Gardening: My Tomatoe and Pepper Progress

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Well, while slaving away on some pork steaks yesterday i took some time for pics.

Scotch Brains (Juanitos Seedlings)...Very cool looking pods :D


Did not even see this guy till first Papa Dreadies of the year.

A few TFM bonnets (Refining Fire Chile seeds)


Naglah Brown (MWCH seeds)


Scorpions (Juanitos Seedlings)

Joes Long Cayenne (Juanitos Seedlings)

Tekne Dolmasi so loaded with pods it had to be staked.

CCN Dragons Breath bloom...these things have tiny flowers


First ever Reaper from CCN seedlings

Extra Sugar Rush Peach i separated from the rest.

A couple other SRP grew like mad recently. Temps are close to normal now
I’m curious about the scotch brains. Have you had/grown them before? Everything I’ve read seems very positive, but I haven’t had one myself yet.
Nope first time but last year one of my bonnets might have been crossed. Sure seemed hot for a bonnet and shape was wrong for all the pods.
We have a joke in Minnesota. Nothing grows here with any certainty, except weeds. ;)

We went from endless March with below-average temps that lasted into the first weeks of June, to mid-80s and 73 degree dew points. Warm, humid, but cloudy. My peppers are sad looking, with yellow leaves.
Deadheaded the yellow foliage, plants otherwise healthy, though a few weeks behind where they should be. Blossoms have dropped and I should be seeing some tiny fruits soon.

The plant third from left is my "bonus tomato." I had a pepper plant in that spot, but it got some kind of rot from our dreary spring and I yanked it. I later found this little tomato plant growing in one of my hanging baskets--apparently, the compost I bought didn't kill off the seeds, as I have been pulling tons of other things sprouting up. We had bought several bags of compost from a fund-raising plant sale at a local trade school--won't do that again. Anyway, I transplanted the tomato to the box garden, and I'll see what shows up in a month or so.

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I have jalapenos that are probably ready to pick. And some puya peppers that look ready if I'm going to pick them green (I think I will wait until one starts to turn red before I pick any of those. I've never grown them before and don't know what to expect). The other pepper plants are starting to grow and look healthy now, but some are only 2 inches tall; they got a late start and have had a hard life until now with aphids and bad weather.

Everything is growing well but at least 6 weeks behind, except for one tomato plant someone gave me that was a foot tall when it went in the ground. (it's 5 feet tall now) And I guess the tomatillos might just be 3 weeks late because they grow so fast once they get going.
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I have jalapenos that are probably ready to pick. And some puya peppers that look ready if I'm going to pick them green (I think I will wait until one starts to turn red before I pick any of those. I've never grown them before and don't know what to expect). The other pepper plants are starting to grow and look healthy now, but some are only 2 inches tall; they got a late start and have had a hard life until now with aphids and bad weather.

Everything is growing well but at least 6 weeks behind, except for one tomato plant some gave me that was a foot tall when it went in the ground. (it's 5 feet tall now) And I guess the tomatillos might just be 3 weeks late because they grow so fast once they get going.
I have 3 tomatillos that are going gangbusters. My mom gave them to me, but have no idea what to make with them. I am guessing a salsa verde????
I have 3 tomatillos that are going gangbusters. My mom gave them to me, but have no idea what to make with them. I am guessing a salsa verde????

Yes. Remove and discard the papery husks. Wash them because they are kinda sticky. Steam them and some green jalapeno (etc) peppers, and maybe a peeled garlic clove if you like garlic. The proportions don't really matter. Whiz it all in a blender. Season with salt and freshly-ground pepper, and maybe a little lemon or lime juice.
A verde sauce for cooking but it aint bad as a dip either. Just blitz it with a little EVO if you want a dip. The EVO will brighten the color a lot and gives it a avocado like flavor.

If you choose the boil method, add your peppers, garlic, onion and tomatillos to the pot. The other items can cook a bit longer but you just want to blanch the tomatillo until they change color. Otherwise they will split open.

Put all the stuff in a blender and just pulse it so it stays chunky. Add some of the water from the boil if needed. You can adjust flavor with salt, lime juice and cilantro later. I normally add the cilantro just before serving. It tends to get sorta slimy if it sets a long time.

It does not take much EVO. Just a tsp or two for a couple cups of salsa. Blitz it with a portion of the salsa and then hand mix it into the rest just before serving. Im really cautious about mixing oil with stuff like hot sauce if its not going to be cooked again before serving.
This one looks simple using the oven but i would do final adjustments before serving with cilantro and fresh lime juice.....Needs a heckuva a lot more jalapenos though for my taste. :D
My cucumbers are coming on like a banshee! Did 3 quarts of fermented pickles last week and 4 quarts a fridge pickles tonight. And I still have a ton of cucumbers left over and more to pick tomorrow night. The cucumbers have great flavor this year.
Peppers are coming in strong, the tomatoes are limping behind (except the cherry tomatoes). Just pruned a bunch of lower branches on my tomatoes which were yellow and spotted.

All of mine are open pollinated and many of the really hot ones this year are being grown close to each other. I will have 3-4 varieties with less chance of a cross.

Aji Panca
Big Brown Bhuts.....these are actually a very nasty cross from Pepperlover.

1 Trentons Farmers Market bonnet
1 Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion plant but it is just now starting to flower.

All the rest of my supers i kept together simply because places like White Hot Peppers and Refining Fire Chiles usually sell good seeds. Ive got quite a few seeds from last year. What kind do you want to grow next year?
Wow! Why haven’t I seen this post before?! I want to start growing chili’s now!

If I’m interested in making salsa or hot sauce, what chili’s would you guys recommend growing? @passedpawn

My favorite pepper to grow was the cayenne. It makes great hot sauce, pepper flakes, and powder.

