How To Rate My Beer...

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Active Member
Oct 17, 2011
Reaction score
So i have dreams of getting better at brewing, making more and bigger batches, and shareing my beer...and having people rate it so i can compair, and learn what works and what dosen't to get diffrent results. Problem is, me and my suds buds are kind of laymen when it comes to Talking about beer(not drinking it). So...

What should i be asking/compairing? Boddy? Flavor? Fizz? Head? Bitterness? Is there a way to caculate the IBU of my own brew? How have you guys gotten feedback on your beers/ales/ciders/meads and what not?:confused:
use the bjcp rating method...

Beer Name:

Style Guidelines:

Aroma (as appropriate for style) 0 _________/12
Comment on malt, hops, esters, and other aromatics

Appearance (as appropriate for style) 0 _________/ 3
Comment on color, clarity, and head (retention, color, and texture)

Flavor (as appropriate for style) 0 _________/20
Comment on malt, hops, fermentation characteristics, balance, finish/aftertaste, and other flavor characteristics

Mouthfeel (as appropriate for style) 0 _________/ 5
Comment on body, carbonation, warmth, creaminess, astringency, and other palate sensations

Overall Impression 0 _________/10
Comment on overall drinking pleasure associated with entry, give suggestions for improvement

Total 0 _________/50

I hope that you are able to cut and past this onto excel, as that is where i cut and pasted it from.
So i have dreams of getting better at brewing, making more and bigger batches, and shareing my beer...and having people rate it so i can compair, and learn what works and what dosen't to get diffrent results. Problem is, me and my suds buds are kind of laymen when it comes to Talking about beer(not drinking it). So...

What should i be asking/compairing? Boddy? Flavor? Fizz? Head? Bitterness? Is there a way to caculate the IBU of my own brew? How have you guys gotten feedback on your beers/ales/ciders/meads and what not?:confused:

One thing that really helped me was tasting different craft brews. It's been awhile, but my local Trader Joe's used to have nice selection of beer. I read all the labels of beer that I buy. I would try almost all of the different brands of a particular style they had. I love stouts. So each time, I bought a different stout that they had. I do the same thing with the IPAs and Red Ales.

I also used, and still do, buy sample 12 packs. After awhile, you'll start tasting differences, especially if you drink two different beers side by side or one after another.

Also talk about it with your buds. You'll get to know what you taste and what other people taste.

My wife is not a beer drinker, but has a pretty nice pallet. I try to get her to taste each of my batches. Sometimes she's able to give feedback and at other times all she says is, "That's bitter." :confused:


This is great input guys, thanks!

I am still wondering how(if possible) a homebrewer can calculate an IBU. I understands it's not perfect to describe bitterness with it(malty beers my have the same ibu as something "lighter" but taste less bitter) but it might be nice/fun to know or figure out.
There are formulas, but this is what I use (only for a full boil, please).

60 minute addition = 4 IBU per AA
30 minute addition = 2 IBU per AA
15 minute addition = 1 IBU per AA

That should get you in the ballpark. Also, you should know that even the equations only get you in the ballpark, the only real way to know for sure is to send it off for lab analysis.

As far as learning more about tasting beer.... I would start with some books. "Tasting Beer" is a good start. If you don't already have "How to Brew", grab that too. As far as comparing hoppy beers/IBUs versus "malty or lighter" beers, get "Designing Great Beers". Daniels has a good way of relating that with a BU:GU comparison.

Also, DRINK A LOT OF BEER. And take notes. The BJCP has a great score sheet that you can use as a template. Drink different beers, compare, contrast, evaluate. Practice.

Don't forget about beer competitions. For a small fee, you can have licensed judges evaluate your beer. A lot of times, that feedback can be very valuable.

Once you get pass that, and if you still want more, try studying for the BJCP exam (even if you don't take it). I'll be the first to tell you that since I started studying, my beers have improved immensely.

Cheers! :mug:
Ok fellows, that sounds really good. But here is a stupid question that came up on reviewing this thread...

what dose the "P" stand for In BJCP?
The things that we casually discuss after a few years are completely greek to the beginner... I always think of columbus's egg reference when this subject comes up :)

Here is the story:

Columbus was dining with many Spanish nobles when one of them said: 'Sir Christopher, even if your lordship had not discovered the Indies, there would have been, here in Spain which is a country abundant with great men knowledgeable in cosmography and literature, one who would have started a similar adventure with the same result.' Columbus did not respond to these words but asked for a whole egg to be brought to him. He placed it on the table and said: 'My lords, I will lay a wager with any of you that you are unable to make this egg stand on its end like I will do without any kind of help or aid.' They all tried without success and when the egg returned to Columbus, he tapped it gently on the table breaking it slightly and, with this, the egg stood on its end. All those present were confounded and understood what he meant: that once the feat has been done, anyone knows how to do it.