help needed (flamenting)

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Lol. I'm enjoying this. Although some are right here. There is a vast amount of knowledge here, a most remember the days long before cell phones and the internet. It's only fair that if you would like some of that knowledge, you make it easy for them to read and understand your questions. I am 100% grateful for this forum and try to soak up as much information as I can, and try to show some respect to those out there with that info.
i do respect the info i am given and think alot of the post you have deleted where wrongfuly deleated as i spelt to the best of my ability but you a mod so your entitled to do what you want aparently
I'm gun 2 try some o'that alki pop stf :)

Sounds good and a big hit with the ladies I'm sure. o'course ben that it's flamenting it may be a big hit with the guys too.

(Sorry for the blatant braking of rule #7 but I had to, I couldn't help it)
hensen dont try it its all going mad dont know if its coz the amount of extra sugar and the fact that i put 22.5ltr worth of yeast in plus nutriantsjust for a 4.5ltr batch but its all foaming right up and i tasted some coz i had to get more room in bottle and it tastes like pure alcohole after just 3days :S scarey stuff
i do respect the info i am given and think alot of the post you have deleted where wrongfuly deleated as i spelt to the best of my ability but you a mod so your entitled to do what you want aparently

It wasn't the spelling, although that was atrocious and I don't read posts that use "u" for "you" or "2" for "two". I don't even know what was said in some of them. That wasn't why anything was deleted, though.

I removed much of the OT crap. Carry on.

OT stand for "off topic" and that is what was deleted. Our policy is no off hand remarks, comments about spelling, insults, etc, in the technical forums.

We are a pretty friendly group for the most part, and sometimes we do have some chatter. But anything off-topic really is out of place, and is usually deleted. Spelling has nothing to do with it.
but alot of the ppl who wer just being dam nasty to me where being ot and i still see there comments
but alot of the ppl who wer just being dam nasty to me where being ot and i still see there comments

If that is the case, there is a "report this post" button in each post. If you report them, and explain why it should be deleted, a moderator will remove them if indicated. We simply can't read each and every post, but we do moderate things that are brought to our attention if we miss them.

For me, I don't read anything with lots of abbreviations. I don't answer questions with "text speak" or if I have to work to read the post. I do answer a lot of beginner questions, though. But not if I can't read them. I'm old. I use the word "people" instead of "ppl". ppl is only 3 characters less than "people' and I can understand that word- and it takes less than 2 seconds to use 3 more characters to make yourself understood. Oldtimers usually don't give long, thought out and helpful replies when the person asking the question can't be arsed to spend more than 10 seconds formulating the question.

Again, that's not why ANY posts were deleted, just some food for thought if you want comprehensive and helpful advice. It takes me a few minutes to type all this out, of course, and I simply won't do that for someone who doesn't give me the same consideration.
lol ok this is taking all the fun out this site for every1 i mean i type how i type what is the big problem with how i talk it dont take a genious to understand it i think your head is just to far up ur arse you cant see whats in my posts
Could you please at least consider an occasional period, comma, or any punctuation?

You may not take yooper's suggestion seriously, but she's completely right that purple elk see the way you write your posts and just not bother. If you want the best possible response, put in the effort to write clearly.

Is it fair that people won't answer based on the way you choose to write? maybe, maybe not, but honestly, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that many people won't. It's up to you whether you want to write in. a way that will attract the must useful responses or not.
lol ok this is taking all the fun out this site for every1 i mean i type how i type what is the big problem with how i talk it dont take a genious to understand it i think your head is just to far up ur arse you cant see whats in my posts

Insulting a moderator on a forum you wish to learn from? When you have been treated with respect, and when you complained of the way you were treated by other posts, you were offered the chance to report them to have them removed?

You know what's funny? I agree- it doesn't take a genius to understand you. However, I happen to have an IQ of 152. I'd probably be much more able to understand if I had an IQ of 70, like you. Or to be twelve years old, which is more likely in your case.

I hope you find another forum where you can be an immature idiot, and I hope you love your alcopops.
You may not take yooper's suggestion seriously, but she's completely right that purple elk see the way you write your posts and just not bother. If you want the best possible response, put in the effort to write clearly.

I get your point from the context of the post, but the purple elk part has me stumped. Is this a regional reference? Are purple elk reading this forum?
passedpawn said:
I get your point from the context of the post, but the purple elk part has me stumped. Is this a regional reference? Are purple elk reading this forum?

As an iPhone user, I understand this completely ;)
I get your point from the context of the post, but the purple elk part has me stumped. Is this a regional reference? Are purple elk reading this forum?

HA! Damn you autocorrect!! Meant to be "people will". I'm just impressed that the sentence was still syntactically sensible, although conceptually bizarre.

As an iPhone user, I understand this completely ;)

Android here, but same deal. :D
ChessRockwell said:
I'm not an Iphone user but it seems autocorrect could use some work...

It actually does pretty well most of the time. What is irritating though it that it "learns" what you like to type about. And that includes typos. Mine will frequently change a word I'm typing into some ridiculous typo that I've made several times.
So this thread brought a cancer to HBT? Maybe the Scotsman's talk will spread at mach speed. And ruin this great site in just a few nights. Tis something I do doubt out-right.

But don't really know.
On with the show!

If you don't speak English as a first language. On here are you considered unaverage? To me it's not up to the HBT mods' schooling.. I'm burning bridges here; in that I'm not drueling.

So comes a guy who speaks in his own way. Most of us comprehend what he does say. He's easy to understand and a new brewing man. Because that's my opinion, and name is really Dan.

He had many responses most in a jovial way, in the things he asked in a non HBT way.

Totally try myself to be clear, use proper grammar but my fragmented sentences abound. I really don't want to leave this Home Brew Town.

