How to get drama queens to stop spam-bombing?

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Homebrewer, author & air gun collector
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Feb 19, 2011
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As the title implies, how in blazes does one get certain drama queens, like on facebook or the like, to stop spam bombing everytime you post something on your page? It's really getting annoying & they're always the last ones to realize they have a problem.
For example, I post something to advertise my books on MY facebook page. They then post a whole page full of BS at blinding speed that pushes MY stuff so far down MY page that no one sees it the second I hit <ENTER> for the 2nd one. It's like they want folks on my page to only pay attention to them. And they always tell you if you don't like it, unfriend them & go F*** yourself. And one of them I'm sorta family with. Any of you have this problem? Go!...
You can disable other people posting on your wall. That should help?


Or I think there's a different type of page you can set up where instead of a person account its a "follow" type account so other people posting on the page doesn't show by default. Like, you could have your own facebook page with your own friends, then set up a page for "Mr. Author Man" and people could follow that page (vs. being a "friend") and then thigns you post on that page are always there.

edit: if you click on the "create page" link on your FB page, it will let you create a page for a brand or product. Those pages have different rules and settings for following and wall posts. you could post there, then always share it via your personal page.
Well, it's not just on my wall, but mostly on my main page we all post on. It's like having a public page, then a personal page. The public page is rediculous between the two of them. And the worst offender is the daughter of this woman my older bro divorced some time ago. Her daughters were always nice to me, even cute at one time. Now they're older, bitter...& quite frankly a lil weird.
As the title implies, how in blazes does one get certain drama queens, like on facebook or the like, to stop spam bombing everytime you post something on your page? It's really getting annoying & they're always the last ones to realize they have a problem.
For example, I post something to advertise my books on MY facebook page. They then post a whole page full of BS at blinding speed that pushes MY stuff so far down MY page that no one sees it the second I hit <ENTER> for the 2nd one. It's like they want folks on my page to only pay attention to them. And they always tell you if you don't like it, unfriend them & go F*** yourself. And one of them I'm sorta family with. Any of you have this problem? Go!...

Maybe they're tired of getting spam-bombed by your book ads?


Facebook updates your newsfeed with all of your friends posts by default... I'm going to go ahead and assume that they aren't actually posting to YOUR page, it's just your friends posts showing up on your newsfeed.

I could be wrong though.
The worst offenders, in my opinion, are new parents. Fortunately, Facebook provides a "hide posts from this user" option.

Ah, yes. I think you're referring to "mommyjacking." As in:

OP: Very excited for my vacation in Mexico next week!
New parent: Next week? Little MycKhrystyngtynn will be 23.5 weeks next week! She's just starting to sleep through the night (hallelujah!!) and I think she'll start crawling any day and I think I see a couple more teeth in there! Ouch! Don't bite mommy! Mexico? Wow, momma could sure use a vacation too! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!
so, you mean they are divorced and single?

Maybe they're tired of getting spam-bombed by your book ads?


Facebook updates your newsfeed with all of your friends posts by default... I'm going to go ahead and assume that they aren't actually posting to YOUR page, it's just your friends posts showing up on your newsfeed.

I could be wrong though.

This. You are talking about your newsfeed. You can choose to see less from a person or you unfriend them. Pick your poison. I put people on a list that I didn't want to see much of and then realized, I don't care if we're friends on FB. She posts 10-20 things a day, it was too much and really just a bunch of internet memes about jesus and the likes.

So on your newsfeed, click on the little arrow on a post and pick your option...or unfriend, or to the person like for reals. From what you describe, no one is spamming your page. It is not spam to be an over-poster on Facebook.
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Something akin to that, yeah. They call me the workin' man...I guess that's what I am? Dey post 10-20 things in a couple of minutes! Jesus stuff & family drama! I consider it spam if you're bombing my posts the second I hit enter with a page full of BS to shoot my stuff so far down it can't be found! I'm a stranger here, in this new-found Earth. Let me sit down here, & discover the worth...
Something akin to that, yeah. They call me the workin' man...I guess that's what I am? Dey post 10-20 things in a couple of minutes! Jesus stuff & family drama! I consider it spam if you're bombing my posts the second I hit enter with a page full of BS to shoot my stuff so far down it can't be found! I'm a stranger here, in this new-found Earth. Let me sit down here, & discover the worth...