Habaneros were fun, but man they are hot and it's hard to find a use for that many sticks of dynomite. They are VERY citrusy, so I paired them with mangos and that went well.

I'm currently growing Carolina Reapers, but just read what I wrote about habs.

I'm pickling banana peppers and anaheims peppers now. Just picked a bunch yesterday. Mine are pretty hot, not sure why. The hot bananas are a pretty good sub for jalapenos.

For salsa, hot anaheims or obviously jalapenos. I accidentally killed my jalapeno this year.
My favorite pepper to grow was the cayenne. It makes great hot sauce, pepper flakes, and powder.

Habaneros were fun, but man they are hot and it's hard to find a use for that many sticks of dynomite. They are VERY citrusy, so I paired them with mangos and that went well.

I'm currently growing Carolina Reapers, but just read what I wrote about habs.

I'm pickling banana peppers and anaheims peppers now. Just picked a bunch yesterday. Mine are pretty hot, not sure why. The hot bananas are a pretty good sub for jalapenos.

For salsa, hot anaheims or obviously jalapenos. I accidentally killed my jalapeno this year.

Awesome! Thanks! I might start off with some cayennes and maybe some bananas! Where do you like to get your seeds? Do you suggest buying small plants?

Lastly, how did you make those awesome buckets?!
Wow! Why haven’t I seen this post before?! I want to start growing chili’s now!

If I’m interested in making salsa or hot sauce, what chili’s would you guys recommend growing? @passedpawn
I love all chillis, but not so experienced with habaneros and the other hot varieties. But I would grow all kinds including bell. Garden green bell can be plenty spicey. But I would grow hot, sweet, mild, big, little etc. Passed knows his chilli and I think those cayenne are really versatile. Wish I would have grown some. Next year.

I love poblanos. They are great for chilli rellenos, salsa, ratatouille, hot sauce you name it. Arbol chilli is nice. Havent made it in a while but I quarter onions, and tomatos and fry them. Then add the arbol and fry it. Just a couple. Then blend that sauce. It is an arbol sauce. And on a poblano relleno. Jalapenos for sure. They are the staple of my emeril green sauce. Anaheim for sure. They are the staple of Chile verde and are also versatile. There is a hot sauce thread and I know very little and only make one sauce. Evilgrin, passed and others are real masters and you could go nuts making some of those sauces. happy growing.

I will update soon. For the late start and wet June, I am doing well. The drip has been nice and i dont water or do anything.
For me the most versatile peppers are cayenne, jalapeño, Serrano, banana and hot cherry peppers. Habaneros always do well for me but I have a hard time finding uses for them and end up drying some and giving the rest away. Last year I grew 2 chocolate habanero plants and they grew 6 feet tall. I must have had a thousand habanero peppers. I like to pickle banana peppers and cherry peppers and then stuff them with prosciutto and cut up string cheese. Cayenne makes a good useful hot sauce and can be used in a lot of dishes. Jalapeños and Serrano’s area good condiment in a lot of Mexican dishes and make great salsa. I like to add them to my homemade pickles too. In the spring you can buy plants and seeds at most garden centers. There are also a few places online that sell seeds. But you need to starts seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost so they are ready to plant.
Awesome! Thanks! I might start off with some cayennes and maybe some bananas! Where do you like to get your seeds? Do you suggest buying small plants?

Lastly, how did you make those awesome buckets?!

I just get the seeds from Home Depot. Yes, you can speed things up greatly, and reduce germination concerns, by buying small plants. But seeds are fun and cheap and if you only get 10% germination you've still got more plants than you need.

I built my buckets based on a video I found on youtube. That original video is gone, but this one looks identical. BTW, I think the only thing I bought, besides the buckets, was net cups (on Amazon, here )

If you search"self watering planter" you'll find lots more. I've noticed that there are self-watering planters at Lowes and Target and Home Depot now. Not sure how they compare, but you might check them out since they look a lot better than mine. For example, here's a review of the Target one

Awesome! Thanks! I might start off with some cayennes and maybe some bananas! Where do you like to get your seeds? Do you suggest buying small plants?

Lastly, how did you make those awesome buckets?!

For pepperoncini look for Golden Greek variety. That is the classic variety you see at pizza joints, salad bars and in jars.

Get Joes Long Cayenne if you want a cayenne. The plants are great producers and pods get over a foot long. Serrano is a great multi-use pepper. Hot enough for sauce but still usable in salsa that wont melt your face. Fresno is another but only when ripe. Green they kinda suck compared to jalapeno or serrano.


As far as pots nothing ive tried yet is as easy as a fabric pot and a drip pan. I use 7gal fabric pots and 16" saucers. Just fill the saucer when its time to water. During HOT summers you will probably be filling the saucers daily unless you give the pots some shade. Peppers dont need to be in the scorching sun all day anyway. Most will enjoy some afternoon shade.
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For pepperoncini look for Golden Greek variety. That is the classic variety you see at pizza joints, salad bars and in jars.

Get Joes Long Cayenne if you want a cayenne. The plants are great producers and pods get over a foot long. Serrano is a great multi-use pepper. Hot enough for sauce but still usable in salsa that wont melt your face. Fresno is another but only when ripe. Green they kinda suck compared to jalapeno or serrano.


As far as pots nothing ive tried yet is as easy as a fabric pot and a drip pan. I use 7gal fabric pots and 16" saucers. Just fill the saucer when its time to water. During HOT summers you will probably be filling the saucers daily unless you give the pots some shade. Peppers dont need to be in the scorching sun all day anyway. Most will enjoy some afternoon shade.

holy toledo!