HOWTO - Make a BrewPi Fermentation Controller For Cheap

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All i did was run the install script on a bare Raspbian install, but that was several months ago. Recently a few weeks ago i ran the updater script and it ran without any issues.

I didnt touch any of the config files.

I got the error from the first time I installed that I posted about. After much searching, and tweaking I rebooted my pi and it hung, and everything was borked, formatted and re-installed everything.

Brought up a fresh install of everything concentrating on loading raspberrypints first then brewpi. That worked, upgraded my uno, brewpi saw everything. Rebooted it hung again, and would not load, after trying some things..formatted and re-installed everything.

bought up another fresh install, this time backing up every time I made a change... installing raspian, installing pints, installing brewpi, etc.. of course it is running flawless now, after taking 4x the time because of all the backing up.. but that is actually nice, so if something does get borked again, I should be able to start basically at a fresh install of all the stuff, and not at zero.

With that being said, I do have a few questions.
I want other to be able to view these beers in real-time, is there a way to password the configuration settings? i.e. script stuff, maintenance panel, set temperature mode, etc.. or put them all behind one master password that is behind the maintenance panel?

I looked at your page you have Fuzze, copied the source and it looks like you just stripped the buttons(links) to that stuff. I guess you have have 2 pages a regular index page, and a say public.php with the public.php stripped like you have. NAy ideas welcome.. thanks again.
Good to hear you got it up, sucks you had so many problems but that just goes to show you how finicky the RPI can be and that is the exact reason they use a Arduino to control the sensors, so when/if the RPI goes tits up at 2am your chamber continues to run its preset and doesnt ruin your beer.

Your right that's what i did, i had to copy both the main page(default.php?) as well as one of the other config pages in order to make a "public accessible" version that no one can get too. I can post more specifics tonight when i get home if you want, i cant see the exact changes i made because a lot of the html is generated by php from pulling in other pages.

That said if you ONLY want to password protect your setup and dont care about making a public version use this info here to setup your HTAccess permissions in apache, then open your RPI to the world on your router obviously.

You will probably want to use something like their very first example to limit post and require a password to get to the page.

For me i used one of the lower settings to make it so that only people from my LAN IP range can access my default.php file. There was one thing i had to change in the apache config files, it had to do with enabling AllowOverride which by default i think is commented out in the apache files..again i can post info about it when i get home.

You can see that if you tried to go to the root(which would send you to the default.php)

At some point I may make it so i can just login and alter it anywhere as well, but it dont need that functionality really..i set a profile up for the 7-10 days i ferment and just let it do its thing.
Yea that would be great if you could post your methods, I don't know that the doc you linked me to is going to do what I need it to. Basically I would like a "read only access" and a admin login to change settings. Much like the raspberry pints.. display the data, but need a login/pass to change any of it.

Yea your going to have to do what i did basically, ill post the details will have to have two separate pages though just like i have unless you want to do a crap load of PHP coding to alter their existing page generation. Because the settings are spread all over the page, at the top panel, and at the bottom there is no single "one" entry point into the what you would call the "Admin area". Both the top panel start/stopping/arduino config as well as the bottom graph and beer settings are built from two entirely different php files, i suppose you could somehow setup Htaccess to require every one of these buttons to require a login but it seems like overkill.

The easier method is like mine where you would just have the regular default.php that requires a login, and the Public.php which anyone can see and is like mine which is just the default page with all of the buttons torn off so someone cant mess with it remotely.
Sounds great, I can do that.
Method to make password protected external BrewPi Page

Disclaimer, this opens your BrewPi up to the outside world. While this is cool, I take no responsibility for the security of your system. We are doing our best to ensure that the htaccess settings below are fool proof but there may be other methods of malicious people screwing with your BrewPi by putting it out on the internet. If you aren't ok with this risk please do not make your BrewPi public

