Finally figured out what a Yooper is

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. was apparent to me.... :D
Now figure out what a FIB is....................... :ban:

it's similar to Troll....there's your hint
Makes me think of how Charleston folk used to call the upper crust Charleston d-bags who generally live to the south of Broad Street "S.O.B.s" (south of broad ;))
From the article:

"Nearly anywhere you are, as long as there is no cloud cover, you are sure to get the best view of the night stars or northern lights you’ve ever seen. In some areas, it’s even possible to see the Milky Way."

Wait a minute...there are some places in the UP where you CAN'T see the Milky Way at night? What, standing directly under a street light?
Hey, we have street lights in town! They are right on the Main Street.

We even have one red light in our county and it gets turned on during weekdays. Usually.

We used to have two in our whole county, but it was overkill so it was taken out a while back.

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All right, apparently terminology in Southwest Michigan, where I have worked most of my life, is different than other places. I am very familiar with the term FIP, but have never heard anyone around here say talk about FIBs. So give me a hint cuz I can't figure out the B vs P thing.
All right, apparently terminology in Southwest Michigan, where I have worked most of my life, is different than other places. I am very familiar with the term FIP, but have never heard anyone around here say talk about FIBs. So give me a hint cuz I can't figure out the B vs P thing.

Freaking Illinois Bastiges.
I was born in Michigan, 60 or so miles above 8 Mile Rd. Currently I am stuck in FIB land, cant wait to get out of this hole.
Not sure why I stumbled across this a week late, but as a transplant from the 'burgh I don't agree with fib or troll.

"Troll" isn't the least bit derogatory. It just refers to someone who lives below the bridge.

"Fib", well, yes. That's derogatory and meant to be. I'll give you an example of a typical FIB . We have a local radio show called "telephone time", every day from 9A-noon. People sell random stuff (tractors, boat lifts, fridges) or just talk.

One Monday, a guy called in on a rant. He has a cottage on a fairly remote lake and he loves it, as it's an easy drive from Chicago- but............he needed an omelet pan on Sunday morning. He drove all the way to town, and the two open stores (a hardware store, and a general k-mart-ish type thing) did not have an 8" omelet pan! He was shocked!!!!!!

He said something like "If you want to have cultured tourists who come up here to enjoy the serenity of the Northwoods, you must be able to offer services to them that they need! This is the reason that you people are backwards yokels- you don't know how to provide necessities to people who can afford them". He went on for a while, until the host scrambled in with "thanks for your thoughts! Goodbye".

Keep in mind that we don't even have one working traffic light in our county- and that's because we are rural, remote, and there isn't a four lane highway within a 150 miles. People like that come up north to "get away from it all", then complain when they don't have 4G or a 24 hour place to buy an omelet pan.

That is a FIB. Even if he had not announced he was from the Chicago area (burbs, I assume) it was apparent. FIBs are generally recognizable from a ways away, and like to "visit with the locals", to prove their superb intelligence.

I have lots of friends from the Chicago area who are NOT FIBs. One is a moderator on this forum, as a matter of fact!
Funny posts. Hillbilly is a name i am proud of growing up in the hills of WVA. love being educated to the findings or stereotyping in the world. Never heard this %$it before. But hate walmart and non USA made products. Must be a tree hugger now. :)
"Troll" isn't the least bit derogatory. It just refers to someone who lives below the bridge.

"Fib", well, yes. That's derogatory and meant to be. I'll give you an example of a typical FIB . We have a local radio show called "telephone time", every day from 9A-noon. People sell random stuff (tractors, boat lifts, fridges) or just talk.

One Monday, a guy called in on a rant. He has a cottage on a fairly remote lake and he loves it, as it's an easy drive from Chicago- but............he needed an omelet pan on Sunday morning. He drove all the way to town, and the two open stores (a hardware store, and a general k-mart-ish type thing) did not have an 8" omelet pan! He was shocked!!!!!!

He said something like "If you want to have cultured tourists who come up here to enjoy the serenity of the Northwoods, you must be able to offer services to them that they need! This is the reason that you people are backwards yokels- you don't know how to provide necessities to people who can afford them". He went on for a while, until the host scrambled in with "thanks for your thoughts! Goodbye".

