Gardening: My Tomatoe and Pepper Progress

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Thanks for the help everyone!! I think I’m going to start of with Cayenne, Seranno, and I was thinking of Pepperoncini!

You can't go wrong with those mid-hot peppers. Not so hot that you can't enjoy the flavor.

If you want to try a superhot, Carolina Reapers (current record-holder for heat) and Bhut Jolokia (ghost peppers) are fun and easy to grow. I grow them to give to a local brewery to use in their pepper porter every year. Otherwise, I don't often use them myself. The things are terrifying. However, you can take one pepper, cut it in half and scrape out and toss out the seeds, then add the pepper (or even just one half) to a big pot of chili. You'll have a nice, balanced chili with just enough heat to get your attention. I put the pepper on a wooden BBQ skewer, stick it in the chili and let it infuse a few hours. The skewer is so you can remove the pepper before serving--you don't want that left in there. And don't get any seeds in the chili--you'll know why if you bite down on one. :eek:
This is what I picked today. Everything is in high productivity mode right now. A lot of peppers to pickle!
What do you make with those peppers? And where did you even buy the plant/seeds?
Jelly, flakes, powder, salts, rub, sauteed with other veggies, with slow cooker meals...etc.

I get most of my seed stock from other growers, but I believe this one is available for sale. You can get the normal Sherwood's Carbonero here.
Not sure where to get the creme.
Anyone here overwinter their peppers? I've heard that habaneros and cayenne winter well. Any others?

I'm also interested in this. Started some seedlings late (they're only getting their third/fourth sets of leaves just now). Cayennes, serranos, and Hungarian wax.
I have overwintered peppers successfully before, but it's tough because the winters are so long here. Usually they make it until about mid-March and then die. :( But if you only need to protect them for about 3 months instead of 6½ you should be able to do it.
I just get the seeds from Home Depot. Yes, you can speed things up greatly, and reduce germination concerns, by buying small plants. But seeds are fun and cheap and if you only get 10% germination you've still got more plants than you need.

I built my buckets based on a video I found on youtube. That original video is gone, but this one looks identical. BTW, I think the only thing I bought, besides the buckets, was net cups (on Amazon, here )

If you search"self watering planter" you'll find lots more. I've noticed that there are self-watering planters at Lowes and Target and Home Depot now. Not sure how they compare, but you might check them out since they look a lot better than mine. For example, here's a review of the Target one

I've been rocking a variation of this for years...

current plant:

Anyone here overwinter their peppers? I've heard that habaneros and cayenne winter well. Any others?
I overwintered a few peppers, including 4 bell peppers, 2 cayenne and a habanero. The cayenne's didn't make it but the bells and habanero are still going strong! All are producing well and I expect another round of blossoms/fruit before the season ends in early October.
You can't go wrong with those mid-hot peppers. Not so hot that you can't enjoy the flavor.

If you want to try a superhot, Carolina Reapers (current record-holder for heat) and Bhut Jolokia (ghost peppers) are fun and easy to grow. I grow them to give to a local brewery to use in their pepper porter every year. Otherwise, I don't often use them myself. The things are terrifying. However, you can take one pepper, cut it in half and scrape out and toss out the seeds, then add the pepper (or even just one half) to a big pot of chili. You'll have a nice, balanced chili with just enough heat to get your attention. I put the pepper on a wooden BBQ skewer, stick it in the chili and let it infuse a few hours. The skewer is so you can remove the pepper before serving--you don't want that left in there. And don't get any seeds in the chili--you'll know why if you bite down on one. :eek:

I normally dont even grow super hots. I went a bit overboard this year. Last year i grew a ghost for this first time and really liked them. A nice compromise are Scotch Brains (Scotch Bonnet crossed with a 7 Pot Brain Strain). My first one is starting to ripen right now. Roughly twice as hot as a bonnet but a little less than a ghost.