  1. Putty/SSH into your BrewPi system(or keyboard if its hooked up to a monitor).
  2. Run the following commands to enable htaccess
    cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
    sudo nano default
  3. look for <directory /var/www/> ... </directory>
    change allowOverride to All and save the file.
  4. Now its time to restart apache:
    cd /usr/sbin
    sudo apache2ctl -k graceful
  5. Go to /var/www directory
  6. Create a file using vi editor called .htaccess and inside of it put the following, modify the first line where it is bold and replace it with what you plan to call your Private PHP file.
    <FilesMatch "index.php">
    Allow from all
    authuserFile /var/www/private/.htpasswd
    AuthName "YOUR LOGIN HERE"
    AuthType Basic
    <Limit GET POST>
    require valid-user
    <FilesMatch "beer-panel.php|config.php|configuration.php|control-panel.php|maintenance-panel.php|previous_beers.php|program_arduino.php|s ave_beer_profile.php|start_script.php">
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from All
    Allow from 192.168.
  7. Edit the last allow line that says Allow from 192.168. to match up with whatever your local LAN IP address scheme is. You dont need wildcards or subnet masks or anything else.
  8. Create a directory called private(to store the above .htpasswd file), and go into it.
  9. Type htpasswd -c .htpasswd <UserName>, it will pop up asking you for a password, and make you repeat it.
  10. Your done! If you try going to Http://brewpi/index.php it will now as you for a password and it wont let you in unless you enter in the right one from above. A side effect of this seems to be you cant just go to http://brewpi anymore as it will say you dont have authorization and not forward you to the proper page, not a big deal though. Also make sure obviously that if you want to access this from the external world that your RPI is port forwarding properly through your router.

Method to Make a public accessible version of BrewPi
This will make a page identical to mine, with all of the buttons stripped so someone cant change your chamber settings yet you can show off your cool fermentation chamber status to everyone!

  1. Goto /var/www
  2. Create a file with any name you want, with a php file extension, this will be your primary entry point...give it your brewery name, or something simple like public.php it doesnt matter. This is the contents that goes in the file

/* Copyright 2012 BrewPi/Elco Jacobs.
* This file is part of BrewPi.

* BrewPi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.

* BrewPi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.

* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with BrewPi. If not, see <>.

// load default settings from file
$defaultSettings = file_get_contents('defaultSettings.json');
if($defaultSettings == false){
die("Cannot open default settings file: defaultSettings.json");
$settingsArray = json_decode(prepareJSON($defaultSettings), true);
die("Cannot decode defaultSettings.json");
// overwrite default settings with user settings
$userSettings = file_get_contents('userSettings.json');
if($userSettings == false){
die("Error opening settings file userSettings.json");
$userSettingsArray = json_decode(prepareJSON($userSettings), true);
die("Cannot decode userSettings.json");
foreach ($userSettingsArray as $key => $value) {
$settingsArray[$key] = $userSettingsArray[$key];

$beerName = $settingsArray["beerName"];
$tempFormat = $settingsArray["tempFormat"];
$profileName = $settingsArray["profileName"];
$dateTimeFormat = $settingsArray["dateTimeFormat"];
$dateTimeFormatDisplay = $settingsArray["dateTimeFormatDisplay"];

<!DOCTYPE html >
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>BrewPi reporting for duty!</title>
<link type="text/css" href="css/redmond/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link type="text/css" href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div id="beer-panel" class="ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all">
include 'PublicBeerPanel.php';

<!-- Load scripts after the body, so they don't block rendering of the page -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/spin.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/dygraph-combined.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// pass parameters to JavaScript
window.tempFormat = <?php echo "'$tempFormat'" ?>;
window.beerName = <?php echo "\"$beerName\""?>;
window.profileName = <?php echo "\"$profileName\""?>;
window.dateTimeFormat = <?php echo "\"$dateTimeFormat\""?>;
window.dateTimeFormatDisplay = <?php echo "\"$dateTimeFormatDisplay\""?>;
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/main.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/device-config.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/control-panel.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/maintenance-panel.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/beer-chart.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/profile-table.js"></script>

function prepareJSON($input) {
//This will convert ASCII/ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.
//Be careful with the third parameter (encoding detect list), because
//if set wrong, some input encodings will get garbled (including UTF-8!)
$input = mb_convert_encoding($input, 'UTF-8', 'ASCII,UTF-8,ISO-8859-1');

