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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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^bump google search and then the hobby turned into an addiction after finding HBT:tank:
In the 50's (3150's ofcourse) most of the world as we know it will parish in a mass suicide when a world wide shortage of delicious beer leads to irreperable outbreaks of depression. I was sent back in time with this web address to prevent mankind's imminent destruction.

Na, it was Google

"I'm too drunk to taste this chicken"
-Kernel Sanders
"I've had eighteen straight whiskeys, I think thats a record"
-last words of Dylan Thomas
I found this place by the suggestion of the home brewers over on Glad I did. This forum is amazingly informative.
I frequent the green homebrew forum and have for years, but have become a little disenchanted in the quality of the posts. A buddy of mine linked me to this forum and I figured I would stay a while. ;)
I was drinking a Guinness Extra Stout at the pub the other day and said to myself, "Self, I wonder if we can make some of this ourselves and not have to pay $5 a pint and have to sit in this stinky bar to drink it?"

And I answered myself, "I dunno but we can check into it".

So, I asked myself, "Where can find some information".

"I dunno, but I betcha someone's got a forum all about it", I answered myself.

So, we googled and "Eureka", there you was.
Updated...It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time, Peanut Butter Jelly Time, Peanut Butter Jelly Time....:ban:

Biggest answer of course was search engines
Google (including multiple countries ie etc)
StumbleUpon (search engine add on to Firefox)
Alton Brown vid blackle search (I know who Alton is but I have no clue what blackle is but I assume a search engine).

Second biggest seemed to be other Forums/Blogs (I didn’t keep count)
Jeep Forum - Jeep Enthusiast Network
google group forum
TreasureNet (tm) - The Original Treasure Hunting Website
MSN Messenger forums
NorthernBrewer forums
More Beer forums
World of Warcraft Forum
A Fark thread (I don’t know what that is but I think it goes here)
VWVortex forums

Brother in-law
Homebrew club/friends
Homebrew store
Pumbaa (I don’t know who this is but he got two votes as of this post)
College grad school mate
Bearcat Brewmeister at the Breckenridge

Other web sites
Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP)
Wikipedia What Part Of Beer Don't You Understand?
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (ie Chris Knight, Yuri_Rage, Bobby_M)
The Brewing - The Brewing
DevilDucky - Interactive Flash and Funny Videos
Welcome to the Brewers Association
Black Rock Brewing (New Zealand) website
Wichita Falls Texas Home Brew Supply - Beer Brewing Equipment and Ingredients
NAWB website
Defalcos Home Wine and Beer Supplies
Jim's Beer Kit
LHBS and/or their web sites
Muckney Brewing

Other Places/Publications
Brew your own magazine
Mother Earth News
Beer Advocate
booth next to us at the Denver NHC club night
Sierra Vista Herald
Playing poker

Can’t remember I was drunk
Found gardening and kicked over a rock
A really hot chick
Written on the wall over the broken urinal in the Crow Bar
I know it’s a repeat but is funny…”i got all pissed on stout and whisky one night and i woke up with this as my home page”
The really hot chick’s fat sister (it's a toss up, I don't know if the "hot chick's fat sister" or the "pissed on stout" post is funnier
I was drunk and horny...looking for a one night stand...and never left in the morning
I was trying to find an adult site and wound up here!

Unnamed sources
Unnamed search engine
Unnamed/unknown websites
On my quest to use this 2lbs of Peruvian cocao beans to make the best damn chocolate stout
Transported here from somewhere else
Other unnamed homebrew forums
Unnamed biker forum
Unnamed general interest board
Just googled "brewing forums" when I got my first kit. First on the list. Everyone knows the first step to a successful hobby is to find a forum.
Someone mentioned home brewing to me and recommended a Mr. Beer kit. The kit seemed very simple based on my knowledge of brewing so I started searching and Google sent me here when I started looking for a forum.
I went and bought some kegs from a guy in Columbus Ohio and he said that this was the forum to be on. Thought I would come and check it out.
I found this place through a place of a place. (Sorta)

I started out by looking up info on poker tourney structure ( and followed their links for building my own table(s) From there, I found my way to the forums of Scotts Poker Table (popular site for poker once upon a time) and it seemed that the admin went totally right wing and scared many off. 'The Perfect Man Cave' was where I migrated to from there (old mod from SPT) and they had a link to this place from there. Of course the 'Perfect Man Cave' is not complete without your keggerator or continuous flow of beautiful amber liquid - and its enhanced even more when you do it yourself.

At any rate, I am not quite a noob yet cause I have to wait til Xmas to get my brewing kit. I CANT WAIT!!

Sooooo many things to brew and try out!
Beer, Apfelwine, Wine, Mead... So many cool things to play with!

And I must say that I am glad that I found this place, and the people here seem to be genuinely cool and willing to help!
Saw your link on another beer forum.
Just now logged in here--is there no register requirement???
Is this a free forum or what???

Dick Gaines
That wonderful ol Google search.. Like a sore one, ya can't beat it..:mug: :ban:

I was digging through the cushions of my couch searching for some change to buy another 40oz of Crazy Horse and I found this place.

Along with Jesus, the meaning of life and a couple of Cheerios that I fed to the hamster.
Its amazing what you can find in your couch sometimes.
My local supplier said "go to our website and check out the links," that is what I did, and this was the only one that seemed decent with people who actually know what they are talking about!
Theres a forum for just about everything you can think of. I recently became interested in home brewing, so I googled home brew forum and guess what...
I in passing asked the guy at my local orchard if he was doing cider and he said yes. Then I said can you press me a Barrel and the next thing I knew was rolling a whiskey barrel into my basement and looking up this site on the net for clues on what to do!!

Can't wait,
