How often do you brew?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2008
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I've been at this for about three years now, gradually becoming more obsessed with the process. I'm finally easing into all grain, my last three batches have been partial mashes. I'm curious how often the rest of you brew? For me, I have been going every two weeks for the last few months.
Once a month, 'cause that's all I can afford.

I also have a bad habit of giving away half the beer I make to friends and family.
I brew 2 maybe 3 times a month, but I usually do more than one batch at a time. If you count by the batch, it takes brewing 6-7 batches a month to keep up with what I drink.
I would love to brew every two weeks, but work and family activities don't allow for it. That's one reason why I have moved up to 15 gallon batches. I'm lucky to brew once a month now.
Once a month, 'cause that's all I can afford.

I also have a bad habit of giving away half the beer I make to friends and family.

i hate that about brewing. Everyone want some. Then, when you start giving beer away, 5 gallon batches just aren't big enough. I want to start doing 10, but then I know that won't be big enough... It seems even less because I use 22oz bottles for bottling too.
I try to brew one five gallon batch every other week, but I'm falling behind in my production! I only have one batch in primary at the moment, and only two beers newly kegged. I was hoping to brew next week, but Thanksgiving will probably interfere with my brewing. Darn holidays!
I brew every three weeks. I would brew a bit more, but I only have two primaries. I'm too cheap to buy another.
I brew about every 2-3 weeks, I am trying for Turkey Day Weekend, just enough time in primary and transfer before I go on travel for 2 weeks.
I've been brewing almost every weekend since I started almost two months ago. Sadly, this is my first weekend I am not brewing. Being in the Navy, sometimes duty calls. At the beginning of the year, I will be in and out of port for unknown amounts of time, so I won't be able to brew at all then. I am going to try and get at least two more brews in before mid-December so I can have them in the bottle before I set sail. Then they will have a while to age without me screwing with them. It's going to be pretty rough until summer when I might have some time to brew again. As proud as I am to serve my country, I can't wait to get out so I can brew whenever I want. :mug:
About every two weeks lately. For whatever reason, brewing in the winter is just awesome. I guess because I'm always out and about during the summer, brewing gives me a reason to spend a Sunday in the garage with the door open around a warm, boiling kettle.
I go in spurts. When the kegs are all full I don't think ahead and continue to brew. Once the pipeline starts to drain i start brewing almost every weekend to catch up.
I would love to brew every two weeks, but work and family activities don't allow for it. That's one reason why I have moved up to 15 gallon batches. I'm lucky to brew once a month now.

Brewing 15 gallon batches is equivalent to doing three 5 gallon batches a month. I'd say you are doing pretty well Ed.
I've brewed 9 batches since the first of September. That's quite a bit for me. But, now I haven't brewed in about 2 weeks and don't anticipate brewing until after Thanksgiving -- probably next week some time. My pipeline is looking pretty good right now -- I think about 25+ cases bottled. Like many of the others here, I give quite a bit away so I could be getting a case or 2 of empties back soon. That will probably motivate me to brew again.. Next up: BB HopNog 2008 and another Oktoberfest.
I've managed to brew about every 3-4 weeks these past few months. Its all my fermenter (and wallet) can handle. I'm still buying commercial beer though so maybe I could afford to brew more if I bought less.

I'm thinking of brewing smaller batches to fill the pipeline with more variety, but I'd have to add another primary or two. I have a cheap source of them (HDPE paint buckets at the store) but have to figure out where to put them.
I would like to brew more then we are doing. We have brewed 5 batches in the past 3 months. I would like to do 2 batches a month.
I've been brewing beer at least once every 10-14 days since July, with the odd batch of apfelwein thrown in for good measure.
I've brewed 4 batches in the past 9 days, but I've also gone months without brewing any. If I look at my brew log and average it out, I brew between 1 and 2 batches per month - on average.

- GL63
i limit myself to twice a month (5 gal each), mostly because i dont want the spending to get to far out of hand, but the month of October i wasn't able to brew at all. but i have the ability to do 10 gallon batches, so been thinking about brewing 10 gallons of stuff like BM Cent Blond and my english mild, and keeping the heavier/hoppy stuff to 5 gallon batches.
I think it will settle down to three times a month. I'm pretty new, so I had a lot of catching up to do. How it's now working is that I have 4 taps devoted to homebrew, and 4 fermenters. All 8 need to be full at all times, and they are today. As soon as a keg goes dry I keg one of those that's waiting and immediately brew another to replace it. I'm distressed by anything that's empty.

I just ordered another tank and regulator (and more kegs) so I can start staging the replacements in another refrigerator to avoid the annoying wait when swapping out empty kegs.
I'm averaging about every 3 weeks. Started in January 08 with Coopers kit present from wife. Obsession took over rapidly. Converted to AG after 14 batches and #18 goes into the keg this weekend. Getting my kegging system set up and organized so I can quit bottling. I'd like to brew every 2 weeks if time permited.
Ive had a very dry's been 4 weeks since I've done beer....but I've gotten in a few Ciders, and a mead or 2.
But my goal is every other weekend.
and on the no brew weekends....I do the chores...racking, dry Hop so on.
When I was doing extract, it was about every weekend. Lately it's been once a month, which I'm finding doesn't leave me enough beer to drink. After holidays are over will probably be heading to every other weekend.

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