//Remove UTF-8 BOM if present, json_decode() does not like it.
if(substr($input, 0, 3) == pack("CCC", 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF)) $input = substr($input, 3);

return $input;

Next create a new file called PublicBeerPanel.php with these contents
/* Copyright 2012 BrewPi/Elco Jacobs.
* This file is part of BrewPi.

* BrewPi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.

* BrewPi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.

* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with BrewPi. If not, see <>.

<div id="top-bar" class="ui-widget ui-widget-header ui-corner-all">
<div id="lcd" class="lcddisplay"><span class="lcd-text">
<span class="lcd-line" id="lcd-line-0">Live LCD waiting</span>
<span class="lcd-line" id="lcd-line-1">for update from</span>
<span class="lcd-line" id="lcd-line-2">script...</span>
<span class="lcd-line" id="lcd-line-3"></span>
<div id="logo-container">
<img src="brewpi_logo.png">
<div id=beer-name-container>
<span>Fermenting: </span><?php echo $beerName;?></a>
<span class="data-logging-state"></span>

<div class="chart-container">
<div id="curr-beer-chart-label" class="beer-chart-label"></div>
<div id="curr-beer-chart" class="beer-chart" style="width:815px; height:390px"></div>
<div id="curr-beer-chart-controls" class="beer-chart-controls" style="display: none">
<div id="curr-beer-chart-buttons" class="beer-chart-buttons">
<div class="beer-chart-legend-row">
<button class="refresh-curr-beer-chart" title="Refresh"></button>
<div class="beer-chart-legend-label">Refresh Chart</div>
<br class="crystal" />
<div class="beer-chart-legend-row last">
<button class="chart-help" title="Help"></button>
<div class="beer-chart-legend-label">Help</div>
<br class="crystal" />
<div id="curr-beer-chart-legend" class="beer-chart-legend">
<div class="beer-chart-legend-row time">
<div class="beer-chart-legend-time">Date/Time</div>
<div class="beer-chart-legend-row beerTemp">
<div class="toggle beerTemp" onClick="toggleLine(this)"></div>
<div class="beer-chart-legend-label" onClick="toggleLine(this)">Beer Temp</div>
<div class="beer-chart-legend-value">--</div>
<br class="crystal" />
<div class="beer-chart-legend-row beerSet">
<div class="toggle beerSet" onClick="toggleLine(this)"></div>
<div class="beer-chart-legend-label" onClick="toggleLine(this)">Beer Setting</div>
<div class="beer-chart-legend-value">--</div>
<br class="crystal" />
<div class="beer-chart-legend-row fridgeTemp">
<div class="toggle fridgeTemp" onClick="toggleLine(this)"></div>
<div class="beer-chart-legend-label" onClick="toggleLine(this)">Fridge Temp</div>
<div class="beer-chart-legend-value">--</div>
<br class="crystal" />
<div class="beer-chart-legend-row fridgeSet">
<div class="toggle fridgeSet" onClick="toggleLine(this)"></div>
<div class="beer-chart-legend-label" onClick="toggleLine(this)">Fridge Setting</div>
<div class="beer-chart-legend-value">--</div>
<br class="crystal" />
<div class="beer-chart-legend-row roomTemp">
<div class="toggle roomTemp" onClick="toggleLine(this)"></div>
<div class="beer-chart-legend-label" onClick="toggleLine(this)">Room Temp</div>
<div class="beer-chart-legend-value">--</div>
<br class="crystal" />
<div class="beer-chart-legend-row state">
<div class="state-indicator"></div>
<div class="beer-chart-legend-label"></div>
<br class="crystal" />
<div class="beer-chart-legend-row annotation last">
<div class="toggleAnnotations dygraphDefaultAnnotation" onClick="toggleAnnotations(this)">A</div>
<div class="beer-chart-legend-label" onClick="toggleAnnotations(this)">Annotations</div>
<br class="crystal" />
<div id="chart-help-popup" title="Beer graph help" style="display: none">
<p>This chart displays all temperatures and state information logged by BrewPi.
