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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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I actually stumbled unto your website looking for more info and education on my new found hobby/love. Teach me all you know Do it!! lol
I kept ending up here over and over again while doing google searches and eventually I just cut out the middle man and just coming straight here. haha
Have tried kits for awhile in the past.
I have been wanting to get information on brewing with old dark honey as a substitute for dry malt. Am not sure how much to add to the liquid malt kit which is a Coopers Australian stout.
Did a google search to find answers.
every beer related search in google has an HBT related post in search results. After finding that I always ended up on HBT, I decided to join the community of EAC's and Yeastie lovers.
google search, wanting information on brewing with dark honey that has been sitting around in a bucket for 4 years. How much should be added to a malt kit Coopers Australian Stout and does the fermentation time change when using this.
I found the site by looking for beer forums in Google.

I figured it was time to start looking for more like minded individuals out there!
Well you found the right place... you no longer need to search ANYWHERE for any answers about brewing beer. This place made google obsolete.
Was referred by Berserker_Brew a couple of hours ago off of a motorcycle forum after I posted some pics of my first/new batch. :mug:
Good 'ole google search. Can't remember specific search but it was looking for information since I am still new at this!
Welcome guys, enjoy the best forum about beer out there! We love to help out so ask away, or use our awesome search feature for specific things you're curious about.
google here too.

After just about everything i searched for that was homebrew related lead me here, i figured it was a good place.
My buddy and i were brewing our first batch a few months ago and it took a bit longer for vigorous fermentation to start than we thought it should. We didn't know what to do or if we would abandon our batch. My gf suggested I look for some online forums. I googled "home brew forum" and this site was the first on the list.

Low and behold, one of the sticky topics addressed our issue and we were relieved.

I've been reading for a few months but have recently decided to join. :tank:
Welcome! :mug:

Please let us know how you found ....

I was having a beer with Harrison Ford. A good while into our conversation on dry hopping a voluptuous red head leaned and whispered into my ear that my buddy Harrison is full of crap and suggested I check out your site:) I think I'm going to like it here!

I guess I am just another Google-ite. I searched for home brew forum and here I landed. I have learned over the years that after you screen out the standard nuggets of b/s there is a lot of know-how, and better yet wisdom on some forums. Whatever your hobby, Guns, Cars, Underwater Yak Gelding... Whatever your in to, ya know?

I too used google. I have been looking for a local home brew club but couldn't find very much info. I googled "Syracuse home brew" and here I am.

I'll be browsing and reading here for awhile.


I found a link to EdWort's brewhaus construction thread on another totally non-related forum. My nascent homebrewing interest in my early twenties was matrimonially crushed, but that thread alone seems to have stirred it back to life.
Newbie here, but brewing for a couple years. Browsing the HBF and remember seeing someone's quote that said something to the effect:

We're all horny and so are the dolphins....simpsons quote maybe??

It was freakin' hilarious and now I can't seem to find it. Any help on this would be much appreciated!!

BTW -- I'm from Des Moines Iowa.
what's up? hope you all are well.....

my name is jason and i was referred here by Keim.

i'll be brewing my first homebrew in the next couple weeks. excited to get my stuff over in mobile when i'm over there at the homebrew meeting for LA Lagers this thursday.

cheers all.
Loking up info on sanitisers, found HBT.Nice having a place for information on brewing and how to avoid mistakes others have made.
Hi guys! New to this forum, but not to home-brewing, mead making, jeeps, or guns. I am by no means an expert, and I look forward to learning alot, if this is anything like the firearms forum. Anyway, Wassail!:tank: