Do lagers bother you?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2016
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Corpus Christi
Like many of you in here I went through my 20's drinking Miller and Bud but the last 8 years I've learned to love all the good stuff.

Not sure what happened but whether it's a craft brew or a macro brew, lagers really tend to not make me feel very well. I get an almost headache or a nasty feeling in my stomach. Ales give me ZERO issues whatsoever. Does anyone else have this problem or is it just in my head?
Not for me. It is just another style of beer. I like a lot of them, though Budweiser is one of my least favorite of all beers. The includes all the other mass produced American Light Lagers.
The only beers that bother my stomach are NEIPAs and Witbiers. I blame the suspended yeast. Sometimes totally worth it.
YES actually...I thought it was only me.
I just started brewing lagers and they don't hit me the same as ales. They upset my stomach a bit.

Whats odd is I can drink BMC all day long and not have an issue whatsoever.

I'm wondering if its the yeast.

Is it possible to have a reaction to certain yeast and not others. The only lager yeast I've used so far is 34/70.

My next brew will be with wlp814 for a BL type beer.I'm wondering if it will have a negative effect on my stomach
Ya there might be a particular breed out there. Whatever Miller Lite uses gets me BAD!!! Bud Light I actually can still drink fine oddly
I am a Lager Head, proud to be, just love the stuff

I like Ales to but the clean fresh taste of a lager is just great

I admit American lagers have a taste of there own, high in adjunct percentage but they are not the only lagers out there. There are just to many good lagers to focus on American style lagers.

Sorry you do not like lagers, hopefully it is just a phase.
I am a Lager Head, proud to be, just love the stuff

I like Ales to but the clean fresh taste of a lager is just great

I admit American lagers have a taste of there own, high in adjunct percentage but they are not the only lagers out there. There are just to many good lagers to focus on American style lagers.

Sorry you do not like lagers, hopefully it is just a phase.
I don't have a special love of lagers, but I tend to make a lot of them, just because the weather here makes them a natural fit. My cellar stays under 50 degrees more than half the year.
Once I got into craft beer it took me at least 5 or 6 years to appreciate any pale lager.
Some of the dopplebocks and other bigger styles were fine, but any pale lager no matter how good brought me back to BMC beers. I hated them, just that lager yeast had the weird flavor no matter what the beer was. German, Czech, American craft, it didnt matter.
Now I can really appreciate a lot of different ones, I can even throw back a couple Coors originals now, and enjoy it.
Ya there might be a particular breed out there. Whatever Miller Lite uses gets me BAD!!! Bud Light I actually can still drink fine oddly

I think Bud Light is pasteurized and Miller Lite isn't? Seems like Miller is only filtered. You could try Sam Adams Boston Lager. I believe that is pasteurized? Then try Coors Banquet which is unpasteurized.

I've never found yeast to bother me. I drink the first pour from my kegs.
I find macro lagers usually do make me feel bad compared to a similar amount of craft beer. It could probably be attributed to the acetaldehyde I always taste in them.
I think Bud Light is pasteurized and Miller Lite isn't? Seems like Miller is only filtered. You could try Sam Adams Boston Lager. I believe that is pasteurized? Then try Coors Banquet which is unpasteurized.

I've never found yeast to bother me. I drink the first pour from my kegs.

the difference in miller MHD and Miller high life is the filtering process, one is cold filtered the other is pastuerized filtered. Miller Lite is a pilsner, different brew style. the others a continental lagers
the difference in miller MHD and Miller high life is the filtering process, one is cold filtered the other is pastuerized filtered. Miller Lite is a pilsner, different brew style. the others a continental lagers

Yeah, I know they are different styles. I was wondering if it was certain filtering that is bothering the op where they might get more lager yeast in suspension.
Yeah, I know they are different styles. I was wondering if it was certain filtering that is bothering the op where they might get more lager yeast in suspension.