Scotch Bonnets though are outstanding peppers. Just one is a pot of medium hot curry is very noticeable. I cut just one in half and remove it before it melts away. Ive grown MOA, Papa Dreadie and Trenton Farms Market. MOA yellow was not as productive for me but MOA red were insane producers and damn hot for bonnets. Dreadies start off slow but crank out pods by August. My TFMs are loaded with pods atm but none close to ripe yet.

A very productive super is Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion. Pods look absolutely nasty too. Roughly the same heat as a red ghost/bhut. One tiny piece in a bowl of mild ramen was SUPER noticeable. Another new one im growing this year are CARDI Scorpions. I believe its the truest strain of Scorpions but not the hottest. My plant is getting pretty freaking big atm with quite a few pods on it. Ive got 2 Reapers and 2 Dragon's Breath. Both are looking good. Not sure yet if i will grow either one again next year. The others sofar impress me a little more as far as plant size and production.


CARDI Scorpions

Dragons Breath (Pepperlover strain) supposed to be hotter than Reapers.

One word of warning for anyone new to supers....Wear gloves and long sleeves when cutting up supers. Eye protection is a good idea too. I had one seed pop out and land on my cheek. Its was crazy painful. Wash your hands numerous times with soap when done. Make super hot sauce outside. The fumes inside can get pretty brutal.
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More SRP, more Aji Arnaucho and my first ripe Scotch Brain.

Joe's Long Cayenne is just great. Loads of pods on this plant in a hard pot. Next year will be in fabric for sure.

First almost ripe aji oro. Finally a rocoto that does produce here. Virtually every single bloom has produced a pod and its still blooming in our heat.

No ripe Thunder Mountain Longhorn yet but it has many pods on it. Some are probably 18" long or more.

Liana looooonnnngggg beans

Ripe rocotos and Joe Long Cayenne

Papa Dreadie Scotch Bonnet

Another Scotch Brain is nearly ready. Back side has a hint of green and i like to make sure pods for seed stock are fully ripe

Hot wax and a tekne dolmasi i needed for some chilli. It had a small blemish so instead of chancing it im using it today.

Found a almost ripe bolsa de dulce in the jungle. Two of the plants have a insane amount of foliage.

Any idea what this super hot variety this may be? Nevermind the weeds... I planted 6 plants labeled 'red habaneros' but... They're not! Lol
Liana looooonnnngggg beans

Ripe rocotos and Joe Long Cayenne

Papa Dreadie Scotch Bonnet

Another Scotch Brain is nearly ready. Back side has a hint of green and i like to make sure pods for seed stock are fully ripe

Hot wax and a tekne dolmasi i needed for some chilli. It had a small blemish so instead of chancing it im using it today.

Found a almost ripe bolsa de dulce in the jungle. Two of the plants have a insane amount of foliage.

Beautiful this year. Are those green beans? Also when did you start the seed. I started way too late. My seeds that took forever to sprout are catching the home depot plants. 2 of my tomatoes got topped in yes another hail deal. Read that they will sprout out and maybe fruit after being topped. What suckers are pulled, when, and topping are now very much on my mind. Lots of these little garden salsa hot peppers and lots of tomatoes coming but miss garden beans and squashes and zucchini.
Those are Asian long beans. Very similar to green beans. That variety is day neutral and produces early in the season. I had great germination from seed inside. They climb like mad so a trellis is a must. Mine are around 8ft tall now. They are best stirfried with ground pork like you see at Chinese restaurants.

Liana yard long beans from Southern Exposure
You guys crush growing peppers! I've planted 12 Jalepeno plants and they are not doing so hot. I'm in zone 6. What are some tips for healthy pepper plants?
Fabric pots (7gal or larger) and potting mix that drains well. I have 6 jalapenos in dirt. Not one of them is as nice as the test plant in a fabric pot and it didnt go outside until much later.

