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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
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So if
E = mc^2,
m = E/c^2

That means that the faster you go, the higher the mass. Therefore, why do we consume beer by standing still on a couch? If you run fast enough, your beer can have significantly more mass! :mug:

OMG, is is nobel prize material? I think I just revolutionized the way of drinking beer!
So if
E = mc^2,
m = E/c^2

That means that the faster you go, the higher the mass. Therefore, why do we consume beer by standing still on a couch? If you run fast enough, your beer can have significantly more mass! :mug:

OMG, is is nobel prize material? I think I just revolutionized the way of drinking beer!

the answer is right there.

if you can run as fast as c

c = the speed of light = 186,000 miles per second

your Nobel is that close!
This one's a winner:

Sugar + Yeast --> Alcohol + CO2 + tastes good
Plus the beer would be traveling at the same relative speed to your reference (you) so to you the beer would not gain mass - but to an outside observer you and your beer would get really small, the oposite of what you wanted to achieve :(

And who drinks beer standing on their couch? you must be really drunk or not have a SWMBO :D
I read your answers and yes that would make a difference. Obviously you would have to run super fast, but that is just details. Maybe we could build a super couch that travel near the speed of sound?
So if
E = mc^2,
m = E/c^2

That means that the faster you go, the higher the mass. Therefore, why do we consume beer by standing still on a couch? If you run fast enough, your beer can have significantly more mass! :mug:

OMG, is is nobel prize material? I think I just revolutionized the way of drinking beer!

I know it has been years since my math knowledge was tested but wouldnt that be the oppisite of what happens. for example if you are using a constant number for energy and speed increased, mass would shrink.

E = 12 (why not)
C = 1, 2, 3...
m = ?

for C = 1, m = 12/1 = 12
for C = 2, m = 12/4 = 3
Screw low carlorie beers. Move faster. Oh wait, that means exercise. Carry on.
I know it has been years since my math knowledge was tested but wouldnt that be the oppisite of what happens. for example if you are using a constant number for energy and speed increased, mass would shrink.

E = 12 (why not)
C = 1, 2, 3...
m = ?

for C = 1, m = 12/1 = 12
for C = 2, m = 12/4 = 3
Screw low carlorie beers. Move faster. Oh wait, that means exercise. Carry on.

m = E/c^2

c is a constant (speed of light)
If you go faster, the energy increases, hence, the mass!
i don't know why you keep saying that, velocity is nowhere in that formula. c is a constant. it's a constant number. like 5. except it's not 5, it's the speed of light. it doesn't change, even if you go faster. it's still a constant.

if you go faster, energy will not increase. mass will not increase.

this formula is showing that mass and energy are directly proportional. it has absolutely nothing to do with how fast you, or the object, or anything, is travelling.
Plus the beer would be traveling at the same relative speed to your reference (you) so to you the beer would not gain mass - but to an outside observer you and your beer would get really small, the oposite of what you wanted to achieve :(

And who drinks beer standing on their couch? you must be really drunk or not have a SWMBO :D

No, to an outside observer, he would see both you and the beer gain mass.

In fact, the faster you went, the more he would see you and the beer squash in the direction of travel, while getting wider and wider.

As the speed increased closer to the speed of light, your time would appear to move slower and slower, and the beer going to down your throat would appear to eventually come to a near stop. You and your beer would be essentially traveling into the future, despite it seeming like time was ticking normally (to you).

Upon landing back on earth, you could provide future earthlings with beer from the past, that was perfectly fresh - even though it was aged for years, relative to their own time-frames.
i don't know why you keep saying that, velocity is nowhere in that formula. c is a constant. it's a constant number. like 5. except it's not 5, it's the speed of light. it doesn't change, even if you go faster. it's still a constant.

if you go faster, energy will not increase. mass will not increase.

this formula is showing that mass and energy are directly proportional. it has absolutely nothing to do with how fast you, or the object, or anything, is travelling.

