Do I have a problem?

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Thread Killer
HBT Supporter
Dec 28, 2007
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Marion. Va
I have been traveling the last few weeks, finding deals, and sending stuff to the house.

I also returned to the house today with a small truck load of stuff I had acquired on a 2 month journey.

SWMBO informed me that a few "orders" had came in for me, and she put them into the dining room. I said "cool" I'll put my other stuff in there too. The dining room was getting full, so I decided to update the inventory and make stuff go away.

Inventory told me there is 65 gallons of elixer in various stages of fermentation in this house. Theres also a 17 tap kegerator in the basement, and a 3 tap kegerator upstairs. Each tap has a back-up keg already carbed waiting for chilling & serving. (actually had to trade 3 out that SWMBO finished off for me). Then I got to the inventory.

I added up grain.
I had over 1000 lbs in stock.

I added up hops. (I really took advantage of the recent price drop)
I had over 30 lbs of hops.

Do I have a problem? Or am I really prepared for the coming zombiepocayplse?

I think of odd things at 1am....
Being a loser isn't a problem, I mean it's not your fault. Obviously though, you are rich. :)

Seriously though, let's see some pics? You have 17 beers on tap, how often do you turn those over? Are they all different beers? More info is needed to make an educated decision.
Yes, you have serious problem. If you need any help, let me know and I'm sure I can help find proper disposal for all your beer/equipment/ingredients....
Do I have a problem? Or am I really prepared for the coming zombiepocayplse?

I was thinking it's more like we're being prepared in case prohibition is ever re-instated. We can make a fortune!
I cant say I rotate things in the big kegerator all that often, but the one upstairs gets rotated failry often. I always keep an IPA & Haus Pale ale on tap, and one for the wifey.

I really wish I had had time to brew sooner than almost 3 months ago.

I have a few "contracts" to brew, some months its just 2 batches, up to 5 some months....
Naw, just havent brewed in over two months, but didnt slow down the purchasing department. I might brew some next weekend. I have 6 or 8 beers that really need to get with it.
I figure im good for a few more batches than 12.

Funny you picked 12, I have 12 beers right now that need attention, some going to kegs, some to bottles.

This keg of ESB tastes GREAT, but its flat, however a 23 oz glass will have no beer in the bottom, just foam.
1000 lbs of grain, 17 tap kegerator, 30 lbs of hops. that should do for now!
Now I just need some TIME to brew.... target brew dates are June 26/27, wonder if I can pull off 12 brews in 2 days? I might just try that.

Analogy time!

Complaining about 20 taps, 1000 lbs of grain, and 30 lbs of hops is like Brad Pitt complaining about being too good looking.
This sounds like a plea for help and the beginnings of the First Ever National HBT Meetup, to be held at zac's, to help free up some kegs, and make way for slimming down the grain stockpile.
Inventory told me there is 65 gallons of elixer in various stages of fermentation in this house. Theres also a 17 tap kegerator in the basement, and a 3 tap kegerator upstairs. Each tap has a back-up keg already carbed waiting for chilling & serving. (actually had to trade 3 out that SWMBO finished off for me). Then I got to the inventory.

You have 40+ kegs? f-ing incredible... I need to see if I can get a freakin pallet load or something! I've just started doing 10 gallon batches (30 gallons in 3 weeks) and I cant wait to start reaping the benefits
Ed, dang your hide. Ive told you at least once now that you are more than welcome anytime. I would have been honored to have your shadow darken my doorway. I also have a few items to return to you. I ended up finding a covered, secure lot, so I didnt need 8 of those items!

I was home most of the day yesterday. By the way, did things go ok up north? you have been in my thoughts.

Rest of the group: Most any HBT member is welcome at casa de Zac
I would but virginia is a bit of a drive.

With that grain, you should recreate that scene from American Beauty.

I hought I had a problem with 60 gallons kegged and bottled and another 30 gallons of wine. now I know I dont have a problem.
This is just unbelieveable! I'm just starting to brew to the point of keeping 2 taps filled. could keep 3 if I had more Kegs to store it in.
This sounds like a plea for help and the beginnings of the First Ever National HBT Meetup, to be held at zac's, to help free up some kegs, and make way for slimming down the grain stockpile.

Could you imagine how many kegs would be killed at a National HBT Meetup?!?!?!?!?! :drunk::drunk::ban: :mug::drunk::drunk: