Homebrewin' Podcasts?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2008
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Hey, just getting the hang of my new iPod (yes, I'm behind the times) and started checking out podcasts. I was wondering if anyone has stumbled across any good homebrewing or brewery podcasts on the net? I can't brew beer at work, but that doesn't mean I can't listen to a podcast about brewing beer while I'm at work ;)


I listen to The brewing Network and Basic Brewing -- here are my reviews:

Basic Brewing is really great for the beginning brewer -- there's a reason they call it 'basic'. They took me from hardly brewing to going all-grain.

Pros - Very informative, very little fluff. Great for beginners.
Cons - Sometimes will put you to sleep, The hosts don't seem to know much past extract brewing and rarely say something incorrect.

The brewing network

They have 5 shows now --
The Sunday Session (Original show - avg - 3 hours)
The Jamil Show (Style Profiles - avg -1 hour)
Lunch Meet (Just random beer related stuff -- not great for learning about beer - avg 1 hour)
Brew Strong (Technical Topics - avg 1 hour)
Can you Brew it? (Clone Brews show - starting next week)

General Pros - Usually pretty entertaining - I usually laugh aloud a few times per show, Jamil/Tasty McDole are homebrewing legends (Jamil #1 homebrewer of all time) so you know you are getting the BEST advice and information, very technical -- usually stay on all-grain related topics

General Cons - They have a tendency to ramble, especially on the Sunday Session -- I enjoy it, but if you were looking for a ton of info, it may take some getting used to. Some humor may be offensive.

If I had to rank them all:

1. Brew Strong
2. Jamil Show
3. Sunday Session
4. Basic Brewing Video
5. Basic Brewing Radio
6. Lunch Meet

Can you brew it is yet to air -- when it does, I have a good feeling about it!
More podcasts to add to my collection, thanks! (And why doesn't Firefox think that podcast can be made plural by adding an S to the end? Stupid red squiggly line.)
The Brewing Network podcasts can be pretty good, but keep in mind that those have their ideas of what makes good beer and what doesn't, and that the rest of the world does not always agree with those ideas. Don't get me wrong and think that I do not respect their ideas. Jamil, McDole, and some of the other folks on those podcasts are excellent brewers and know their stuff inside and out. I would love to sit and chat with them for awhile, and I enjoy The Jamil Show. However, many newer brewers look at Jamil as if he were some sort of homebrewing prophet, and that just isn't healthy for creativity. While the relevant Jamil Show episode certainly is someplace I look for information when I want to brew a particular style (or something close to it), it is not the only place I will look.

And, I can't stand the Sunday Session. I've tried. O, I've tried, but it is just too much banter and fluff. If I need a vicarious buzz, I'll listen to the Sunday Session, but I've never needed one. It is a shame, too, because what isn't banter is usually very interesting. There are just too few needles in too large of a haystack, though. They could distill those few hours into about 45 minutes and have a very solid.

I've only listened to a couple episodes of Brew Strong, but it seems pretty solid. Much of it is rehashing what has already been covered in the common brewing literature, as well as past Jamil Show episodes. It seems they feel they need to keep something going, though. I'll keep an eye on the topics, but I pick and choose which episodes I want to hear.

Brewcrazy (or however they want to make it look) also is pretty good for the most part. They have been on hiatus since Ike came through, but I hear that are about to come back on. They also go off the rails from time to time, but it certainly is no worse than the Sunday Session.

Basic Brewing is solid, but I agree it isn't always engaging. I pick and choose what I want to hear from them, too.

I really like Brew Strong so far. The biggest con to the Jamil Show and Brew Strong is that they ramble for about 20 minutes before they cut to the chase. It makes the show a little hard to get into at first, but in the end makes it feel a little more personable. Plus, Brew Strong has both Jamil AND John Palmer. Can it get any better?

I've found Basic Brewing Radio a little too dull and G rated after listening to The Brewing Network. Kind of reminds me of NPR.
I've found the only real way to listen to any of the podcasts is while driving to and from work. I was able to get through all of the Brewing Network archives. The first year of the show there was some incredible info for the homebrewer. The show now focuses more on pro brewers and the recipes or tricks they use.

The Sunday Session makes a great replacement for the crap we have for morning drive radio.

There's definitely a lot of rambling on the Sunday Session podcasts, but their interviews with professional brewers are awesome - they get great stories out of these guys along with good practical information about how they go about making their beers and how homebrewers can go about approximating their recipes/methods. The Dogfishhead, Ommegang, Pete Slossberg (formerly of Pete's Wicked Ale before they destroyed their best recipes) and Captain Lawrence interviews are all worth seeking out.
Is it under the same podcast? I looked for the "new one" and didn't see anything and I want to set the iPod up to catch them.
I really like Brew Strong so far. The biggest con to the Jamil Show and Brew Strong is that they ramble for about 20 minutes before they cut to the chase.

Well, ever since they got into doing that, I think it's been better. Sometimes it's absurd, like their "final" show on Cider, I had to turn it off, because they were drunk and it was just a bunch of dimwittedness. But really, go back and listen to the early shows. Try the Jamil Show inaugural ep, on RIS. See if you like that stale format better. Personally, I prefer the banter for a few minutes. Usually it's something beer-related, and is usually interesting. The BS'ing on the Session is okay if I'm in the right mood, which is not always.
I like Basic Brewing Radio. It's dull and reminds me of NPR--even a little more dry than NPR. James Spencer is a wringer for Paul Harvey.

But he rarely does "head" or "69" jokes that make me :rolleyes:

He is also a very very good interviewer and always packs each episode with information with out the annoying banter.
They re-did the Cider show and the new one has some great info. In fact all they really do is interview a guy (can't remember his name) who makes cider and apparently wins a lot of comps with it. Good info and worth a listen if you're into Cider.

And, as far as the BN shows go I have to say that I do enjoy the banter and antics. I know that some find it tedious and if I was solely looking for brewing info. I may look elsewhere but I actually find them amusing and there is some great info mixed in as well.
Is it under the same podcast? I looked for the "new one" and didn't see anything and I want to set the iPod up to catch them.

The first show is scheduled for 2/16 and will talk about Moose Drool from Big Sky and Double Barrel Ale from Firestone Walker. On the BN site it lists them under The Jamil Show, so possibly if you're already subscribed to The Jamil Show you'll automatically get the new ones. But I dunno.

I rather like the concept of these guys offering up their interpretations of commercial brews. Hope it works out.
He is also a very very good interviewer and always packs each episode with information with out the annoying banter.

/Begin Rant
JSpencer might be a good interviewer, but that Wilkes guy who did the interview about beer and nutrition was awful. He didn't ask a single incisive question (Does the bulk of the nutrition come from the malt, hops, or yeast? Is a beer with yeast in suspension (hefe) better for you? What about the antioxidant properties of dark beers? etc.), and the interview turned into: beer is pretty good for you as long as you don't drink too much and crash your car. :mad: Give Me a Freakin' Break. What the F*** do car crashes have to do with nutrition?
/End Rant

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