First recipe - spring IPA - looking for any feedback

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2013
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Just what the title says, building my first recipe. It's really out of a desire to brew another beer with Conan yeast cultured from cans of Heady Topper. Goal is for a nice, relatively simple citrusy IPA that's refreshing and will enable me to wash this yeast to share with a brew buddy.

Batch size: 5 gal
Yeast: Conan w/1.5L starter
OG:1.058 - 68% efficiency
IBU: 70+
SRM: 5.9

Grain bill:
11.0 lbs 2-row (US) - 94%
0.3 lbs Crystal 40L - 3%
0.3 lbs Carapils - 3%

0.5 oz (14g) Magnum FWH
0.25 oz (7g) Simcoe @10 min
0.25 oz (7g) Mosaic @10 min
1.25 oz (35g) Simcoe (whirlpool/steep x 30 min)
1.25 oz (35g) Mosaic (whirlpool/steep x 30 min)
0.5 oz (14g) Simcoe (dryhop)
1.5 oz (42g) Mosaic (dryhop)

Mash @154 x 60 min, batch sparge
Ferment in 63-65 range x 5 days, let free rise to approx 70 after that
Dryhop (in secondary) at 2 weeks x 5 days; using secondary to keep yeast clean as possible for washing.
Bottle @2.2 vol

*Update - everything went according to plan, except efficiency was a tad low. Hydro sample flavorful, definitely an ipa bitterness-wise, but not terribly so. Still question the IBU numbers from Beersmith for the whirlpool. Look forward to dryhopping in a couple weeks. Sitting at 62 degrees.
Wondering if I could bring the base malt down a bit and get in the mid-upper 1.040s but keep the same hop schedule. IBUs would go up a bit I realize.
I think it looks good, and would only change one thing. If it were me, I would drop the Mosaic at 10 minutes, and add it to the whirlpool, but that's all I would do differently.
Thanks Phil_Ozzy_Fer I will definitely consider that. I've only whirlpool/steeped once before but with tremendous results.
Looks good to me, though I would probably reduce the c-40 a bit. Might include some simcoe in the finishing hops. What's your planned mash temperature?
Looks good to me, though I would probably reduce the c-40 a bit. Might include some simcoe in the finishing hops. What's your planned mash temperature?
Ah forgot that mash temp, wrote it up last night quickly. I'll edit the OP but I'm thinking maybe 152?
OK, I think the final edited version is in the OP. Ordered the grains and hops through MoreBeer and the dregs of 2 cans of Heady are slowly munching on the first of several step-up starters. Hoping the hop choices, amounts, and timing are solid.
Just what the title says, building my first recipe. It's really out of a desire to brew another beer with Conan yeast cultured from cans of Heady Topper. Goal is for a nice, relatively simple citrusy IPA that's refreshing and will enable me to wash this yeast to share with a brew buddy.

Batch size: 5 gal
Yeast: Conan w/1.5L starter
IBU: 70
SRM: 6.1

Grain bill:
10.0 lbs 2-row (US)
0.5 lbs Crystal 40L
0.5 lbs Carapils

0.5 oz Simcoe FWH
0.5 oz Simcoe @10 min
0.5 oz Mosaic @10 min
0.5 oz Simcoe (whirlpool/steep x 30 min)
1.0 oz Mosaic (whirlpool/steep x 30 min)
0.5 oz Simcoe (dryhop)
1.5 oz Mosaic (dryhop)

Any thoughts on this? TIA
Grist looks good with a 90/5/5 % breakdown, I like that mash composition. I think 152 is good for this beers mash, I would even consider going a degree or two higher because you have a lot of thinner but pungent hops and it will be good to fill out the body a bit.

One of the things I would look at is the IBU's for this beer. Im not sure what software you use, but I have found that for IIPA's i like to have my GU:BU ratio to be close to 1.0:1.0, IPA's close to 1.0:0.8 - but the problem is that is based off of Beer Tools Pro's IBU calculator. That said, my reaction was that using Simcoe as your bittering hop was kind of a waste of a good hop - but it will do fine - and that you might want to drop the IBU's down a bit to acheive more balance.

You also suggested the idea of dropping the base malt down to reduce the OG to 1.045-1.049 which is possible, you you would be increasing your relative % of crystal malt to the overall composition which might put it out of whack.

Good luck with the brew day!
Just my two cents - too much crystal malt and not enough hops.

3 or 4% crystal is usually plenty for an American IPA - you're at 9%. I usually figure at least 1/2 a pound of hops total for 5 gallons of AIPA. I'd throw in another pound of base malt too.

Your beer though man, so whatever you end up going with I hope it's a fun brew day and that the beer comes out to your liking. Simcoe and Mosaic is going to be a great combination.