Biggest thing is drainage regardless of pot or soil. Peppers hate wet feet. Roots need to breath a little. Pots need some shade or way to stay cool during summer heat. Most peppers dont need full sun all day especially in the summer. Sun up until 2pm is plenty for most but jalapenos seem to handle more with ease.
From 12 o'clock position then center 2 pods, Just picked a few minutes ago.

Mini Red/Miraflores Yellow rocoto cross (i think), "Ultra" Mini Red rocotos, TFM Scotch Bonnets, Aji Arnaucho, Mucho Nacho and Hot Wax
Scotch Brain and a cool looking P Dreadie.

Another view with flash

Got a bunch of Bolsa de Dulce turning. Two more Aji Oro very close and they are large suckers. Three Tekne Dolmasi, Joes Long Cayenne and a couple Naglah Brown within a few days. The long cayenne is so loaded i had to tie it up today. Saving them for a big batch of fermented hot sauce.
I gave my neighbor a carolina reaper yesterday. Yea, he likes hot stuff.

Haha, he came over tonight to my driveway to watch me fly my drone tonight. He was in bad shape. One beer in his hand, one (can) in his mouth.

Sadly, he did not get the awsome flavor. I think these peppers are big on citrus.
Now the attack of these things. I needed to spray anyways, think it got them, but now need to treat lawn? Close to tomatoes and some peppers. Getting lots of those garden salsa hot peppers. Cheers!
Japanese beetles. They are terrible this year. I put out one of the traps and filled a bag every night for over 2 weeks. They seem to be slowing down now here in PA. Some say the traps attract them to you property and make it worse. Problem is 2 neighbors have the traps also so I am screwed.
More pain on the horizon

CARDI Scorpions are starting to ripen

One Naglah Brown is super close and 2 more on the way.

Nice pheno JPGS has just a hint of ripening. I hope these are not hotter than the first pods i got.
Now the attack of these things. I needed to spray anyways, think it got them, but now need to treat lawn? Close to tomatoes and some peppers. Getting lots of those garden salsa hot peppers. Cheers!View attachment 638392

While turning my beds this spring, the kids and I hand picked over a thousand f-ing grubs out of the dirt (both Japanese beetle and June bug). A pair of Robins still meet us everyday at the garden thinking it’s going to be another “jackpot” day!
More pain on the horizon

CARDI Scorpions are starting to ripen

One Naglah Brown is super close and 2 more on the way.

Nice pheno JPGS has just a hint of ripening. I hope these are not hotter than the first pods i got.
The peppers look great as always!
I harvested 182 ears of corn, and got the area where the corn was planted back with half the amount of fall corn, and about 100 cabbages, ranging from some standard F1 green cabbages, giant red and Nappas. I'm trying to get better at using plastic and drip lines, I got a fertilizer injector now.

I don't have any pics of my Ajis but they are SWEET and have a crazy taste, like peaches or pineapple. Most of mine are not very hot at all, less than jals for sure. I have been eating a ghost chili about every night with dinner.

Harvested the first 2 watermelons of the season, a Yellow Doll and a Cream of Saskatchewan. I have some very large Georgia Rattlesnakes, Moon and Stars, Golden Midget, Orangeglo, Charleston Gray, Black Diamond, Carolina Cross and Sugar Baby on the way.

Since I lost both of my dogs last year, I have had rabbits move in. They are eating my purple hulls, so I'm going to get a couple of traps today and am looking forward to braised rabbit. Hope everyone is staying cool!

This 6 pack is stupid hot. I sampled the peach ones. Hotter than the ghost from last year. The other 2 red ones should be quite a bit hotter. Probably mix these with one large sweet red bell from Turkey. Im not looking forward to tasting these. :p
Put some Jobes tomato spikes on my tomatoes and peppers a couple weeks ago, along with some side-dressed worm castings. The turnaround in fruit production has been bonkers to watch. Gotta whole lot coming my way.
Need some help from you hot sauce masters. I know it's not the hot sauce thread, but they are garden peppers. I took the garden salsa hot peppers which are almost as mild as green bell and smashed them in the mortar with onion, garlic, and lime zest. Then boiled and reduced and then, I was out of vinegar. So I used the juice of one big lime. The recipe says the vinegar version will last 6 months in fridge. Will the lime juice cure last as long?

