How does an idiot know if fermentation is stuck?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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So I tried the "current best recipe" here

I pitched 2 (count 'em) 2 vials of yeast.

I did a late sugar addition (because I forgot) meaning I pitched the sugar into the hole in the pail where the airlock is 3 hours after I was done chilling and adding my yeast. (I know I should have santized my sugar by boiling).

Anyway when I pitched the sugar the wort foamed like crazy. Like a baking soda/vinegar volcano.

However now 7 days later, I see no activity in my airlock/blowoff tube and my swamp cooler water temp doesn't seem to be heating.

Among other reasons I'm an idiot b/c the recipe doesn't seem to give O.G. and I forgot to take O.G. My wine thief doesn't arrive until later this week and I can of course take gravity reading on successive days.

Until then I'm wondering what the likelyhood is that my yeast didn't really ferment?

I got it from a quality shop and the guy said he just got it. I did have the yeast out at ambient 80F for 2-3 hours while I was brewing (again see idiot) so that may have done it but then I'm wondering where all the foaming action was coming from when I pitched the sugar.

The swamp cooler water temp has been @ 64F (again see idiot) for about a week.

I'm assuming the most likely scenario is I overcooled the swamp cooler (4 frozen water bottles, then 2, then 1 and now none) and it'll start again once it gets higher?

I know 64F is low but I imagine there'd still be activity. No?
Airlock activity isn't an accurate measurement of fermentation, sometimes fermentation will be going on while not bubbling and vice versa. 2 vials with no starter is a bit low for a big beer but if it was me I wouldn't worry at all it should be fine. I would wait at least another week before checking the gravity. If it's not close to your FG then pitch another vial or two.

I wouldn't be concerned in the least. But if you must know take a gravity reading. (even tho a week is really early)
You'll have to wait until you can get a gravity reading to know. I've never added sugar to wort in fermentor so I don't know if that has ill effects or not. I ferment at 64-66 for most of my ales so that should be alright depending on what yeast you used.
I add sugar to primary all the time. Of course, I boil it first, but it's a solid technique. It's a great way to keep the OG lower so you don't need as large of a starter. By adding the sugar to primary, you're basically letting the beer make its own starter. So actually, if you're worried about an under pitching, next time just hold onto that sugar until day 2 or 3. Not that an OG of 1.074 is that crazy, but now you know. If you're making a big Belgian or something, that's the way to do it.

Anyway, that's neither here nor there. If your fermentation has really been at 64F, I'd say it's on the cool side. After a week of primary, it's a perfectly sound technique to bring the temperature up to allow the yeast to clear off the last few points of gravity. I was going to say 80F is a bit to hot, but I'd be willing to stick it in my closet, and the AC is at 78 during the day. That's a negligible difference. Because 95%+ of your fermentation is done, any unwanted esters that are going to be produced at this higher temperature will be imperceptible. If you have a stuck or incomplete fermentation, that should clear it up.

That's a long way of saying, don't worry about your OG. Bring the temperature up and wait a week before you bother to check it. The odds are very good that it'll be done then.
I used the Vermont Yeast. I'm just getting back into brewing and surprisingly forgot 80%+ of what you're supposed to do.

2 vials is what the guy @ the shop gave me based on the grain bill and I usually trust brew shop guys implicitly. However seems like I needed ~350 billion cells and only had 200 billion at best.

We'll see. Thanks. I'll think of picking up another vial maybe in a week's time.
Thanks all. This forum effin' rules!

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