Oh, it's because you don't get the definition of energy. E=mc^2, if the mass doesn't move. calculate the energy of the object at rest. On the other hand, you can add in E the momentum which is m*v. After a few manipulation you get :

E = mc^2/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)

Which means that the mass is equal to

m = E*sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)/c^2

E being in this case the rest Energy. When you put it like E = mc^2, E isn't necessarly the rest Energy.

Of course, because you divide by c^2, the mass added is practically nothing, but it counts!
except, that would only be relative momentum - as in, the beer would would have to be moving at the speed of light away from you to gain relativistic mass.

invariant mass would not change.
except, that would only be relative momentum - as in, the beer would would have to be moving at the speed of light away from you to gain relativistic mass.

invariant mass would not change.

:) That, you got right ;) !!!

Away or toward... that is the only problem of my theory!
There is no problem with "c", its a constant. Doesn't mean he has to go the speed of light, its just a constant in the equation.

The problem is he's thinking "e", energy, is the same thing as running or moving things... Doing exercise or moving isn't "energy." Now if you catch yourself on fire, maybe we have a conversation!
There is no problem with "c", its a constant. Doesn't mean he has to go the speed of light, its just a constant in the equation.

The problem is he's thinking "e", energy, is the same thing as running or moving things... Doing exercise or moving isn't "energy." Now if you catch yourself on fire, maybe we have a conversation!

Upon landing back on earth, you could provide future earthlings with beer from the past, that was perfectly fresh - even though it was aged for years, relative to their own time-frames.

Now, this is an interesting point -- from the frame of reference of the drinker, the time the beer experiences will seem to slow down the faster the beer is moving.

The obvious conclusion is that a beer quickly quaffed will age less going down your throat, so, you shouldn't slowly sip your IPA's if you want to enjoy them as fresh as possible.
No, to an outside observer, he would see both you and the beer gain mass.

In fact, the faster you went, the more he would see you and the beer squash in the direction of travel, while getting wider and wider.

As the speed increased closer to the speed of light, your time would appear to move slower and slower, and the beer going to down your throat would appear to eventually come to a near stop. You and your beer would be essentially traveling into the future, despite it seeming like time was ticking normally (to you).

Upon landing back on earth, you could provide future earthlings with beer from the past, that was perfectly fresh - even though it was aged for years, relative to their own time-frames.
Sorry it has been a long time since I have done anything with genreal relativity... not since high school :D
So have you just invented a way to age out barleywines/RIS/etc. without having to wait, you sir should patented that idea now so that anyone in the future will have to apy you royalties to use your aging technique! You deserve a beer :mug:
So if
E = mc^2,
m = E/c^2

That means that the faster you go, the higher the mass. Therefore, why do we consume beer by standing still on a couch? If you run fast enough, your beer can have significantly more mass! :mug:

OMG, is is nobel prize material? I think I just revolutionized the way of drinking beer!

I'm just glad you were able to post this in the correct forum category while clearly being inebriated. Good job sir.
No, to an outside observer, he would see both you and the beer gain mass.

In fact, the faster you went, the more he would see you and the beer squash in the direction of travel, while getting wider and wider.

As the speed increased closer to the speed of light, your time would appear to move slower and slower, and the beer going to down your throat would appear to eventually come to a near stop. You and your beer would be essentially traveling into the future, despite it seeming like time was ticking normally (to you).

Upon landing back on earth, you could provide future earthlings with beer from the past, that was perfectly fresh - even though it was aged for years, relative to their own time-frames.

Actually due to the effects of time dilation he would appear smaller to an outside observer while actually not gaining any mass at that speed. The only time his mass would change is if an inelastic collision occurred allowing the uptake of more mass. Einstein's formula only describes the electric field generated by on object of relative mass. Basically the larger the object, the larger the energy created by the field. So this theory does not really hold for this drunken experiment. Although it would be an excellent way to take a one way trip to the future. I may be a little drunk myself so forgive any inaccuracies in my post.