That's really not what's happening.

You just have too many friends that talk to much, de-friend them all and the only things on your newsfeed will be your posts and the Facebook Ads (spam).

Consider this... you post this on your wall... let's say you have 150 friends. Now let's say that ONE person that sees your post also has 150 friends. Those 150 friends are also posting stuff. If a quarter of those people post something within a 10 minute span (possible), then your post goes down, down, down.

Unless it's gotten recent activity, a like, a comment, etc. Depending on how you have it set, it could shoot back to the top.

Or, if there is no activity, it'll slowly fall to the bottom.

The only way for you to keep this at the top of everyone's page (if that's what you're looking to do) would be to just post it every ten minutes.

That'll show 'em.
I fixed that problem.

I deactivated my Facebook account.

This reduced the drama in my life considerably!

I don't even have a FB or Twitter account for that matter. I'm usually here or a couple of other message boards, and that's about it for me as far as the interwebs go.
Well, most others reply to something posted. But 2 ladies in particular post a lot of stuff about every minute of their day every day. Sheez. I & I'm sure many others don't wanna hear about it constantly. I mean, I believe in God & all that, but don't spend the entire day every day beating everyone over the head with "share this if you love Jesus", etc stuff. Then they get mad & say they're not posting constantly & if you don't like it, don't read it & btw, F off. Talk about denial. Some of these peeps need to get a life...seriously. I hate to un-friend family, but they are daughters of the woman my bro divorced. Maybe I need too? And while I do wanna advertise my books, like many others do, the kindle pages are even worse. Advertising your books can cost a lot of money, so social networking is about the only way to get'em out there. And I don't even post'em that often. There's gotta be a better way?
Listen. If you don't want to read what they have to say, just UNFRIEND THEM!

Nobody can tell you who has a right to be on your FB page. Only YOU get to choose.

I don't have my MIL on my FB page. She has nothing to say that I want to hear. I can get information from her from my wife's FB, and I can see comments she posts on other people's posts that I subscribe to.

I have a LOT of family and a few friends that I just don't have on my friend list. It's not that I don't like them, but I don't have time to read through every single damn post and comment from everyone.

To me FB is not a contest to see how many friends I can get. I really only use it to stay in touch with those people who post interesting things, or sometimes, to get updates on what's going on with the family. Like it or not, it *can* be very useful for that.

Actually, now that you mention it, there probably is 1-2 people I could unfriend that would clear up my news page.
My point exactly. A couple bad horsies in every corral, I guess. I like that I can talk to old friends, family & the like that're scattered to the four winds these days. But these two seem to write up several postings, then bomb ya with'em all at once! Sheez. Might just have to give one of'em das boot?...:drunk::confused:
My point exactly. A couple bad horsies in every corral, I guess. I like that I can talk to old friends, family & the like that're scattered to the four winds these days. But these two seem to write up several postings, then bomb ya with'em all at once! Sheez. Might just have to give one of'em das boot?...:drunk::confused:

That is what everyone is trying to say. Or you can follow my instructions and limit what you see from them. I've done that, I only get "life event" updates from a few people who I do want to remain in contact with.
I want to unfriend a guy who is a friend of a friend. We're most aligned in our ideologies, but he often goes off on stupid rants, swearing and calling people names and it's annoying.

I think the worst rant I ever went on was when I found a toilet seat peed on in a public rest room. (I mean COME ON! All you got to do is LIFT THE DAMN SEAT WHEN YOU PEE, YOU LAZY F$%#$R!)