I really do not think it is a yeast thing, Ales are notorious for having high yeast counts in finished beer and he is not suspect to them. I think instead it is more of a distaste thing. His taste have changed over to teh fruity taste given off of the ale yeast fermenting at higher temperatures and he does not appreciate the cleaner taste of lagers anymore. Such as a person goes through with finding craft beers and not liking commercial beers any more. but if he would do a true taste test of even a beer such as Tecate, he would find a clean malt taste at the beginning and a slight, just enough to balance the malt, explosion of hops at the end. It is a good beer that is duplicated with every brewing, the brewers are great brewers. But they are not making a heavy lager, nor an Ale. You see we need to learn to appreciate good brewing even if it is what we call **** beer. Could the average home brewer produce such a clean and refreshing beer on a hot 112 degree day in Baja such as Tecate does? no his beer would be cloudy and have off flavors easily hidden in a ale that covers them with the ester we love in ales.

I think most brewers will never raise to the challenge of brewing an American style lager. Instead they will snub there nose saying they do not drink such S*^% because they fear they will fail. I will tell you it took a lot of refining my technique to nail the style and even though I do not brew much of the stuff, I take my hat off to the professionals who do. They have nothing to hide behind and failure means loss of a job. I do a few each year because I have friends who drink it, so I have it for them. I do not judge someone by what he likes, that would be cutting off my nose to spite my face as I have taste others think are disgusting, such as a heavy Scotch Ale.

To each his own. Drink beer to enjoy, whatever your taste is.
I really do not think it is a yeast thing, Ales are notorious for having high yeast counts in finished beer and he is not suspect to them. I think instead it is more of a distaste thing. His taste have changed over to teh fruity taste given off of the ale yeast fermenting at higher temperatures and he does not appreciate the cleaner taste of lagers anymore. Such as a person goes through with finding craft beers and not liking commercial beers any more. but if he would do a true taste test of even a beer such as Tecate, he would find a clean malt taste at the beginning and a slight, just enough to balance the malt, explosion of hops at the end. It is a good beer that is duplicated with every brewing, the brewers are great brewers. But they are not making a heavy lager, nor an Ale. You see we need to learn to appreciate good brewing even if it is what we call **** beer. Could the average home brewer produce such a clean and refreshing beer on a hot 112 degree day in Baja such as Tecate does? no his beer would be cloudy and have off flavors easily hidden in a ale that covers them with the ester we love in ales.

I think most brewers will never raise to the challenge of brewing an American style lager. Instead they will snub there nose saying they do not drink such S*^% because they fear they will fail. I will tell you it took a lot of refining my technique to nail the style and even though I do not brew much of the stuff, I take my hat off to the professionals who do. They have nothing to hide behind and failure means loss of a job. I do a few each year because I have friends who drink it, so I have it for them. I do not judge someone by what he likes, that would be cutting off my nose to spite my face as I have taste others think are disgusting, such as a heavy Scotch Ale.

To each his own. Drink beer to enjoy, whatever your taste is.

I agree, it is almost an impossible style to duplicate. We as home Brewers need to be able to filter at a much higher level than what is available I believe. Easy to brew when all the flaws are covered up by lots of malt, hops, or yeast flavor.
if he would do a true taste test of even a beer such as Tecate, he would find a clean malt taste at the beginning and a slight, just enough to balance the malt, explosion of hops at the end.

Wow. Am i the only one who caught this?

Tecate- An EXPLOSION of hops.
read the post again, again more, slight, just enough to offset the malt

stop being a hater and LEARN to taste beer

after the beer starts to go down a small explosion occurs, just enough to make it enjoyable. forget the IPA you just had. After that your taste buds are ruined
Tecate used to be my go to beach beer back in the day....could probably still be if I didn't brew so much
admittedly a lawnmower beer, just used as an example here.
but you have to admit, it is refreshing on a hot Baja day
No, its just as gross on a hot baja day as it is on any other day of the year. Tecate is an abomination. Theres a reason you get 30 cans for the same price as a twelver of modelo, pacifico, victoria, etc. its not even the same league as BMC. Its more like keystone, natty light, etc.

There is only one mexican beer worthy of being called beer. Bohemia. Victoria and indio get the runner-up prize, but neither has any hop flavor to speak of realistically . Bohemia is the only one. Massively crushable on a hot day.

Not available in cans though unfortunately. So we typically go with modelo when glass isnt allowed. Also crushable.

