First time alcohol made you throw up

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Apr 24, 2012
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I was with a friend. His parents partied a lot so they were often gone on weekend nights. I had a few budweisers and a shot or two of Bacardi. By the time his parents came home I was lying in his bathroom with my head in the toilet. Luckily his mom was too scared of getting in trouble to say anything to my parents.

I drank more than a few times before that but never mixed beer with liquor. Lesson learned.
Went to a party with 5 friends. Has been drinking beer at a bar, forgot a coat so we were drinking jagermister outside while we smoked. Beer pong, which turned into liquor pong once the beer ran out. Sat down on a park bench in some random dudes lawn and just puked everywhere. Tried to fall asleep on some hedgings in the front lawn.

Lost 3 friends at that party. Had no ****ing idea where they went. Didn't see them for like a week.
i'll bite
empty 500mL water bottle
filled it with a bunch of things found in liquor cabinet (mainly jack daniels which is why to this day i can't drink it, rum, some of dad's wild turkey rare breed)
did it in shots with a disposable bathroom cup over the period of about 45 minutes
also when i realized that puking in the sink will clog it

ahhhh high school......
I was drinking at a friend's house after I got out of basic training (army). We we were drinking Busch and probably had a sixer a piece. When we got done with that, he pulled out a bottle of After Shock, an we killed it. About a half hour later I was in the fetal position on his back porch throwing up my toes. To this day, I can't even smell any kind of cinnamon flavored alcohol without getting queasy. I just stick with beer, or the occasional bourbon and 7up now.
I was 16 and my friend's dad was away and for whatever trusted him to be alone in the house for the weekend. So 3 of us were drinking mike's hard lemonade (yum?) then I thought it would be intelligent to grab everything from his dad's unlocked liquor cabinet and mix it all together with a little grenadine. It filled a 12 oz cup and I pounded it. Needless to say I could only walk in zig zags. We had to walk my one friend home down the street and they decided it would be fun to throw a football at my head and I kept falling down. I sprained my ankle. I ended up trying to sleep in the ditch but they wouldn't let me. Somehow I ended up back at his house. I don't remember this but apparently I vomited all over his TV, VCR and carpet. I then passed out in his bathtub. I woke up in the tub the next morning and the tub was full of water and vomit. I had bruises all over my face, a sprained ankle. I've had some bad drunken stories but never since then have I had one anywhere near that awful.
16 years old at a friends house sleeping over. His parents were party people so they didn't notice when there booze disappeared. One night we were mixing sky vodka, tanqueray, and some old Puertorican 151. This night we mixed them all together cause we thought that's what mixed drinks were. Not the best idea. I passed out over the toilet for at least 2 hours from 12 to 2 in the morn while my wasted friends decided to leave my poisoned ass behind to go streaking in their neighborhood. I still remember how horrible I felt when my mother showed up to take me to church in the morn
I was 16. Me and my friend got my cousin to get us some beer. So he did and we drank it all. We ran out and called him back to get more beer but he said no. That he had a bottle of r&r he would sell us. So we bought that crap and drank it straight from the bottle taking turns. Well we passed out drunk and I remember waking up having to throw up. I had an upstairs room at my parents house and knew I couldn't make it downstairs. So I reached around on the floor next to me and grabbed a cock and threw up in it. I thought I did good. Well the next morning the sock had all the chunks in it and the vomit juice was soaked in the ca
I was 16. Drank a "banquet beer" down halfway, and filled it back up with vodka. Did this twice. Was laying there on the deck retching and retching as I swore I would never touch alcohol again.
Sixteen or 17, my friends and I got hold of some beer, I think it was Canadian. Egg white colored can that said "Beer". It was green, not as in new, just the color green. I threw up hard that night. So hard it pulled my nuts up like I'd been racked. Never again.
The same night I lost my virginity....I think.

I was 17 and had helped a neighbor put up a deck and install a new hot tub. He invited me to his hot tub christening party and I got smashed.