Keep in mind that we don't even have one working traffic light in our county- and that's because we are rural, remote, and there isn't a four lane highway within a 150 miles. People like that come up north to "get away from it all", then complain when they don't have 4G or a 24 hour place to buy an omelet pan.

That is a FIB. Even if he had not announced he was from the Chicago area (burbs, I assume) it was apparent. FIBs are generally recognizable from a ways away, and like to "visit with the locals", to prove their superb intelligence.

I have lots of friends from the Chicago area who are NOT FIBs. One is a moderator on this forum, as a matter of fact!

Well, that's a horrible generalization. I go camping up in Wisconsin all the time and I'm very respectful of people's peace and quiet and try to keep my voice down and we don't get rowdy, especially at night when people are trying to sleep. But sure enough...every single camping weekend there's always at least one campsite that doesn't understand that other people are surrounding them and sound travels very far at campsites. They sit up all night, play music and drink beer and get rowdy and crack pieces of wood and keep throwing them into the fire. The ranger comes by, tells them to turn it down, and they do for about five minutes and then they get REALLY drunk and usually somebody picks a fight with another one and then the ranger comes back with a police officer and they get tossed out on their asses, but only after it takes them 45 minutes to throw their crap in their truck. And their license plates are ALWAYS from Wisconsin. Always.

But do I say that "that's your typical Wisconsinite?" No.
Well, that's a horrible generalization. I go camping up in Wisconsin all the time and I'm very respectful of people's peace and quiet and try to keep my voice down and we don't get rowdy, especially at night when people are trying to sleep. But sure enough...every single camping weekend there's always at least one campsite that doesn't understand that other people are surrounding them and sound travels very far at campsites. They sit up all night, play music and drink beer and get rowdy and crack pieces of wood and keep throwing them into the fire. The ranger comes by, tells them to turn it down, and they do for about five minutes and then they get REALLY drunk and usually somebody picks a fight with another one and then the ranger comes back with a police officer and they get tossed out on their asses, but only after it takes them 45 minutes to throw their crap in their truck. And their license plates are ALWAYS from Wisconsin. Always.

But do I say that "that's your typical Wisconsinite?" No.

Actually that is pretty spot on description of a FIB.

Good. Get the hell out.

As is this
Well, that's a horrible generalization. I go camping up in Wisconsin all the time and I'm very respectful of people's peace and quiet and try to keep my voice down and we don't get rowdy, especially at night when people are trying to sleep. But sure enough...every single camping weekend there's always at least one campsite that doesn't understand that other people are surrounding them and sound travels very far at campsites. They sit up all night, play music and drink beer and get rowdy and crack pieces of wood and keep throwing them into the fire. The ranger comes by, tells them to turn it down, and they do for about five minutes and then they get REALLY drunk and usually somebody picks a fight with another one and then the ranger comes back with a police officer and they get tossed out on their asses, but only after it takes them 45 minutes to throw their crap in their truck. And their license plates are ALWAYS from Wisconsin. Always.

But do I say that "that's your typical Wisconsinite?" No.

I've seen this in other places, too. When we go to the out island of the Bahamas, we've bumped into other Americans who bemoan the lack of niceties- but want to be there to "get away from it all". It's not really about the locality people come from, but instead the attitude.

And because the nearest major city happens to be in Illinois in our area, many of the people who fall into this category are from Illinois. There are jerks from every state, of course- but the people who come into a community and try to help us "better" ourselves are the ones who tend to get the most derision. Unfortunately, many tourists claim to want to be in the wilderness, but they get really pissed when their iphones don't have full coverage in the wilderness. Those people are not generally those who are local, or those who have great appreciate for unspoiled and wild areas.

There are perfectly lovely city folk, but there are also those who think that being out of suburbia means they have the right to tell others how the world works. Those are "FIBs".

If that seems to be an unfair generalization, maybe it is. I wonder if one of my neighbors, in his overalls and unshaven face, who looks like a drunk Oak Ridge Boy, would fare well in their company. Oh, he has a master's degree and all- but often the ones we refer to as "FIBs" don't appreciate that. That is why they are FIBs, after all.

