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That's Midwest Supplies, they are good to go through. Here's their website http://www.midwestsupplies.com/homebrewing-equipment/equipment-kits.html.

Do you think you'll need 2 glass carboys? I bought their $90 kit and have yet to use the one I got. Wish I would have known about their groupon deals and saved myself some money.

All you get with that kit compared to the $90 is an extra carboy I think. Probably why the shipping is $30, probably comes in 2 boxes.
To be honest I dont know, thats why Im asking. What would be a good first time recipee kit? I like dark beers, Im very partial to 1554 from New Belgium Brewing in Colorado. That is by far the best beer that has ever crossed my tongue!! They call it a Black Ale. I dont expect to get something that good my first try but where do I start?
I'm about 3 or 4 months into the hobby and I can say at some point I think You'll want more carboy's if you get obsessed like me. I have some ed's apfelwein in my one and only carboy and it will be in there for like 3 months so i can't use that and there are some other things I want it for so I think having two would be a good idea. That being said if you have a local store you can buy one later or look on craig's list and save money on shipping.
I started out with something similar to this: http://www.midwestsupplies.com/brewing-basics-equipment-kit.html and have expanded as I needed to. I wasn't sure if this was going to be a hobby that lasted or something that ends up in a closet.And other than my carboy, none of it has. Any of the additional equipment you may end up needing, you can always purchase later on down the road.
On the recipe kit, go with something that you wouldn't mind drinking two cases of. The important part is that you have fun and make beer.
Well then I'd skip that $130 kit, now just need to decide if you want a carboy or not. If you have a local supplier I think the best bet would be to order that $60 kit and get a carboy later if you need one. Ordering one online later is going to bump up the price a bit with shipping. As far as a recipe kit, if you get the midwest kit just order a recipe at the same time. Whatever style you like, they seem to be a pretty reputable supplier so it should be decent quality. If you order a recipe at the same time it will probably ship together and save on shipping.
I took the plunge! Bought the beginner kit with the Better bottle from Midwest and the Amber Ale ingredients. Cant wait to get them and get started! Now I just need to drink enough store bought beer to get 2 cases of bottles before I am ready to bottle. I think I will manage.
with those store bought bottles I highly advise you to wash them out as your drink them because come time to bottle its sucks to be scrubbing out 50 bottles then sanitizing. Clean them out good now and then all you'll have to do is sanitize on bottling day

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