I was in the hot tub drunk as heck and a girl pulled down my shorts and sat on my lap. My friends were in the hot tub also. Everything was fine.

Then it happened....I pushed her away and off or me and leaned over the edge and barfed. It had been raining and the back yard was muddy so there was plywood on the grass left over from the build. I remember barfing right in the middle of the plywood and it splattering all over the place. The whole back yard full of people scattered FAST. I then crawled to the bathroom to finish up puking. Eventually, my friends drug me to the car and took me home.

The next Monday at school everyone I knew had heard about it. To half of them I was more popular it seemed while the other half thought I was an idiot.
When I first met my (future, at the time) father in law. He had a cube 'o Bud and said, "have a beer." I obliged. He drank, I drank. We were talking for about 3 hours and polished off the cube. We were both completely trashed when he said good night and told his daughter she could "take me to bed now.":ban:

I went no where near his daughter that night. I also discovered how little I like hangovers and have only gotten drunk about 5 times since that night about 8 years ago. I don't touch Bud to this day since the nausea comes right back just from the smell.
15 or 16 and split a 5th of Bacardi Raz with my buddy... puked black. Makes me cringe to smell the stuff
I was 16. Me and my friend got my cousin to get us some beer. So he did and we drank it all. We ran out and called him back to get more beer but he said no. That he had a bottle of r&r he would sell us. So we bought that crap and drank it straight from the bottle taking turns. Well we passed out drunk and I remember waking up having to throw up. I had an upstairs room at my parents house and knew I couldn't make it downstairs. So I reached around on the floor next to me and grabbed a cock and threw up in it. I thought I did good. Well the next morning the sock had all the chunks in it and the vomit juice was soaked in the ca

Wait you did WHAT???
Night before I registered for my first semester college classes I got hammered with my brother and his roommates. This was when "Ice" beers were new and new drinkers like me didn't appreciate how strong they were.

Anyway, this was back when you still had to stand in line to register for courses. I had to get out of line and race to the bathroom to puke.
Also, the first time I threw up was the second time I ever had alcohol. A friends 21st birthday. We had some beers, jackD, and I think the real killer was jager. To this day I still don't like jager. I remember I was so trashed I crawled to the bathroom because I was unable to stand.
I was 18, and my union at work always had a Christmas party in a hotel, so lots of people got rooms. My much older sister convinced my boyfriend's mom that she would chaperone our hotel stay (sister also in same union). We had an after party in our room and I drank way too much Bacardi 151. Went to use the bathroom only to see that someone lost his Cape Codders and splattered red all over the place. Instantly I started puking, BF came in, saw the wreckage, and lost it too. For some reason he would get naked when puking. Anyhow we both ended up with heads in the tub all night, while sis and her date used the toilet. Add in a surprise lady trouble to add to embarrassment. Even a couple years later, I'd run into someone at work who remembered being in our room that night, but i dont think any of them used our bathroom, thank goodness. All I remember is the puking and mess we had to clean up in the morning. Never give a non drinker 151.
I was probably 16-17 at a friend's house. Parents were away early that evening. We each had a half bud (We each literally had one of those small cans with like 7-8 ounces in them) and some dinner. We called his sister to buy us some cheap Goebel's and while we waited for her to leave work and bring it over (she worked at a bar) his brother came home from a party and brought us each a TALL can of Bud (Those were the days. You could get ANY size beer you wanted!) His brother was smashed and we had to help him into his bed.

So then little bit later his sister comes home with a 6 pack and my friend says we didn't get to split evenly, we got how much we could get. So his 220 lb. body was slamming those beers and I had to keep up. After a bit we nipped on his dad's Kessler's whiskey.

