be willing to bet it's either a bad probe or it's wired wrong. Remember color doesn't make any difference when it comes to these premade sensor cables.

Well, I wired all the probes based on the same wire colors. At the end of the probes, I added 3.5mm audio plugs, and I have 3 jacks wired to a terminal block, which is wired to the Arduino. The same 2 probes (the first ones I used) work fine. I wired the other 3 (I got a 5-pack of them, here) exactly the same way with the plugs. I've also tried all different combinations of sensors and jacks, and the only constant is that the first 2 probes work in any of the jacks, and the last 3 don't work in any.

EDIT: Also, I forgot that I had had 2 of the now non-working probes hard wired (based on wire color) to the terminal block as a test before I got the plugs. Worked before, now they don't. I'm pretty sure it's software, and not hardware related.
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Re upload the hex file making sure you have the latest version. Start over with 3 probes
Re upload the hex file making sure you have the latest version. Start over with 3 probes

Already tried that, too. Uninstalled both probes, reinstalled the hex (not saving any parameters), and checked my devices. Still only 2 probes showing with 3 plugged in. I'm about to give up on the third...
EDIT: Also, I forgot that I had had 2 of the now non-working probes hard wired (based on wire color) to the terminal block as a test before I got the plugs. Worked before, now they don't. I'm pretty sure it's software, and not hardware related.

So after reading that, I suggest you remove the plugs from the three non-functioning probes and try hard-wiring one at a time to the Arduino.

Also, be sure to check the BrewPi log to see if there's anything informative being posted...

This won't help at all on the probe front but I had one probe that just won't work with and arduino attached to one fridge it kills the other probes, but if I swap that probe with one from my second fridge they all work. I had reloaded the hex unassigned cleared settings etc but that was the only thing that worked seems completely illogical
Not very likely if they are real Dallas probes. But who knows
Good to see peeps still going strong with the building.

I still owe TxBrew a front page article on this build, once we get settled into our new house at the end of June hopefully i can get around to that ;)

I may make a new thread with all of the updated discussions fixes, builds etc at some point unless they can fix it so i can edit the main topic again. When they reorganized the forums i lost that access.
Any suggestions on this?

The messages are telling you that arduino support is missing and asking you to install it.

So do this:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install arduino-core

Perfect! Thank you!

Couple more questions if I may:

1) Where can you find brewing profiles?
2) Is it possible to run raspberry pints and brewpi on the same raspberry pi?
I run both on mine without a problem. You just have to install brewpi to a different directory, not www. As for profiles, you can make your own. It's easy.
Perfect! Thank you!

Happy to help. In fairness to you, somewhere in the last many months something changed outside of the control of BrewPi which in turn required explicit installation of the arduino-core package.

There's a post or two about it back in this thread but it's not all that important at this point.
Elco put that "error text" in to alert the new installer that one more step is required, you just didn't recognize what it was trying to tell you ;)

Couple more questions if I may:

1) Where can you find brewing profiles?

Interesting. I don't think anyone has ever proposed sharing profiles before.
I suspect there are so many dependencies and equipment variables that it's not a practical thing. Figure out your ideal fermentation schedule for a given batch and create your own. As mentioned, it's pretty easy.

2) Is it possible to run raspberry pints and brewpi on the same raspberry pi?

Absolutely. Many folks here do so. I've been running RaspberryPints and multiple BrewPi instances on the same RPi (now a 2B) for the better part of a year. As mentioned there's a basic conflict between the two packages - they both have an "index.php", and they both want that file to reside in /var/www.

But for a single BrewPi installation, you could install one package and rename its index.php (eg: brewpi.php) then install the other package and there won't be any additional issues. You'd access RaspberryPint's gui by simply using the ip address of the host RPi (eg: - the protocol will find index.php automagically) while accessing BrewPi's gui would require an explicit file name (eg:

Got a BrewPi together on a breadboard with a Raspberry Pi B and Arduino Uno and it seems to be working properly. :D I also picked up a Grove serial LCD display and I'm not sure how to go about getting it to work with BrewPi. I'm new to Arduino, but I did a search and couldn't find anything on using this type of display with BrewPi, and since it only has 4 wires, GND, VCC, RX, and TX, it seems like I'll have to code it myself. I'm wondering if that will be possible using either the Arduino scripting language or Python? I'm not a programmer so that's all I can code in.
Is there a place I can read more about the web interface? So...I could check or say edit the fermentation from work?
Making the BrewPi web gui visible to the World Wide Web is fairly trivial if you know your way around your home router (hint: "port forwarding"). Beyond that, if you don't want to keep track of your home's external IP address you can use a "dynamic dns" service to give you a name-based URL...