Not all temperatures are shown by default, but you can toggle them with the colored dots.</p>
<p>Click and drag left or right to zoom horizontally, click and drag up or down to zoom vertically. Double click to zoom out.
When zoomed in, you can hold shift to pan around. On your phone or tablet you can just pinch to zoom.</p>
<p>The state information is shown as colored bars at the bottom of the graph, explanation below.</p>
<div class="state-info"><span class="state-color state-idle"></span><span class="state-name">Idle</span>
<span class="state-explanation">
No actuator is active.
<div class="state-info">
<span class="state-color state-cooling"></span><span class="state-name">Cooling</span>
<span class="state-explanation">
The fridge is cooling!
<div class="state-info"><span class="state-color state-heating"></span><span class="state-name">Heating</span>
<span class="state-explanation">
The heater is heating!
<div class="state-info"><span class="state-color state-waiting-to-cool"></span><span class="state-name">Waiting to cool</span>
<span class="state-explanation">
The fridge is waiting to start cooling. It has to wait because BrewPi has just cooled or heated. There is a a minimum time for between cool cycles and a minimum time for switching from heating to cooling.
<div class="state-info"><span class="state-color state-waiting-to-heat"></span><span class="state-name">Waiting to heat</span>
<span class="state-explanation">
Idem for heating. There is a a minimum time for between heat cycles and a minimum time for switching from cooling to heating.
<div class="state-info"><span class="state-color state-cooling-min-time"></span><span class="state-name">Cooling minimum time</span>
<span class="state-explanation">
There is a minimum on time for each cool cycle. When the fridge hits target but has not cooled the minimum time, it will continue cooling until the minimum time has passed.
<div class="state-info"><span class="state-color state-heating-min-time"></span><span class="state-name">Heating minimum time</span>
<span class="state-explanation">
There is a minimum on time for each heat cycle too. When the fridge hits target but has not heated the minimum time, it will continue heating until the minimum time has passed.
<div class="state-info"><span class="state-color state-waiting-peak"></span><span class="state-name">Waiting for peak detect</span>
<span class="state-explanation">
BrewPi estimates fridge temperature overshoot to be able to turn off the actuators early. To adjust the estimators, it has to detect the peaks in fridge temperature.
When BrewPi would be allowed to heat/cool by the time limits but no peak has been detected yet for previous cycle, it waits in this state for a peak.

I dont recommend typing these out obviously, use Putty and some form of SCP file transfer to make the files on your Windows/MAC and then SCP file copy them to the BrewPi.
An example using pscp.exe from Putty

pscp -v c:\temp\PublicBeerPanel.php brewpi@brewpi:/var/www/PublicBeerPanel.php
This will copy the file from your C:\Temp folder to the brewpi at /var/www, and will ask you for your debian brewpi user account password.
Wait, I lied it looks to be asking for a password for anyone wanting to access it even though it is pointed to the public.php.
Trend Micro's reaction would indicate that your URL is "dangerous". Was that link meant to be live?

yup thats my "no ip" link.
Oops my bad i forgot one part on the htaccess file.

You need to add a <Files "YourPrivateFile.php"> </Files> tags wrapped around the outside . I'll edit my post

You use the files tag to specify what files the password protection is for, if you dont give it any its for the entire directory...
Looks like that was the ticket!