I was feeling good, so when I puked in the trash can and found green beans on my hand I thought it was the funniest thing ever. That wasn't actually unpleasant for me. My friend's wedding reception several years later was a REAL lesson in how to not drink beer with Apple Pucker and Jim Beam... I can't believe I can remember most of that night.
18, second night away at college. My roommate and I went to the dorm room of a girl he knew. Along with her roommate, we all played quarters with Miller Lite (BLEH! Even then I knew it sucked). Probably would have gotten lucky with the roommate if I hadn't puked... on her bed...
18, college party in my friend (at the time)'s apartment in the middle of the worst part of Poughkeepsie. Grabbed a bottle of Absolut Kurrant and started drinking straight to impress this girl, Heather. My game has since gotten better than this.

I got about halfway through the bottle before something told me to go get fresh air. I didnt make it. Major party foul. The friend, Dan, used the harshest language I had ever heard from him before or since... "James, I'm cutting you off." I got outside, continued puking for a good half hour alternating between curses and tears (by the end of it I was certain I had nothing left and internal organs were being evicted). Went back inside, switched to water, wound up falling asleep on the floor.

I was upset the next morning that my "friends" had sharpied my face in my sleep, but to their credit they made it look like a Navaho blanket, which was kind of them. I didnt get any genitalia or "insert penis here -->" stuff.

Dan woke me up, threw me a Tshirt (mine was rather... chunky), and we went to the diner for eggs. I don't remember having a hangover or any negative consequences whatsoever. I was made of sterner stuff when I was 18...
Ahhh memories.

I was a sophomore in college and I had never puked from booze and one random day I decided I was going to see how many beers I could drink before puking. I picked up a case of Steel Reserve (baller!) and went to work. I don't remember much but I remember dropping a beer and it started rolling down the walkway, I remember standing up to get it but I was well past drunk and my legs didn't work right. I landed on my chest and reached out for the beer just as it almost got out my reach -- drank that one too :D

Then at some point I puked off the 3rd floor balcony. Got some on my shirt, and tossed it off the balcony also. A friend of mine convinced me to go get another shirt and I guess I never came out. They found me 14 hours later on my couch, still asleep, no shirt, listening to an Evanescence song on repeat. I had about a hour before I had to do 'Beer Bike' - a race at 9am that combines binge drinking (I was anchor too). Longest day ever.

I got through the case! Go college!
I was probably sixteen, maybe seventeen. Stole a couple bottles of wine from my grandfather (I ain't proud). Probably good stuff, no idea at the time. Uber-buttery, that's all I remember. Sitting around a fire in his backyard, pounding two bottles, I remember distinctly yelling "This stuff is disgusting, I can't drink this!" as I put the bottle to my lips and took another slug.

I still can't drink buttery, heavily-oaked Chardonnays - they just remind me too much of that afternoon, they still make me queasy.
Was my first house party my freshman year of college. Somehow I ended up in a room that was just me and 8 women playing drinking games. I was on my way home with one of them and threw up all over myself. I woke up the next morning curled up under the sink in my dorm room hugging my garbage can still in my puke covered clothes.
A bit of hijack, but CG's post reminds me of a sharpie (we call em magic markers) story. Many years ago Mr was at a party where a guy was markered up after passing out. Some swears and swastikas, since that was the insult in those days. Poor guy ends up falling down some stairs, rest of the drunks eventually find him, load him into the bed of someone's pickup for ride to the ER. He dies. Big investigation into the graffiti, as he coincidentally had a German surname. Small town, so everyone understood that they were friends and they'd mark anyone that passed out.
Oof, thats horrible. Yeah I had some sunbursts, stars, I think a tree...
A bit of hijack, but CG's post reminds me of a sharpie (we call em magic markers) story. Many years ago Mr was at a party where a guy was markered up after passing out. Some swears and swastikas, since that was the insult in those days. Poor guy ends up falling down some stairs, rest of the drunks eventually find him, load him into the bed of someone's pickup for ride to the ER. He dies. Big investigation into the graffiti, as he coincidentally had a German surname. Small town, so everyone understood that they were friends and they'd mark anyone that passed out.
so many pukes ago, but i guess you never forget your first. seventh grade ski club, nights, on the merry widow lift. me and my buddy had hot rum and cocoa in our bota bags. i remember trying to feel my date's boobs up her jacket and under her bibs and stopping kissing her so i could throw up over the back of the lift. Good thing she was drunk too. i remember throwing up in a big flower pot in the chalet later...
i was about 14 i think... we were at a friends house out at the coast, the power went out to the whole city so we raided the liquor cabinet. i had a 1/5th of peppermint schnapps. i remember my mom letting me have little sips every once in awhile and i enjoyed the little sips, so i smartly proceeded to drink the whole bottle in prolly under an hour, and i was doing AWESOME! untill an hour later when my GF at the time had to help me crawl to the bathroom where i blacked out for awhile.
18....away at college in our own apartment....and our group of friends couldn't find anyone to buy alcohol for us on New Years. Someone told us fake lemon extract would do the trick. We bought four small bottles of this out of the spice section at the grocery store and mixed them with a huge bottle of Hawaiian Punch.

