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I was actually reading a random homebrewing post on a VW forum I'm a member of (VWVortex) and was referenced here. And the rest is history...
Wanted to brew and needed some help. I'm a wine Consultant for Kroger and love wine and beer. Wanted to give it a try and glad I found this site! Thanks

Jon O
Hi everyone,

I'm Kyle. I found you this great place while scouting for Nut Brown Ale recipes. I have had some experience in home brewing but mostly malt extract/partial grain and dabbled in wine a bit.

Placed in Birmingham, so if there are any others out in the area feel free to send me a shout.
:mug: I came looking for you! :mug: I have wanted to start making my own beer for a long time, so I'm hoping to get all the research done while I'm deployed. So my search started where about 99% of searches start; on google. I just went from site to site, reading and looking. I settled on this one 1)partly because I thought my eyeballs were going to explode and 2) Beer looks like serious business here, and I'm gonna need all the help I can get from experienced home brewers. Here's to a long, gratifying relationship with the only thing I love as much as my wife! PROST!!:tank::tank:
Drank, drank and drank some more...hit some keys for homebrew links and you popped up....Made it a fave and now you are stuck with me...:drunk:
Gotta luv google..........
Just used google to find a forum about hb. None of my friends homebrew but they ask me every day if my batch is ready. Well I am glad to say that my first batch turned out god so far. I just started the secondary fermentation. Already bout my next brew. It is a pale ale from Listerman's In Cincinnati. I cannot wait until my first batch is ready. It should be ready on my birth day:mug:... somewhat planed. I hope to becom,e a regular in this forum. Good luck to all in there brews. steve-0
Google kept pointing me to this forum for useful homebrewing advice. So now I come directly here. 99.999% of my questions are answered on this forum.
1. Why has my airlock stopped bubbling after 3 days? - answered
2. How should I solve an airlock overflow - answered
3. what bottles should I use - answered I'm going with Grolsch and PET
I was bored in my training class for work, and figured I'd search the net on my cell phone to kill time. Well, I have been brewing with my friends for a few years, but recently got my own brew kit, and have been wanting to learn more.

Well, long story short, I found this place and I like what I have read so far.
google search, making sure i was doing things right! Just bottled a pale ale to see if i like the hobby. Warm and flat as i drink the dregs of the caboy. mmmmmmmm anyone have any sugestions on how to wait for the carbonation process without drinking it all?
GOOGLE. Was on another forum, new firewall won't let me on it anymore, so here I am. Though I'm not a fan of a lot of ads, I gotta say there seems to be a more geographically diverse group on here than on my prior. Very responsive group. Also, this forum pops up first on a "homebrew forum" search, so kudos to the admin's. Happy brewing everybody!
google search, making sure i was doing things right! Just bottled a pale ale to see if i like the hobby. Warm and flat as i drink the dregs of the caboy. mmmmmmmm anyone have any sugestions on how to wait for the carbonation process without drinking it all?

drink from your last batch. :cross:
I found through the will power to find that perfect place for people to inform one another and chat and share all about Homeade Brew... and the Nice people from my local home brew store sent me here also ha ha
I found HBT thru google search for "ways to punish your liver." There were other ways listed, however "fun with fire" really sold me on HB. :rockin:

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