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Really just did a search for home brewing and you topped the page. I am a rookie - in early fermentation of my first brew - and have a basic question about how I am coming along. Have a suggestion on a thread I should enter?
A member on my other 4x4 forum posted a link to a thread here and here I am! :D

I'm also a rookie brewer and building my AG setup. And I'm from Cape Town, sunny South Africa :)
Mainly through youtube.. several mentions in a few BrewingTV vids and I saw the HBT decal sticker on equipment in several member-made vids... figured it had to be a good place
For each of my hobbies, I try to find the largest forum to join. Usually they're the largest because they have a good core of veterans and moderators.

Googled "home brewing forum" or somesuch, site came up as first hit. Compared to some others and was impressed.
Short answer: the all-powerful Google

Long answer: had bags of apples that I picked last year, decided to make my first hard cider. Loved the process and loved watching the yeasties munch away, so I started researching was inevitable! I have been lurking since September and finally decided to join.
I was searching Google for a recipe and this forum came up. Since I'm new to brewing I thought this would be a good place to hang out.

I'm currently brewing my second batch from malt extract now. Just put it in the secondary ferminter.

I want to end up FG brewing, but I think I'd better stick to extract until I learn more.

I've read threads on a few HB forums, and i liked this one the best. So, here I am.

I am a noob, currently working on my first batch of brew, moving to secondary in three days. :D
Same for me. Google.
Every time I googled a question about HB I ended up here. So I joined. Glad I did too 'cause I haven't even been here a week and the advice I've received so far has been a huge help.
I was lucky to find you good folks when i started to look for some direction when first starting to make some hard ciders. it is always good to listen to the experts! Thanks!
I was referred to this site from

I have lurked for a few months and gained enough knowledge to start a few batches and feel confident about the process.

I decided ED's Apfelwein would be a great first recipe due to the simplicity and overall praise of that recipe.

The SO,,,,, or SWMBO on this site got excited about winemaking so now we have 4 carboys fermenting :rockin:.

Wednesday all my beer stuff arrives via UPS so its brew time this weekend!

Extract kits will be my first beer endeavor and I am looking forward to it and waiting on the brown truck.

This site is a great source of information so I have decided to pony up with a membership on my first post. Cheers to all. :mug:
A friend recommended the site and am glad he did! I have a few extract brews under my belt that were a lot of fun but looking for something a little more challenging and will be going for an all grain as soon as my current batch is all through.
Google. Pretty much every time that I've had a problem, I've googled my issue and found the answer on these forums. :)
Googled " making hard cider" and came across HBT. I am currently fermenting my first batch of cider. This forum has helped me out a lot .
I was searching for mead and cider on Google and when I clicked on a HomeBrewTalk link, it said there was an app for that... so I downloaded it. When I found good info, I signed up. Thanks!
was searching for DIY project related to home brewing :) I totally got hooked to this forum!! so much information!!
I was browsing through sites searching for a solution to a problem and thought someone could offer some thoughts.
I am currently fermenting three 5-gallon batches I plan to keg and deliver to my son. He recently moved to California and I will be leaving SE Ohio in mid March but plan a two-week trip, stopping at various National Parks and Recreation areas. I am not too concerned about temperature because the time of year is likely to avoid temps above 65 degrees and much of the time will be below 55 degrees. But carrying them in the back of my Subaru Baja could be a problem when taping. Any suggestions on how to avoid excessive foam.
I found this site by referral from the brewer under which I am studying, who just happens to be my boyfriend. I stayed because it is such a great resource! Now I am learning everything I can about this new obsession.
My buddy Mike sent me this way. We are medics in the Army and are about to come home from Afghanistan. Can't wait to start brewing again.

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