Got bored, went to the store, now making prison hard cider.

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Apr 11, 2011
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Went to Walmart picked up all this,

I mixed 2.5L of apple juice with a cup of sugar, 16oz of honey and bakers yeast. Just an experiment because I'm bored. Popped on an airlock and will see where the gravity is in seven days.

Starting gravity was 1080 btw.
Yep. search Edworts Apfelwein. Basically the same ting, but uses wine yeast to ferment nice and dry. Key is to use Apple Juice with no preservatives....or it won't ferment. Good luck
yea, next time get yourself a 70 cent pack of montrachet wine yeast and then you will really be rockin it....not quite prison style that way though....
For an experiment montrachet is still cheaper than bread yeast, would taste better too. Also, throwing some cinnamon sticks into ed worts recipe = awesome.
Thanks to Edworts recipe, I threw a stout on the cake a month or two ago. I should transfer that to a keg and try it.
Hours later and it's fermenting like a lunatic! I noticed all the honey fell to the bottom, do you think it needs to been shaken up or is that okay?

Hours later and it's fermenting like a lunatic! I noticed all the honey fell to the bottom, do you think it needs to been shaken up or is that okay?

I'd say leave the honey, the yeast will find it. However, your OG reading is likely pretty far off since it is obviously not thoroughly mixed. No biggie since this was an 'experiment'.

Regarding the yeast, I love EdWort's Apfelwein, but I use my trusty Notty and brown sugar. Just kegged a batch this evening as a matter of fact.
I did an experiment similar except I used S-04 ale yeast in mine. I'm beginning to think that was a mistake cause there is an aftertaste that I almost can't get past. I should have used something like the wine yeast or something that doesn't leave a yeasty taste afterward.

I'm willing to bet that puppy is going to have a bready aftertaste. It'll still be alcohol. :tank:


That reminds me I need to pop another bottle of apfelwein. nom nom nom
Man this cider is putting off some real rank smelling fumes, is this stuff dangerous to breath?
Me and a friend of mine back in HS used to make hooch and ferment it in his closet. Some of it didn't turn out too badly, particularly the OJ stuff we made. I see now it was just the training grounds for homebrewing.
Brian_GFH said:
Man this cider is putting off some real rank smelling fumes, is this stuff dangerous to breath?

Haha. No you'll be fine. My freshman year of college me and my roommate made "prison wine" all the time in our jail cell sized room. When didn't even know you could by air locks at the time, so we placed unlubed condoms on the top with a tiny pin prick in the top to let CO2 escape. Stuff turned out pretty good considering we used some type of Yeast by Five Star the allowed it to reach 20% alcohol and tons for sugar.
That could've been pretty good if you used a better yeast...just sayin..

I've fermented with bread yeast before. It's fine. It behaves like brewers yeast. Ferment cool and you don't get much of a flavor. It actually turns out pretty clean.

That being said..... You will end up with a very dry drink. All of your fermentables are sucrose and fructose. Not that the dryness is a bad thing, but you'll probably want to put some age on it before drinking (at least a year) to let the alcohols mellow out.

Also don't worry about the smell. Cider fermentation produces notoriously huge amounts of sulfur. Totally normal. It will blow off.
Sounds like it might be tasty but not anywhere close to prison cider..for that you need...
fruit cocktail or whatever fruit came on your breakfast, lunch or dinner tray..collected from several of your buddies on the gallery.
Also Whatever kind of juice drink they gave you with said trays.
place in a garbage bag..throw in a few slices of bread tie the bag up nice and in a corner, cover with dirty laundry and wait 3-7 days....
that's prison cider....
Cool experiment, will be curious to see how it turns out :mug:

Also, apparently some experienced Prison Cider Brewers...:D:D
Can't wait to hear how it tastes. Sometimes I think about experiments like this for people that live in dry counties. I had friends that lived in Alaska that told me in areas where alcohol is illegal they would drink mouthwash. Wondered why they just didn't try something like this.
Sounds like it might be tasty but not anywhere close to prison cider..for that you need...
fruit cocktail or whatever fruit came on your breakfast, lunch or dinner tray..collected from several of your buddies on the gallery.
Also Whatever kind of juice drink they gave you with said trays.
place in a garbage bag..throw in a few slices of bread tie the bag up nice and in a corner, cover with dirty laundry and wait 3-7 days....
that's prison cider....

We find stuff like this all the time.. usually in 20 oz pop bottles though

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