Thanks for all of your work on this Fuzze and everyone else! And a special thanks to JimBonnet for his tip on removing rpi-update from the script! That had me scratching my head until I read his post. I now have BrewPi running on a laptop running Debian Wheezy and am just waiting for my Amazon delivery.

Cheers everyone :mug:
So I am going to get my stuff this week, but was wondering what you guys use to protect your equipment? I don't exactly want this just hanging out on top of my chest freezer.
I went by radio shack and got one of their black project boxes and plan on putting it in there. To attach all the components I got Velcro with sticky backs so it doesn't mess up the underside of the circuit board. Haven't put it all in yet but will sometime this week.

Sent from my iPad using Home Brew
Thanks for writing this up, one question for you as I can't find it anyplace on the brewpi site..

How many temperature probes and control relays can this be set up with? I am looking to build a fermentation chamber to control up to four beers independently (the chamber will be set to one temp and the controller will heat the fermentors above the chamber temp). This would require 5 input channels and 5 relay channels.

I went by radio shack and got one of their black project boxes and plan on putting it in there. To attach all the components I got Velcro with sticky backs so it doesn't mess up the underside of the circuit board. Haven't put it all in yet but will sometime this week.

Sent from my iPad using Home Brew

Yea that's what I'm thinking.
Those project boxes usually come with a backplate so you could attach some standoffs to that and then mount your Arduino and relay board using the standoffs. Velcro would work for sure. Hot glue is too permanent for my fear of commitment.

Thanks for writing this up, one question for you as I can't find it anyplace on the brewpi site..

How many temperature probes and control relays can this be set up with? I am looking to build a fermentation chamber to control up to four beers independently (the chamber will be set to one temp and the controller will heat the fermentors above the chamber temp). This would require 5 input channels and 5 relay channels.


In theory it is possible yes, but its quite a bit more work as you need one arduino(and pair of sensors) per "chamber".

You may also need one(or a STC1000 works fine too) in order to keep your chamber set to a consistent temp.

I'd try it with one first though ;) Lets say your using a heat wrap, if you put your "fridge" sensor between your wrap and your fermenter and your beer sensor in a thermowell down in your beer it should work I'd think. In this case your not really measuring your true fridge temp because its constant we consider it your "ambient" room temp and the temperature that is being adjusted is that generated by the wrap, so thats why we treat it as the 'fridge' temp in BrewPi because that is part of the PID algorithm(when it turns on power it expects your fridge to either heat up or cool down).

Hopefully that makes sense? There's someone else in this thread that has a similar setup and i think he's already started the process, so maybe wait and see how it works for him? :)
Thanks for the reply, it looks like economically I would be better served with a BCS-460 unit by the time I purchased, cobbled together, and got the homebrew solution to work.

I was hoping that adding a larger relay board would allow this to be expanded easily...

Definitely a cool project, thanks for doing the work to figure this out.

Thanks for the reply, it looks like economically I would be better served with a BCS-460 unit by the time I purchased, cobbled together, and got the homebrew solution to work.

I was hoping that adding a larger relay board would allow this to be expanded easily...

Definitely a cool project, thanks for doing the work to figure this out.


That BCS-460 stuff is pretty slick. I was thinking along the same lines with respect to having the BrewPi rig control multiple "chambers". My vision was to have SS immersion coils in the buckets with BrewPi activated solenoid valves controlling the flow of chilled water or glycol. Realistically though, I won't have more than two or three batches going at a time and 98% of the time they are going to be in the same or similar fermentation temperature ranges, ramps, etc. Even if I want the flexibility to have a lager and ale going at the same time, it's reasonable to hang another Arduino onto the system. As always with this kind of project, there are many ways to ferment a cat ... wait ... what?

