Equally Obnoxious Hockey Trash Talk Thread, eh?

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Like they care. We're all just a bunch of sheep as far as they're concerned.

not saying it ain't true...

It is true.

First lockout - just a shortie, shortened season - hockey's back! YAY!! Fans return in record numbers and League enjoys greatest revenue ever.
time passes
Second lockout - whole year this time, yikes. It's over! Hockey's back! SUPER YAY!!!!!! Fans return in even greater numbers and spend even more money. League goes bonkers with it's new found goldmine of revenue.
time passes
What will happen this time? I can tell you, it won't be the fans who aren't coming back. They come back in record numbers every time.

Hell, if I were running the league, I wouldn't care either. Funny that Rogers/Bell just bought MLSE, and now the Leafs won't be pulling in their millions for the first eyear that they own it. Wonder if OTPP saw this one coming...
Okay seriously WTF is this NHL13 crap - I've played like 3 games now and I can't score to save my life. This is impossible.
Just got the Stanley Cup Edition in the mail :rockin:

Haven't played it yet.

Jealous!! I gotta hit up Game Stop on the way home tomorrow, payday, woohoo!!!

On a hockey (@$$hat) note, maybe if more of the powers that be were actual fans of the game instead of businessmen, we wouldn't have these issues ever several years:

........it's hard to look at a picture of Gary Bettman without recalling the going-away present one NBA general manager sent the soon-to-be-named NHL commissioner........

"I gave Gary a puck," Pat Williams, Orlando's GM at the time, chuckled, "and he spent the rest of the day trying to open it up."

Read more: http://host.madison.com/sports/hock...89c-5394-b7cc-66873b4c4649.html#ixzz26IMXoCZp

I know that's a pipe dream, and wholly the opinion of this fan. And don't get me wrong, I love how the popularity of the game has grown under the current comish, but the thought of another winter without hockey isn't one that I enjoy having.
I'm hoping that they get this thing hashed out so that NHL '13 isn't the only thing hockey that we have to look forward to this season (although I'm really looking forward to it!).
Okay seriously WTF is this NHL13 crap - I've played like 3 games now and I can't score to save my life. This is impossible.

They basically neutered the cross crease goal; which is awesome in a way, but now some of the shots that are going in are garbage.

I like it a lot, but playing EASHL last night, my friends and I got crushed. I have like 8 points in 11 games and most are assists from winning faceoffs and the computer scoring off the draw. :ban:
Barnzy02 said:
They basically neutered the cross crease goal; which is awesome in a way, but now some of the shots that are going in are garbage.

I like it a lot, but playing EASHL last night, my friends and I got crushed. I have like 8 points in 11 games and most are assists from winning faceoffs and the computer scoring off the draw. :ban:

The new skating system looks awesome but also looks like it'll have quite a learning curve.

EA screwed the pooch and all my (and everyone else's, apparently) Stanley Cup Edition goodies aren't accessible, and we'll need to be given new sets of codes. So I still haven't played it yet... just got Skyrim anyways. :eek:

It comes in a Steelbook case, and I will say that, especially without the plastic overlay, the case itself is just a thing of absolute beauty.
The new skating system looks awesome but also looks like it'll have quite a learning curve.

EA screwed the pooch and all my (and everyone else's, apparently) Stanley Cup Edition goodies aren't accessible, and we'll need to be given new sets of codes :eek:

It comes in a Steelbook case too, and I will say that, especially without the plastic overlay, the case is a thing of absolute beauty.

I really like the new skating a lot. I haven't played a regular game yet, just the online team play. I'm definitely still adjusting, i find myself hitting the left trigger a lot when i shouldn't anymore. I need to break my habits from '12.

I'm sure it's because my guy is rated a 58, but sometimes it feels like he is skating on mud.
So will there be a lockout or what?


I consulted the perfectly accurate Magic 8 Ball and 4 out of 5 times it replied "Outlook not so good". And one of the 5 times it told me to ask again.

So I guess the outlook is not so good.

Maybe I should be happy that I am about 15 minutes from Ferris State Bulldog Hockey and about 3 hours closer to Griffins Hockey than I am to Red Wings hockey.

Plus my kid may play for the Western Michigan Broncos Pep band this year, so there may be some Broncos hockey to watch.

It ain't so bad I guess.
Closest thing I have lockout or not is the Hershey Bears. I'll have to check them out this year

I consulted the perfectly accurate Magic 8 Ball and 4 out of 5 times it replied "Outlook not so good". And one of the 5 times it told me to ask again.

So I guess the outlook is not so good.

Maybe I should be happy that I am about 15 minutes from Ferris State Bulldog Hockey and about 3 hours closer to Griffins Hockey than I am to Red Wings hockey.