As to the original point of this thread, i dont know why but yes, there are certain BMC beers that ruin your colon. Everyone's different. For me its coors light. Dunno why. Not bud light, bud, miller or miller light. Just coors. But i have a buddy that is totally fine unless he gets an mGD or miller lite. Then its a serious case of beer butt. No rhyme or reason, just seems everyone has their own poison.

Its not the yeaast. Its something in the product. But as these are the only truly mass produced beers in the US, it makes sense that they are the ones that might cause the problem. Once sierra, goose, dogfish, etc get to that point it might show up in their production as well. Not a lager issue, more of a macro beer issue i think.
No, its just as gross on a hot baja day as it is on any other day of the year. Tecate is an abomination. Theres a reason you get 30 cans for the same price as a twelver of modelo, pacifico, victoria, etc. its not even the same league as BMC. Its more like keystone, natty light, etc.

There is only one mexican beer worthy of being called beer. Bohemia. Victoria and indio get the runner-up prize, but neither has any hop flavor to speak of realistically . Bohemia is the only one. Massively crushable on a hot day.

Not available in cans though unfortunately. So we typically go with modelo when glass isnt allowed. Also crushable.

As to the original point of this thread, i dont know why but yes, there are certain BMC beers that ruin your colon. Everyone's different. For me its coors light. Dunno why. Not bud light, bud, miller or miller light. Just coors. But i have a buddy that is totally fine unless he gets an mGD or miller lite. Then its a serious case of beer butt. No rhyme or reason, just seems everyone has their own poison.

Its not the yeaast. Its something in the product. But as these are the only truly mass produced beers in the US, it makes sense that they are the ones that might cause the problem. Once sierra, goose, dogfish, etc get to that point it might show up in their production as well. Not a lager issue, more of a macro beer issue i think.
Glad you have an opinion

Just wondering why you harbor so much hate.
Well you dont really seem that glad that i have an opinion if we are being honest here.

I harbor hate because it is the opposite of love. How can i love a beer like bohemia without hating tecate? It ruins the name of mexican lagers. Is that not worthy of scorn, of hatred? Do you not take offense when mexican beer is laughed at? Ill guess that you dont.
Well you dont really seem that glad that i have an opinion if we are being honest here.

I harbor hate because it is the opposite of love. How can i love a beer like bohemia without hating tecate? It ruins the name of mexican lagers. Is that not worthy of scorn, of hatred? Do you not take offense when mexican beer is laughed at? Ill guess that you dont.

No I don't take offense.. but I note you do. Now did I make fun of Mexican beer?
No I didn't't. But somehow I feel you are venting your anger at me.

Sorry if I upset you so much . I do not consider saying lawn mower beer is making fun. But if you do I apologize.

Glad I didn't't voice my opinion of Coors lite. The Denver Broncos may have showed up on my doorstep.

Just for you I will throw out the size of Tecate in the fridge
You don't have to like a certain beer or style but you should respect the ability to produce it. Just like BMC, they make a certain style of beer to an extremely high and consistent degree. I will admit that I have yet been able to duplicate. Alot of people don't like Belgian style beers, sour beers, etc but that doesn't mean they should be bashed. Some people absolutely love BMC and think "craft" beers are awful. I still bet nobody with basic home brewing equipment could duplicate a Tecate or Coors or whatever BMC is dishing out. I think it's funny when some people try to and when they are asked how it turned out they said it is great... " Just like XYZ but with more flavor!" This says to me that it is flawed and they just like the flaw because they made it. I know my first attempt at and ipa, apa, blonde, and witbier all turned out good. However in my 10 or so attempts to make a clean American style lager I have failed IMO. All of them were decent and some were pretty good but none have reached commercial level quality. We as home Brewers will be hard pressed to get even close without extreme filtration of which there are no viable options yet. In the end just brew what you like or just brew what you can because some styles are very hard.
Like many of you in here I went through my 20's drinking Miller and Bud but the last 8 years I've learned to love all the good stuff.

Not sure what happened but whether it's a craft brew or a macro brew, lagers really tend to not make me feel very well. I get an almost headache or a nasty feeling in my stomach. Ales give me ZERO issues whatsoever. Does anyone else have this problem or is it just in my head?