I may have to buy some hardware and play with this, running an additional Arduino for each chamber may not be that bad, it is going to depend on how the Brewpi displays and logs the data. If it is usable I may still go this route.
Note to all, don't get the data and vcc backwards.. it corrupts SD cards. Back at it again from scratch.
I had no idea this BCS-460 gadget existed...I am going to have to check this out.

I'd love to homebrew it, but like Navy_Chief said, it might even be more economical to go with the BCS-460 rather than cobbling the Arduinos together.

Thanks for the tip!
I had no idea this BCS-460 gadget existed...I am going to have to check this out.

I'd love to homebrew it, but like Navy_Chief said, it might even be more economical to go with the BCS-460 rather than cobbling the Arduinos together.

Thanks for the tip!

The 460 model is fairly limited on temperature inputs. If you decide you like that route then consider it's big brother the 462. That has enough inputs to run you serving, fermentation and brewing all off one box. Kinda neat.

I literally just connected to mine for the first time yesterday and started setting up my process control.
I may have to buy some hardware and play with this, running an additional Arduino for each chamber may not be that bad, it is going to depend on how the Brewpi displays and logs the data. If it is usable I may still go this route.

Every brewpi instance would be its own web server, so you would run 5 apache servers on say port 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85 that each talk to their own respective arduino....
Note to all, don't get the data and vcc backwards.. it corrupts SD cards. Back at it again from scratch.

Which data and VCC?

There should only be data and VCC going to the Arduino, and i cant see how screwing up the arduino wiring would cause the RPI to crap out...
Every brewpi instance would be its own web server, so you would run 5 apache servers on say port 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85 that each talk to their own respective arduino....

That might get to be a bit too much overhead for the pi.... May be back to my original plan of running the chamber itself with the existing ST1000 and use my BCS460 to control and log the fermentors..

I did chat with the brewpi developers this morning, they are working on implementing multiple fermentors in a future release.
Which data and VCC?

There should only be data and VCC going to the Arduino, and i cant see how screwing up the arduino wiring would cause the RPI to crap out...

On the temp probes, For some reason switched VCC and DAta when I was monkeying late last night. The minute she booted the arduino lights when dim, the pi rebooted, and had a corrupt sd card. Re-formatting and re-installing now with is seeming to work.
This was on the BrewPi forum a while back. The supplier Elco was using switching the color coding of the temp probe wires. I don't recall it causing problems just that the temp probe wouldn't work. Also, I don't know whether yours could have come from the same manufacturer or have a similar issue.

This was on the BrewPi forum a while back. The supplier Elco was using switching the color coding of the temp probe wires. I don't recall it causing problems just that the temp probe wouldn't work. Also, I don't know whether yours could have come from the same manufacturer or have a similar issue.


Umm yup that turned out to be it.. for some reason my SD card took the brunt of that and died.
So after my day long rebuild yesterday, I believe I have my settings correct on the brewpi. Can you guys confirm this is what I want in for my devices? I didn't get a chance to wire up the outlet yet and test (hopefully tonight)



Looks good to me! Congrats, it looks like you have the wiring pretty much done if its detecting them thats a good sign :)

Just going to hope your beer sensor was in some hot water or something to be reading that high ;)
Looks good to me! Congrats, it looks like you have the wiring pretty much done if its detecting them thats a good sign :)

Just going to hope your beer sensor was in some hot water or something to be reading that high ;)

Heh, no not hot water. Its on top of my super fantastic comcast cable modem. Its pretty nice this thing runs 50+f over ambient(the other sensor)..

Thansk for all the help I am going to try and do some more testing tonight. I plan to brew this weekend and use it.
Lol looking at your graph im so confused what kind of setup you have during your test to be cooling it and then it heats up so fast...
Lol looking at your graph im so confused what kind of setup you have during your test to be cooling it and then it heats up so fast...

Heh, well I was trying to envoke the heating and cooling to make sure all the wiring was working. So I was putting in my hands, and then putting it in the freezer.

I am running a "real" water test now using a 7 gallon bucket with a thermowell in the center.
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