(And maybe the ill behaved campers with WI plates are from Milwaukee, where they are just northern FIBs.) Kidding, kidding- sort of. :D

I just got back from a get together at a neighbor's house. Most of the people in the room have a master's degree, but some only have a BS. I am the dummy in the group, with no degree. I have been in about 30 countries worldwide, though. We are not a group of uneducated bumpkins, but "FIBs", no matter where they come from will treat us as if.

That is the point of the nickname- not the particular locale, but instead the superiority complex assumed by some. It's not necessarily Illinois or Indiana, but because we are in the midwest that is often the case. We don't get too many tourists from Lincoln, NE or Des Moines, IA.
I'm used to people looking at me with disdain when I'm up in the northwoods. They want me to spend my money and get the hell out as fast as I can. I get it. That's why I don't spend much time in the towns up there. I'm sorry that some tourists treat you as yokels, but that's not all of us.
all fibs are fibs.

i almost t-boned the sh*t out of one coming home from work. he decided he wanted to do a Y turn in the middle of the block.

oncoming traffic means nothing to the fib!

all fibs are fibs.

i almost t-boned the sh*t out of one coming home from work. he decided he wanted to do a Y turn in the middle of the block.

oncoming traffic means nothing to the fib!


By your definition, it sounds to me like FIB stands for "Person from Wuhan, China". From their frequency, I'm pretty sure that three-point turns in the middle of traffic are a monthly requirement for drivers here to maintain their licenses. Stopping in the middle of traffic on the highway is another one, but I digress.

The below is not in response to the quoted message, but a more general response to the discussion (just to be clear):

Anywhere you go in the world, you'll find localized stereotypes like Yoopers, FIBs, gangstas, hillbillies, rednecks, etc. In most Chinese cities, they look down on the "peasants" (农民 - literally "farm people"), while in Shanghai it's "outsiders" (外地人 - "people from other land" - any non-Shanghainese Chinese. I get a lot throughout China as a foreigner as well, and lord knows I don't help the situation if I yell at a taxi driver or get upset with a market vendor, but on the other side of things, a smile and a few words of passable Chinese open a lot of doors for me.If you're tired of being treated like a stereotype, the best thing to do is to avoid acting like one; it won't fix the problem every time, but it's bound to help most of the time.
I know some yoopers who don't use the term Troll with an endearing tone...

But I think Yooper doesn't have to deal with the REAL Trolls from downstate. Anyone who makes it to her neck of the woods REALLY wants to enjoy the rustic outdoors! I'm pretty sure most of the Fudgies get filtered out visiting St. Ignace and the several smaller towns as they travel west on 2.

I still enjoy doing some touristy things when I'm in the UP, like buying Pasties and Smoked Fish and Cheese Curds, and stuff like that. Know why? Because we don't HAVE that stuff where I live! (Well, jerky is getting pretty big lately, but we need more smoked fish...)
all fibs are fibs.

i almost t-boned the sh*t out of one coming home from work. he decided he wanted to do a Y turn in the middle of the block.

oncoming traffic means nothing to the fib!


A Y turn? I'm trying to picture why somebody'd do that into oncoming traffic ;)
I know some yoopers who don't use the term Troll with an endearing tone...

But I think Yooper doesn't have to deal with the REAL Trolls from downstate. Anyone who makes it to her neck of the woods REALLY wants to enjoy the rustic outdoors! I'm pretty sure most of the Fudgies get filtered out visiting St. Ignace and the several smaller towns as they travel west on 2.

I still enjoy doing some touristy things when I'm in the UP, like buying Pasties and Smoked Fish and Cheese Curds, and stuff like that. Know why? Because we don't HAVE that stuff where I live! (Well, jerky is getting pretty big lately, but we need more smoked fish...)

Mmmmm.. smoked fish..
Here in the east we get called "Swamp Yankee" if you live too far out of the city, or in the 'Quiet Corners' as we e call it.

Every fall the city folk from NYC/Boston/Providence drive out to see th he foliage turn. They get called "Leafers" behind their backs
Here in the east we get called "Swamp Yankee" if you live too far out of the city, or in the 'Quiet Corners' as we e call it.

Every fall the city folk from NYC/Boston/Providence drive out to see th he foliage turn. They get called "Leafers" behind their backs

Never did get the whole foliage thing. I grew up in Medfield, 45 min SW of Boston. Plenty of trees, and plenty of fall colors.