I don't have the issue personally. Are you sensitive or allergic to sulfur compounds? I notice more of a sulfur smell coming from my lagers than my ales.
You don't have to like a certain beer or style but you should respect the ability to produce it. Just like BMC, they make a certain style of beer to an extremely high and consistent degree. I will admit that I have yet been able to duplicate. Alot of people don't like Belgian style beers, sour beers, etc but that doesn't mean they should be bashed. Some people absolutely love BMC and think "craft" beers are awful. I still bet nobody with basic home brewing equipment could duplicate a Tecate or Coors or whatever BMC is dishing out. I think it's funny when some people try to and when they are asked how it turned out they said it is great... " Just like XYZ but with more flavor!" This says to me that it is flawed and they just like the flaw because they made it. I know my first attempt at and ipa, apa, blonde, and witbier all turned out good. However in my 10 or so attempts to make a clean American style lager I have failed IMO. All of them were decent and some were pretty good but none have reached commercial level quality. We as home Brewers will be hard pressed to get even close without extreme filtration of which there are no viable options yet. In the end just brew what you like or just brew what you can because some styles are very hard.

yes with the right equipment you too can reproduce horrible flavorless beers with exacting efficiency and precision. I can respect that
Are you guys familiar with the painter Francis Bacon? He's quite famous. He makes these really horrific self-portraits. They're really disturbing. They take a lot of skill to make. I respect that skill, and the marketing genius it took to get famous off his work. But I find them truly grotesque, and you won't ever catch me trying to copy one, putting one in my house, or lingering too long over one at the museum.

And that's precisely how I feel about BMC beers.
Are you guys familiar with the painter Francis Bacon? He's quite famous. He makes these really horrific self-portraits. They're really disturbing. They take a lot of skill to make. I respect that skill, and the marketing genius it took to get famous off his work. But I find them truly grotesque, and you won't ever catch me trying to copy one, putting one in my house, or lingering too long over one at the museum.

And that's precisely how I feel about BMC beers.

that's a different point. i think the point most folks have been making is that they'd prefer to never have to drink it, but on a hot day, if that's whats cold, then down it goes. sort of a last resort scenario.

you seem to be saying you can appreciate the technique and effort that goes into it, but you hate it and it will never pass your lips.

and it seems those are generally the two views most folks have around here when it comes to BMC.

but to the original question- does it ruin your insides?
And to think....I thought the old school hating of BMC from home brewers was dead and we've evolved to realize they are precision beer makers that we all strive for.

Lets not forget every big brewery started as a small brewery.
And to think....I thought the old school hating of BMC from home brewers was dead and we've evolved to realize they are precision beer makers that we all strive for.

Lets not forget every big brewery started as a small brewery.

And lets not forget they did not get that big by brewing something no body was buying
I don't get this particular argument that the extremely high consistency, quality control and clean tasting product that these huge companies produce is something that demands my respect as someone who brews beer. You can solve most any problem if you have enough money to throw at it. They spend a tremendous amount of money, time and effort on quality control. So does any food/drink company, by the way, that produces and distributes their product on that scale.

This, by the way, is not intended to be an attack on American Style Lagers and the people who drink them. I just don't understand the argument that I must respect and appreciate these beers because of x and y and z. They do what no craft breweries can do in part because they spend what no craft brewery can spend.

I don't care for the style, personally. But I also don't care for Belgian IPAs and Saisons either, among other more craft centric styles. No difference to me who makes them and how many people drink them or how "hard" they are to brew.

And to get full circle back on topic: no, lagers don't make me sick to my stomach. :)
I find macro lagers usually do make me feel bad compared to a similar amount of craft beer. It could probably be attributed to the acetaldehyde I always taste in them.

This is what I've noticed as well, particularly bud light, which I seem to taste it in a lot. Really upsets my stomach.
Dan, can I get a clarification? Are you saying you cannot respect all the time and effort they go through and money spent to make sure they can brew a beer that comes out the same every time and has extreme quality? or are you saying you cannot respect the style beer?
I may not like the beer, but it takes a lot of effort to make it. I respect the effort use and precision they can achieve.