But much as I like this place, would leave it before myself I discrace.

Any way I'm getting off my beaten path. To: the bad english speaking scottsman. I'm sorry your thread turned rotten.

Brew something better than alco-What? Post back on here with a little better stuff.

Anyway that's all I have to say. Peace to each of you every day.
The website that helped me quit smoking, quitnet has a Scottish quitters club that I used to visit. They all used the Scottish accent in their spelling (with out the text type), but every one of them could spell/type in the queens English upon request.
Okay, I'm wrong. It is a cancer.. Just read this on a different thread's reply tonight:

You will probably die from the flamentation by products.

Maybe I should delete my previous post.
Wow. Just read the whole thread. I'm new here, among many. I'm an American. I, too, have grown leaps and bounds in my brewing from the fountain of information I've gleaned from this forum. I applaud Dan for his poetic comment on the slaughter of polland. Like a pack of wolves they pounced. Ripped him to shreds. He broke some rules for sure but he wasn't offensive or instigative. Until he obviously got sick of it...He wasnt trolling or flaming. He definately had impediments and maybe wasn't offered the (sometimes) great educations we've had. Pack of wolves. Dang. I don't believe I'm alone in this thinking. Perhaps to polland HBT bummed him out cuz we couldn't accept his handicap. Dunno. Kind of a shame, I think. Cuz this forum is AWESOME and I'm eternally grateful to be involved. Just my thoughts. I hate inequality.
Wow. Just read the whole thread. I'm new here, among many. I'm an American. I, too, have grown leaps and bounds in my brewing from the fountain of information I've gleaned from this forum. I applaud Dan for his poetic comment on the slaughter of polland. Like a pack of wolves they pounced. Ripped him to shreds. He broke some rules for sure but he wasn't offensive or instigative. Until he obviously got sick of it...He wasnt trolling or flaming. He definately had impediments and maybe wasn't offered the (sometimes) great educations we've had. Pack of wolves. Dang. I don't believe I'm alone in this thinking. Perhaps to polland HBT bummed him out cuz we couldn't accept his handicap. Dunno. Kind of a shame, I think. Cuz this forum is AWESOME and I'm eternally grateful to be involved. Just my thoughts. I hate inequality.

Whatever. Simple rule to live by - don't tell other people they are stupid and have their head up their ass. That's why he was banned. Seems right to me.
Kinda sad all around. I thought his posts were fun, entertaining, and I actually leaned some things (never heard of alkipop, or flamenting). He did cross a line by telling Yooper what he did, and that's not acceptable. Scots is a pretty profane language generally, and Americans might take offense to things that a Scotsman wouldn't blink an eye at.

The forums have to maintain a level of civility and respect to keep their popularity and usefulness. But I think a little more tolerance is in order. Polland got jumped on by a bunch of people who had no call or need to do so. Civility and respect goes both ways.
I tend to agree. For a bunch of beer drinkers, some of the folks here are wound pretty tight. I had a hard time telling if he was pulling our chain or not. I honestly thought the "flamenting"
was a hint the he might have been flaming. If so, wow did it work. The "arse" comment was out of line and the OT comments may have been too (hard telling since they were removed) but he sure put up with some attitude from our friendly community quite well. Either way, fun thread, and I too hope it doesn't spread (both the negative vibe and the spelling)
"Me fail English? That be unpossible!" - Ralph Wiggum

Sorry. I just had to. I told my fingers to stop, but it was already too late...
i don't usually subscribe to "slippery slope" arguments, but there is a pretty strong one to be made here: he calls it "flementing". i call it "the unicellular lambada". someone else calls it "3onker131ing". and before you know it, language becomes an impediment to communication and we can't ask each other simple questions without translation.

this is an international message board (with admittedly over-representation from north america). in the interest of keeping things comprehensible by all, let's stick to standard english.
tchamber said:
Seems a lot of people were telling Poland he had his head up his own ass, and they weren't banned. I guess he wasn't part of the "in" crowd.

The fact is that Yooper(a Mod) stepped in and tried to straighten the thread out and politely explained some rules of the forum and the dude completely dissed her, can't be tolerated, hence the ban
So yeah, the bear got poked. Maybe both bears did. Sure, its fun to watch.

But, there is still an OT video clip on this thread that mocks his homeland.

What up with that, mods?
So yeah, the bear got poked. Maybe both bears did. Sure, its fun to watch.

But, there is still an OT video clip on this thread that mocks his homeland.

What up with that, mods?

We have a little "report this post" button that brings objectional material to our attention. No one reported any OT video clip, and I certainly don't watch junk like that so I don't know what is in it. If something is reported, we deal with it.
hansen_sh said:
I tend to agree. For a bunch of beer drinkers, some of the folks here are wound pretty tight. I had a hard time telling if he was pulling our chain or not. I honestly thought the "flamenting"
was a hint the he might have been flaming. If so, wow did it work. The "arse" comment was out of line and the OT comments may have been too (hard telling since they were removed) but he sure put up with some attitude from our friendly community quite well. Either way, fun thread, and I too hope it doesn't spread (both the negative vibe and the spelling)

hanson, I'm with you. It also seems to me that if spelling, proper grammar, erudite writing skills, and a ban on drunken rambling were enforced for everyone, 20% of HBT would disappear. I love the knowledge Base I find here on HBT, and enjoy a few mindless diversions as well...helps me lighten up a little. now excuse me while I go find one of them alkopops!
But, there is still an OT video clip on this thread that mocks his homeland.

a video clip of a professional comedian mocking his own homeland, which by the way was taken in the good nature it was intended by the aforementioned scotsman, is pretty different from directly telling someone they have their head up their own backside

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