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May 2, 2012
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Took my 10 gallon setup to a friend's house on Sunday, 10gl cooler, 2 stainless pots, rims, pumps, brew panel.

This was supposed to be dog and pony show for his SWMBO.

Mashed, boiled, and into fermentor.

Got paged from work and had to leave. I repeatedly made by friend swear he'd clean up, at least the equipment.

I wasn't planning on brewing until this Saturday, so I didn't bother going back to for the equipment.

Last night I got a call from him. "Dude, you need to come over." And he sounded like he was in distress. So I asked what happened, and during a moment of silence from his part I could hear his SWMBO yelling at him in the background.

I got there and found him very near the point where she was going to castrate him.

We went to the garage, and I could smell a faint foul smell in the air. I asked "you forgot to put the trash with the spent grain out, didn't you?"

He shook his head side to side, pointed at the equipment and said, "I didn't clean up. She came over, opened the mash tun to see what was smelling. I haven't heard the end of it."

So we proceeded to start the clean up. The BK, was fine, full of trub with the hops. Not bad.

Next, the MT. He held the plastic trash bag, I opened the lid... Wow, does that smell...

But wait! The is more!

Once I turned the MT to dump the spent grain into the bag, I almost fell backwards.

The most foul, rotting, fruity, sour, fecal-like smell came from the growling liquid at the oozed from the bottom of the MT.

I swear, I hard that gunk's angry growl at us for disturbing it from its deep sleep.

I swear, I never smelled anything like this. I'm sure of it. Two years ago, I was there when they took the septic tank out of my yard and hooked up the house to city sewer. Compared to that, I would've gladly gone into that tank and shoveled that stuff out myself rather than cleaning this MT.

Needless to say his SWMBO has completely banned him from picking up brewing in *her* house :)

At this moment, I have 2 heating sticks boiling water in the MT and I don't think that will completely do it. I may have to leave bleach solution in it overnight and then some.

To be honest, with all the work I think I'm going to have to rid the plastic wall of the cooler from that smell and bacteria, I seriously contemplating just buying another 10 gl cooler from Home Depot.

Lesson learned.

You've been warned.

WOW. screw cleaning it. Id throw it out and make your friend buy you a new one.

Also what a great friend that obviously doesn't have any respect for another mans equipment. You did him a favor and he couldn't at least make sure your sht was cleaned.
WOW. screw cleaning it. Id throw it out and make your friend buy you a new one.

The plastic will smell forever, and I don't care what anyone says about not transferring smell to next mash. Replace it and be done.

Also what a great friend that obviously doesn't have any respect for another mans equipment. You did him a favor and he couldn't at least make sure your sht was cleaned.

+∞ ^^
Yeah, I left a MT over night once. I'll never make that mistake again.
I don't think bleach is a good idea for stainless steel. Use PBW or Oxyclean instead.

Your friend must be punished severely.
He's one of those guys you can't help but like no matter what he does to get you mad.

He offered to buy me a new one. But I decided to give the cleaning a try first.

As to why he didn't clean up. He said he went upstairs to help his kid with some homework and forgot all about it.
I made the mistake of letting my MT sit with spent grains in it for a day or two once. and trust me that won't happen again. I'm sure my MT didn't stink near to the degree of what yours smells/ed like, but it is not a pleasant smell, nor sight.

Yes, throw it away and have him go with you to Lowe's/HD and buy a new one.
Sounds like everything will get straightened out. Too bad your buddy's SWMBO freaked out on him though.
Ouch! Sounds like time to find a new friend that knows how to treat borrowed equipment right.
Well it sounds like your buddy needs to Not get into brewing.

I'm quite shocked buy the posts of people that have actually left spent grains in any of their equipment. Cleanness to me is 50% of the brewing process, not only to produce good beer but to protect your investment. While waiting for the boil I scoop spent grains from the MT into a bucket for disposal, the bucket has a tight fitting lid, next I start to clean the MT, it's not that hard especially when you waiting for wort to boil. I've found that just the smallest amount of spilled wort will cause mild to grow, this is why I clean clean, clean prior to and after a brew session.

My brew days are 5 hours, start to finish, it is what it is! This setup below can be a MoFo to clean, big kettles, dip tubes, pumps HERMS coil, lines and false bottoms. Generally by the time the boil is finished the HLT, MT and associated equipment is clean.

Got to protect your enveztment!

ImageUploadedByHome Brew1403885815.659799.jpg

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While waiting for the boil I scoop spent grains from the MT into a bucket for disposal, this bucket had a tight fitting lid. Then I start to clean the MT, it's not that hard especially when you waiting for wort to boil.

^^^ This. During the mash, I am putting things away, and getting equipment out for the boil.

And during the boil, I'm washing and putting away everything I used during the mash, which still leaves me more than enough time to pour a beer and light a cigar for the remainder of the boil.

In fact, the only things left to clean after I pitch yeast are the brew kettle, a silicone tube and tee, the wort chiller, and the hydrometer.
That girl's reaction is absolutely psychotic. Seriously. She sounds overly dramatic, it's not that terrible. He should just buy you a new MT and call it lesson learned. I've never left grain in my mt but I did pour it straight into the garbage and it baked for a week. That was terrible enough.

The smell may never come out. If it were a day then maybe but it sounds bad. Also, use PBW or oxyclean on the kettle, not bleach.
If the guy forgets to throw out the grains when its not even his own gear perhaps he should not be doing anything beyond extract brewing, if even that.
That sounds terrible, I have also left a mash tun till the next day, and you learn your lesson on that one real quick. Even lightly soured grain smells abhorrent as far as I'm concerned.
There must be something about the small space/ insulation in an MT that make it so terrible (or good from the bacteria's prospective). I've never gotten a bad smell from all the spent grain I've dump in the compost pile.
Yeah it is a beyond foul smell....ironically my mash tun is sitting outside right now with 21lbs of spent grain from my saturday brew session. I am waiting to see my neighbor to give it to him for his chickens, but i think they must have gone out of town. I learned one trick is to leave it in the sun with the lid off and it won't get very bad in that time and the plastic of the cooler has never picked up a permanent smell after doing this. I normally clean up during the boil unless I am giving away the grains.

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