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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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Excited to learn from the experts!

A family member introducted me to brewing and fermenting with a Mr. Beer christmas gift and it has taken off from there. Any questions I had he couldn't answer he always referred to home brew talk.
Use this forum alot when I have urgent questions that need quick answers. An overflowing fermenter this morning from to high of a fermentation temperature convinced me to join so I can comment, ask questions, and provide info where I can. Cheers!
Looking for a mead recipe, (I like drinking it, thought I'd try making it.) and Google led me here when I searched for recipes.

Got a gallon of Joe's Ancient Orange Mead in my primary right now, perking away. The airlock certainly smells nice, hope some of that aroma actually stays in the mead!
Google, while doing early learning on how to brew. Saw the neat **** you were giving away, joined, and stayed. Now I'm sometimes answering questions instead of just asking them. Great community :ban:

Brew on :mug:
Simple: Google. Concluded that with the big amount of members here, I'd get some good response. Was not disappointed.
I found homebrewtalk by doing brewing research by googling. There is so much information on here and who better to hear it from than the people who have done tons of experimenting.
I am getting small amounts of yeast in the bottom of my bottles on my first batch is that normal

Yes it's very normal and comes in fact from the final fermentation. Since the gas that is produced is trapped in your bottle by it's cap, this "réaction" carbonates your beer. You might consider not pouring all the content of your bottle. The bottom yeast will make your beer a bit cloudy and will "flatten your beer faster. You can drink with is left. It's Packer with vitamin B.
the gravitation force of the collective knowledge drew me to this........No I used google after an undocumented boil-over.
Not sure what this Google thing everyone is talking about is... All I know is one day the HBT site became my most visited site. Figured my computer might be onto something so I bought a kettle. Then the computer told me I had to put stuff in it if I wanted beer so I dialed up the Altavista on Netscape and found your BBS.

Now I like making beer!

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I way reaserching beer StuffIt on the net on your threads show up in many times. Quite usefull I Will ad. So hère I am:mug:
Just about every time I google a recipe or something about BIAB, a link to this site is usually one of the first results. I've only been homebrewing for a few months now, but I've been reading this site A LOT. I feel like I've learned quite a bit in a very short amount of time. Figured that I might as well make an account.
I have been brewing for many years, mostly extract (over 80 batches). I'm presently building a single vessel electric "brewery", a projet inspired of the brewmeister system. Î'm trying to keep the cost of it as low as possible. Once all is assembled I Will start all grain brewing. Looking forward to that first brew.
Searching for info on brewing and this site came up a lot on Google searches.

A friend brought over his brewing equipment and did a all grain brew at my house. That got me hooked and I got myself setup for AG 5 gallon batches and kegging.

I've gotten so hooked on home brewing that since March I've gone from gas burners in the garage to electric (IC3500 induction hotplate) in the basement 'cause "Winter is coming". This site has been a wealth of knowledge.:mug:
Searched on Avangard Pilsner Malt, ended up here. Found good info/suggestions quickly. This forum looks like it could be a lot of fun. Too bad they didn't have forums like this when I started brewing (1990).
Hi I've been brewing for a couple years and found home brew talk searching google. I've been lurking around the sight for a long time finally decided to actually sign up and start posting. I've learned a lot on here thanks for all the great info
Found you online, I would like to know how to post a question on this site?

Sent from my iPad using Home Brew

I typed "easy cider" into Bing and Paps's recipe for Pappy's Pub Cider came up. I checked out the forums and have enjoyed it so far. My first ever batch of hard cider is in primary right now.
Just started making wine and cider was looking for answers. Since we have a 73 MG and belong to a forum, I thought "there ought to be a forum somewhere out there for wine/cider/ Brewers." And that is how I found you. Thanks for being here!!!
Welcome! :mug:

Please let us know how you found ....

Was searching for how big a brew I could safely ferment with US-05 and stumbled on a post here. Noticed you were more active than BN forums and here I am :mug:
my googlefu keeps bringing em back here as I look up questiosn and find answers about homebrewing. must be a valuable wealth of information in the interwebs.
Every time I have a homebrew question and drop it into Google, I end up here! Now that I am getting back into the hobby, I figured I better join.

Thanks for all the help you probably haven't realized you all have provided!
Curiosity and a trip down the rabbit hole using google.
Was not specifically looking for this forum...just any beer forum that would fit my personality/needs.