Hey that's some great feedback. Will take a look again today and possibly tweak. :mug:
Ok, adding another lb of base malt to balance it out a little. Raised mash temp to 154. Slightly backed off on crystal. One thing is a fair amount of these IBUs are coming from BeerSmith based on a steep/whirlpool. I wonder how accurate those numbers are. Also, as far as bittering, I could pick up some Magnum and use the 0.5 oz of Simcoe somewhere else (whirlpool?)
If Beersmith is considering the whirlpool in its total IBU numbers you should be in a good spot then. I have no experience with it though. Replacing the Simcoe bittering addition with Magnum is a great idea and I think tossing in more simcoe during the whirlpool or even dry hop would make a fantastic adjustment.

Now I want to brew another AIPA!! Haha. Happy brewing.
Thanks Holter, I think I may have a final version ready to go for this coming Thursday. The Conan is going crazy on my stage 2 step up starter. Took away the FWH. Moved all Simcoe and Mosaic to the last 5 min or later. Hope the IBUs are OK...I think beginning the steep around 180-185 will keep them in check.
Sounds like you've got it worked out. Should be an awesome beer using Conan.


I read through your original post again and saw your note about washing the yeast. Just something to consider trying some time - instead of 'washing' the yeast (pouring it into different vessels and letting stuff settle - I'm assuming this is what you meant, if not disregard the following), try just scooping some into a mason jar after you rack your beer off the primary cake. I do this often and it works great. Washing is more work and, personally, I think it gives you more of a chance for getting unwanted bugs/bacteria/whatever in your yeast by pouring it in and out of multiple vessels. That theory by the way, has not been scientifically researched or anything - it's just my opinion. Anyway, I just sanitize a big spoon and scoop out enough to fill a sanitized pint jar halfway. Then pop it in the frig for storage and when you want to use it, just let it set at room temp for a bit before pitching it straight into your wort. It's easy and it works well. Make sure to oxygenate the wort you're pitching into.

I know you weren't asking for opinions on re-using yeast, but I thought I'd throw it out there. Obviously take it or leave it as works best for you/your brew process.

Enjoy the brew man.
Thanks NathPowe, I appreciate the feedback. As you can see I backed off a bit on the crystal based on your feedback. I don't want too much caramel in there, that's not the beer I'm looking for.

The yeast collecting method you describe would certainly be easier. I know folks pitch onto yeast cakes as it is, so this wouldn't be much different. I get a minimum of other trub in my fermenters because I aggressively strain my wort several times before going into fermenter. This is also my aeration process. So, in short, I think it would work well for me. Main thing will be to use a bucket as primary in order to be able to scoop the yeast. I'll be using a secondary for dryhopping in order to keep that yeast clean also, so I'm probably going to try your suggested method. Do you add sanitized/deoxygenated water to top up your mason jars?
Right on Malty. I did see that you cut the crystal down so I'm glad I could provide a little input. Hopefully it comes out to your liking.

Regarding the yeast harvesting, I've always used bucket fermenters, so I forget that other people use carboys. So I guess what I should've said is that it's worth trying if it's convenient. :) I personally don't add any top-up water or anything to the jar. I just spoon some slurry in and put a lid on it.

I like this method because, come brewday, there's no yeast to hydrate or starter to mess with. Guess that's how I know the brewing honeymoon period is over for me - any task I can easily shorten or eliminate (even the simple ones) on brewday without affecting beer quality is a win for me.

Good luck on the brew.
Updating cause I like to follow up. After 6 days in the fermenter I actually think she's pretty much done. I've never tested gravity this soon, but couldn't help myself with this one. Sitting at 1.011. Light-bodied but flavorful sample. Should be really nice and refreshing. That's what I wanted. Simcoe/Mosaic combination appears to be a good one.

Will dryhop after maybe 10 days in primary. Pitched a large starter of Conan (>1.5L) for just a medium gravity beer, I'm guessing that's why it finished so quick.

I might consider a little more crystal possibly next time, but honestly I really think this is going to give me the beer I was wanting to make. I should note that the somewhat high IBUs Beersmith was predicting do not come across as too much. Very approachable IPA. The whirlpool/steep is really a nice way to impart flavor without stinging bitterness IMO. Didn't start the whirlpool til about 185F. Will know better in several weeks. Thanks to Phil_Ozzy_Fer, rmyurick, NathPowe and Holter for their excellent feedback on this, my first recipe. :mug:
Cheers man. 6 days sounds about right and I usually throw some dry hops in after 10 as well. Glad it's working out so far - post up a pic after you've got it all carbed up and poured in some glassware.

Followup for my helpful brewing friends out here. Sorry for the somewhat poor photo - I need to learn how to take good beer pictures. :D She really turned out to be the beer I was wanting to make. Light on the tongue, refreshing, citrusy, and well-made. The aroma hits you several inches from the glass before the first sip. Effervescent seems to be a fair word for it. The Conan imparted some faint peach and the grapefruit is definitely coming through from the Simcoe/Mosaic combo. Very clean finish with just a faint lingering bitterness. Its going to be great as the weather (finally) heats up. What's fun is this is my first recipe, and its one of a kind. Can't pick this up in the store, yet its tasty! Thanks again for all the help. :mug:


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