Plus my kid may play for the Western Michigan Broncos Pep band this year, so there may be some Broncos hockey to watch.

It ain't so bad I guess.

Looks like I will be hitting more Griffins games this year.
There will definitely be a lockout. I just hope that they can get it resolved come sometime late October so we can have hockey by time winter gets here.
I'll need to drive to three hours to Bakersfield for puck.

These are the knuckleheads that offered J Bieber a contract.

Guess I just have to say bless hockey...
Boleslaus said:
At least I still get to PLAY hockey. To me that's much more important than paying to watch...

Oddly enough, I don't really care whether or not you get to play hockey. :drunk:
Boleslaus said:
Well you can come pay to watch, if that floats your boat! I'm assuming you played a little in your day?

Do you not see my location? :D

Yes. A "little". :tank:
I want to know why the gms and owners are still signing players to contracts with only days left in the cba?
I want to know why the gms and owners are still signing players to contracts with only days left in the cba?

Because you cannot sign them to anything when they are locked-out. In fact, the NHL owners and teams are to have no contact with players while a lockout is in effect.

We're headed down the worst road, and I blame the NHLPA. They won't budge, despite the NHL's recent movements and willing to negotiate a reasonable settlement. The billionaire owners can outlast the millionaire players, there is no doubt. Why the NHLPA doesn't see this and simply move to a 50/50 HRR % split defies logic.

Splitting up a $3.3Billion pie among 30 teams and 750 players isn't that difficult.

Oh well, guess I'll be seeing a lot more Guelph Storm games.

Oh, I get to play hockey too.
Quote from Ken Dryden:

"The fact is, both the owners and players are doing relatively fine. Their fight is not one of economic necessity. Bettman needs to win because he won last time, and he’s a winner. The players need to win because they lost last time and have to prove they’re not losers. The two sides didn’t really start to negotiate until July because there wasn’t much to talk about, and because for each to win what he needed to win, neither could agree before the collective agreement expired. There’s no agreement because neither needs an agreement. It’s not a fight they need to have. They fight because they can."
Quote from Ken Dryden:

"The fact is, both the owners and players are doing relatively fine. Their fight is not one of economic necessity. Bettman needs to win because he won last time, and he’s a winner. The players need to win because they lost last time and have to prove they’re not losers. The two sides didn’t really start to negotiate until July because there wasn’t much to talk about, and because for each to win what he needed to win, neither could agree before the collective agreement expired. There’s no agreement because neither needs an agreement. It’s not a fight they need to have. They fight because they can."

So Ken Dryden is an idiot then. This really makes no sense.
arturo7 said:
Makes perfect sense. He's basically saying there's no real need for a strike. It's as much about egos as anything else.

Well egos, and a $3.3 billion pie to fight over.
I think "slipped silently into lockout" pretty much sums it up. My men's league team held a moment of silence at the bar tonight, but thats pretty much the extent of the recognition.
On NHL.com this morning:
Despite the expiration of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the National Hockey League has been, and remains, committed to negotiating around the clock to reach a new CBA that is fair to the Players and to the 30 NHL teams.

Thanks to the conditions fostered by seven seasons under the previous CBA, competitive balance has created arguably the most meaningful regular season in pro sports; a different team has won the Stanley Cup every year; fans and sponsors have agreed the game is at its best, and the League has generated remarkable growth and momentum. While our last CBA negotiation resulted in a seismic change in the League's economic system, and produced corresponding on-ice benefits, our current negotiation is focused on a fairer and more sustainable division of revenues with the Players -- as well as other necessary adjustments consistent with the objectives of the economic system we developed jointly with the NHL Players' Association seven years ago.
Those adjustments are attainable through sensible, focused negotiation -- not through rhetoric.

This is a time of year for all attention to be focused on the ice, not on a meeting room. The League, the Clubs and the Players all have a stake in resolving our bargaining issues appropriately and getting the puck dropped as soon as possible. We owe it to each other, to the game and, most of all, to the fans.

Thanks Gar, thanks owners, listening to you guys cry about players who you regularly, and willingly sign to dozen year, $100 mil contracts making "too much money" is far more important to the fans than actual hockey. In fact, I know most of us shell out hard earned dollars, to the tune of many billions, not for the love of the sport, but in hopes that some greed mongering suit who cares (and knows) little about the game uses this empowerment to insist that his players take a cut in the salary he agreed to.
I know there's a lot of intricate details and compelling arguments on why I should take seriously the negotiations between an international sports league and its many talented athletes but when they get into a situation like this it sounds to me like a nursery school class that's run out of juice boxes.