It has a nice flavor and surprisingly is hotter than the jalapeno sauce. Which I wonder if it was due to seeds but I leave seeds in normal sauce. Maybe smashing them unleashed their heat sooner? I suspect a smashed jalapeno sauce would taste like it was 4 months old day one.
Fought the bugs off but they keep coming back. I think they are in my and neighbors lawn somewhere. Anyways I am going out and knocking them in soapy water cup. The home depot peppers aren't producing fruit but are big. Starting to get tomatoes and eggplant but they have been slowed by aphids I think. Yet one good garden salsa hot pepper is producing. Lots of tomatoes though. @estricklin she's adorable. Here is my little helper picking. Sorry to hear about your dogs. I like the plastic and drip.
Need some help from you hot sauce masters. I know it's not the hot sauce thread, but they are garden peppers. I took the garden salsa hot peppers which are almost as mild as green bell and smashed them in the mortar with onion, garlic, and lime zest. Then boiled and reduced and then, I was out of vinegar. So I used the juice of one big lime. The recipe says the vinegar version will last 6 months in fridge. Will the lime juice cure last as long?

It has a nice flavor and surprisingly is hotter than the jalapeno sauce. Which I wonder if it was due to seeds but I leave seeds in normal sauce. Maybe smashing them unleashed their heat sooner? I suspect a smashed jalapeno sauce would taste like it was 4 months old day one.

First, i dont heat lime juice in sauces. I use it to finish a sauce after its cooled or add it to a relish. Used alone in a relish/rings the chopped peppers hold up for at least a couple weeks in the fridge. I make what i call salted lime jalapenos this way.

Sweat the pepper rings (or chopped) in sea salt for a hour. Mix every 15min
Discard the liquid that sweats out.
Add the peppers to a bowl with lime juice.
You can also add ascorbic acid powder. Its cheap and easy to get.

But generally speaking can just use lime juice. 505 brand hatch chile salsa/sauce has no vinegar in it. They use lime juice and citric acid.
Thanks. I love those rings like you get on nachos. I have to try that. Just sweat them and cover in juice, I can do that. I didn't heat the lime so I have that going for me. It emulsified, like a dressing. It was pretty thick I guess. Same shelf life then I am going to assume, around 6 months. I like the flavor.
Need some help from you hot sauce masters. I know it's not the hot sauce thread, but they are garden peppers. I took the garden salsa hot peppers which are almost as mild as green bell and smashed them in the mortar with onion, garlic, and lime zest. Then boiled and reduced and then, I was out of vinegar. So I used the juice of one big lime. The recipe says the vinegar version will last 6 months in fridge. Will the lime juice cure last as long?

It has a nice flavor and surprisingly is hotter than the jalapeno sauce. Which I wonder if it was due to seeds but I leave seeds in normal sauce. Maybe smashing them unleashed their heat sooner? I suspect a smashed jalapeno sauce would taste like it was 4 months old day one.

The garden salsa peppers I grew were hotter than jalapenos.
Try Zapotec jalapenos. They are screamers for a jalapeno. Every single one ive sampled is about twice as hot as most jalas. Its a landrace too so if you save seeds there are no surprises like you might get from hybrids. Refining Fire Chiles has the Zapotec seeds and i should have a good supply in a few more weeks. I have 1 isolated plant set aside.

Picked 30oz of beautiful Liana long beans yesterday. Gave them away to the local Chinese place since i got a bunch in the fridge and will have a bunch more tomorrow. Its pretty much a every other day harvest for them in August.

350grams of super hots and Scotch Brains. Starting to get some nice pods for seeds too.


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