That's sorta like this woman does. Idealistic BS that has nothing to do, so she claims, with her current feelings, whatever. So I said, "Seriously?", yada yada. Tried to tell her to stop posting bs if it isn't relevant.
She has definitely slowed way down on the BS. But others started posting stuff about hurting people's feelings with your words. Even relatives! Seriously?! She spam bombs my page & I'm the bad guy? least I had the cahoons to speak up.
She has definitely slowed way down on the BS. But others started posting stuff about hurting people's feelings with your words. Even relatives! Seriously?! She spam bombs my page & I'm the bad guy? least I had the cahoons to speak up.

But it's not your page, lol.

It's your newsfeed. She's posting on her own page and then you bawled her out. Haha.
Even though it's a newsfeed, only friended people & news can post on it, so it's still mine in a sense. I just got tired of the two of them, particularly her, spam-bombing the page with worthless drivel. And it shows up on mine, shoving my stuff to the bottom immediately. And I mean as soon as I hit enter. Don't bogart the page!
Even though it's a newsfeed, only friended people & news can post on it, so it's still mine in a sense. I just got tired of the two of them, particularly her, spam-bombing the page with worthless drivel. And it shows up on mine, shoving my stuff to the bottom immediately. And I mean as soon as I hit enter. Don't bogart the page!

I think you still don't understand, or you do and you don't care.

Facebook is a public page, much like HBT.

Say the entirety of the Facebook newsfeed is 1 thread. ANY post on ANYONE's page that you are friends with will show up.

Anyone can post anything they want, and it will show up in that thread, regardless of how badly you want people to not miss your post... it's eventually going to go to a new page, and it'll be "back there."

The same thing happens on Facebook. If you don't like seeing her stuff, hide her comments.

However, my Facebook feed is worlds different than yours... if you posted your book Ad to your page, it would be on the bottom of my feed in no time as well, because all of my friends are posting too.

Do you understand that part? Your newsfeed is unique to you, based on how many friends you have and what they are posting.

They are not posting DIRECTLY to the newsfeed, they are posting on their own page, just like you.

I don't think I can explain what is going on any clearer.

What you did was go to her comment that she posted ON HER PAGE (and, showed up on your newsfeed), and told her to "shaddup with the BS." LOLOL, I'm still laughing imagining that exchange and can see why people are telling you that was probably in poor form.

That would be like someone telling you to stop posting your book spam on your page.
I do indeed understand what you're saying. But what I see isn't a public page in the stricter sense. That is to say, I don't see anyone & everyone on said page. Yeah, she's posting on hers & I see it, being friended. But I must insist that I may not have been very tactful, but everyone was thinking it I'm sure, I just said it. I can never understand why folks post totally irrelevant drivel, merely for the sake of posting? These people need to understand that their friends see all of this stuff, & what the result must be?
So on your newsfeed, click on the little arrow on a post and pick your option...or unfriend, or to the person like for reals. From what you describe, no one is spamming your page. It is not spam to be an over-poster on Facebook.
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follow the instructions here and VOILA! you won't see any more posts from that person, but you will remain friends

do that for every one of your FB friends and your own posts will forever remain at the top of your newsfeed

Well, I don't think I need to go that far. They just need to learn some restraint. Posting just for the sake of posting, & doing it whole blocks at a time is spam-bombing in my view. Seems like nothing more than that if I finally do post something, hit enter, & see it bombed out of sight immediately? It also makes me wonder about my relatives, if they stick up for my bro's ex's kids rather than me? Makes me wanna re-think summer trips???
relativity, bro. depends on your point of view

if your friends are not friends with your spammer, your spam is staying at the top of their newsfeed, regardless of what you're seeing
They just need to learn some restraint. Posting just for the sake of posting, & doing it whole blocks at a time is spam-bombing in my view.

Going to someone else's FB page and telling them they post too much inane crap is like randomly wandering into a church and telling them they talk about religion too much. For most people, this is the whole point of facebook. As has been stated, you can hide posts from people to tailor what your news feed shows you. I've done that with lots of people that I like the option of keeping in touch with, but don't necessarily care to see what they post every day.