The next morning was not pretty... and not a one of us remembers the evening before...blech. :cross:
I was 12 and a few friends and I split a bottle of captain morgan white but we had no mix so we had to drink it straight
Dawnhulio said:
18....away at college in our own apartment....and our group of friends couldn't find anyone to buy alcohol for us on New Years. Someone told us fake lemon extract would do the trick. We bought four small bottles of this out of the spice section at the grocery store and mixed them with a huge bottle of Hawaiian Punch.

The next morning was not pretty... and not a one of us remembers the evening before...blech. :cross:

Let me guess, pounding lemon extract hasn't been the same since :p

18, best friends girlfreinds house..Icehouse beer and Rumplemintz (sp)

All I know I ended up passed out on the second floor deck of the home, gf's father coming home and kicking me to wake me up...woke up and puked off the side :mug:
18....away at college in our own apartment....and our group of friends couldn't find anyone to buy alcohol for us on New Years. Someone told us fake lemon extract would do the trick. We bought four small bottles of this out of the spice section at the grocery store and mixed them with a huge bottle of Hawaiian Punch.

The next morning was not pretty... and not a one of us remembers the evening before...blech. :cross:

We used to do that. Absolutely disgusting. We wouldn't mix it with punch, though, we'd pretty much drink them straight.

Not as disgusting as this, though.

Damn, I wish I knew about homebrewing back them; apfelwein would have been SO much better.
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Ok, so not exactly my first time (that was a gigantic funnel in college) but definitely my most amusing. In 2006 we had a major October snowstorm which knocked out power for days. The night we lost power my buddy and I had this great idea to finish up the bottom third of a keg of Blue Moon I had on tap to "keep it from spoiling". We proceeded to just that, mixing in a few drafts from a bar that was serving by candle light. The next day I have to be at work early to drive a hearse for a funeral (I'm a mortician). It's a normal rough hungover morning. I manage to get through the initial car parking and service at the funeral home with no problems, but after loading the casket into the hearse, and proceeding to pull out, I slam the hearse into park, dart onto the front lawn of the funeral home and lose my lunch in front of the whole procession. Needless to say it made for some very interesting conversations, and an apology on my part.
We used to do that. Absolutely disgusting. We wouldn't mix it with punch, though, we'd pretty much drink them straight.

Not as disgusting as this, though.

Damn, I wish I knew about homebrewing back them; apfelwein would have been SO much better.

Can I just say, that while I am neither physically imposing nor a big "spare the rod" guy, if I ever caught my kid drinking hand sanitizer I'd kick his ass. Thats the most vile, ignorant mess I think I have heard in at least an hour.
Can I just say, that while I am neither physically imposing nor a big "spare the rod" guy, if I ever caught my kid drinking hand sanitizer I'd kick his ass. Thats the most vile, ignorant mess I think I have heard in at least an hour.

It kind of reminds me of the stories around Vin Baker, the alcoholic basketball player who played for the C's a short while. They said he used to come to practices reeking of mouthwash, which I always assumed was because he was trying to cover up the booze stench on his breath... until it came out that, no, he was drinking mouthwash.

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