I am starting to see the way this works now. It is REALLY cool. Can't wait to start using it! Thanks for all the help!

Sorry about the question on sharing profiles, when I was looking at a couple of the systems there was talk about a that, I thought it was a pretty cool idea.
I am starting to see the way this works now. It is REALLY cool. Can't wait to start using it! Thanks for all the help!

Sorry about the question on sharing profiles, when I was looking at a couple of the systems there was talk about a that, I thought it was a pretty cool idea.

Sharing profiles is a great idea, and would help people starting out on brewpi and brewing understand what works for one brewer for what yeast.

New thread??
I'm having trouble following this. First transcoding to ogg was too much CPU for my Pi and ended up with a terrible video quality through VLC.

Now I have changed to h264 (my camera supports this output on its own, so no transcoding), using the following command line:

cvlc v4l2:///dev/video0 :http-host=IP :v4l2-chroma=H264 :v4l2-standard= :v4l2-height=320 :v4l2-width=240 :live-caching=300 :sout='#standard{access="http",vcodec=h264,mux=asf,dst=}'

I believe this is working ok, as I can see the video through VLC player as a network stream. But, I cannot get it displayed on any webpage now. Here is what is in my index.php:

<video controls preload autoplay>
<source src='http://(my ip address here):8080/go.mp4' type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' />

It shows on the webpage as a black box, but will not play. If i type the web address into the browser directly it starts to download the stream.

Any help? Thanks, Max

OK, here's a quick tut on how to get live video streaming onto your brewpi page (following on from this post on getting images from your webcam onto the page):

  • I've tested this in chrome, it works there
  • I've tested this on Safari on iOS devices, it does NOT work there
  • I've tested this using VLC on iOS devices, it works there

Setting Up VLC:
(Get VLC if you don't have it-> sudo apt-get install vlc)

Make sure your user has permissions to access the webcam:
Give a group called 'video' ownership of the webcam:
sudo chown /dev/video*
Then, add 'brewpi' to the group:
sudo adduser brewpi video
Then, give brewpi access:
sudo chmod g+rw /dev/video0
That should work great. (Source)

Create a file in your home folder called ""
In it, put the following:
cvlc v4l2:///dev/video0 :v4l2-standard= :input-slave=oss://denull :live-caching=300 :sout='#duplicate{dst="transcode{vcodec=theo,vb=1024,channels=1,ab=128,samplerate=44100,width=320}:http{dst=:8084/stream.ogg}"}'
Note: If your video still doesn't work because of permission errors accessing /dev/video0, then you can add the following line to your shell script, above the cvlc line (replacing the <password> bit with your brewpi password):
echo <brewpi password here> | sudo -S chmod 666 /dev/video0
Obviously, echo-ing the password into the sudo is bad and should be avoided if you can.

Save that file.
You can test it by running it (./ over SSH and seeing if VLC on any other computer can get to the stream (File->Open Network Stream->http://<brewpi address>:8084/stream.ogg

Making the script run on startup:
Now you want this script to run every time the computer starts up, so we'll add a task to the crontab:
crontab -e
Add a line at the bottom like so:
@reboot /home/brewpi/ > /home/brewpi/vlclog.log 2>&1 &
This tells cron to run the script on reboot, and to pipe the output to that log file, just in case.

Adding the video to your page:
Now that that's working (hopefully), you can edit your index.php file to include the video:
So, where we previously had the canvas (down at the bottom of the page), we'll now just have this simple code:
(again, replacing the url portion with the correct address)
<video id='webcamVid' width='600px' controls>
[INDENT]<source src='http://<brewpi url>:8084/stream.ogg' type='video/ogg'>[/INDENT]

Reload the page in Chrome, and you should see the live stream from your webcam.
Good luck, let me know how it goes!

View attachment 213584
I am doing my first lager. The brewpi build went very well, and it has been controlling my temps just fine. The problem is, now that I'm dropping the temp for the lager phase, it's going in to "off" mode once a day. All I have to do is switch it back to beer profile mode, and it starts running again, but I can't figure out why it keeps going in to "off" mode. I have been dropping the temp 5 degrees every day. I'm wondering if that's when it's kicking off. Any thoughts?
Something must be setting it to off mode. Are you using any special plugins or scripts to reload the website?
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