DIY forum ruined me

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
Reaction score
Salt Lake City
extract brew kit purchased in November. then i found this place. next thing i know i have fermentation cabinets and gear for an all grain setup. now i'm all grain brewing and trying to decide between direct fire, HERMS, RIMS, etc. sure, the setup in the back yard isn't pretty but it works. no reason to change it.

then bam, came home last night with a lincoln MIG welder. :drunk: now i'm scouring HBT trying to decide what my 1-tier setup should look like.

I hate you all. :mug:
extract brew kit purchased in November. then i found this place. next thing i know i have fermentation cabinets and gear for an all grain setup. now i'm all grain brewing and trying to decide between direct fire, HERMS, RIMS, etc. sure, the setup in the back yard isn't pretty but it works. no reason to change it.

then bam, came home last night with a lincoln MIG welder. :drunk: now i'm scouring HBT trying to decide what my 1-tier setup should look like.

I hate you all. :mug:

I know the feeling! Been at this since January and haven't stopped obsessing! I dig this hobby and HBT is the best site with the most knowledgable folks. Three cheers for everyone here! :mug:
Whoa, whoa, can't just say, "then bam, came home last night with a lincoln MIG welder".....

I think you should go all stainless!
Whoa, whoa, can't just say, "then bam, came home last night with a lincoln MIG welder".....

I think you should go all stainless!

well, it just sorta happened. i saw a local ad for a used mig welder, and have always wanted one. my roommate used to weld for a living, and i've done a bit myself. i got him to go look at it with me, he put down an amazing bead with just the mig wire (non flux core) and no gas. then the guy brought the box of "parts" including a regulator, some gloves, a mask, etc and said it was all included. so i gave him a fist full of $50's and took it home :)

stainless is an option if i can get some samples to test weld and it's not TOO expensive vs regular mild steel + high temp paint.:D
All you need now is to become a Premium/Lifetime supporter of this little site here. Its part of the natural progression :rockin:
Lurking here did finally get me to pull the trigger on kegging vs bottling... and building a keezer. The upside is I finally registered and started posting but yeah there goes the budget this month. :p
We are all with you. This place has me constantly in the hole at least $1000 in planned back logged projects at all times. I've got an all electric brutus 20 build working, a bar build that I started yesterday that will have my current keezer built in, and need a new fermentation cabinet since my fridge died.
i share the obsession... i bought my premium membership today. Heck, i paid more for many of my brewing books and learned much less than i have reading these posts.

No AG yet, but i am in the market for a mash tun. build or buy?
have to decide on buying the brew stand or lager cooler next. swmbo negotiated me down to 1 or the other... this month
Go big or go home ! hahaha
as stupid as this sounds, the first thing i clued into was the fact that your ball valves are off the "side" of the keg. genius!!!
extract brew kit purchased in November. then i found this place. next thing i know i have fermentation cabinets and gear for an all grain setup. now i'm all grain brewing and trying to decide between direct fire, HERMS, RIMS, etc. sure, the setup in the back yard isn't pretty but it works. no reason to change it.

then bam, came home last night with a lincoln MIG welder. :drunk: now i'm scouring HBT trying to decide what my 1-tier setup should look like.

I hate you all. :mug:

Bringing home the welder was where you made your first mistake. This is exactly what happened to me. Today it's a brew stand; tomorrow it's something else. Well... you'll get no sympathy from me. I have my own demons to slay.

Good luck in your build. I went with mild steel (cheaper) and plan to powder coat. You'll find some great ideas here on HBT. Almost too many to choose from.
i share the obsession... i bought my premium membership today. Heck, i paid more for many of my brewing books and learned much less than i have reading these posts.

No AG yet, but i am in the market for a mash tun. build or buy?

Go look at FlyGuy's tutorial on how to build a MLT from the 10gal Igloo water cooler and about $25 in parts from Home Depot. And pay attention to the part about needing SS washers-you have to buy a Built-A-Bolt kit to get them in 5/8". But do it. Took me all of an hour to put it together and leak-test it, and now it has at least 5 brews this year in it. It's an AWESOME investment.

And even better if you can get someone to give you the water cooler as a Christmas present. :mug:
Bringing home the welder was where you made your first mistake. This is exactly what happened to me. Today it's a brew stand; tomorrow it's something else. Well... you'll get no sympathy from me. I have my own demons to slay.

Good luck in your build. I went with mild steel (cheaper) and plan to powder coat. You'll find some great ideas here on HBT. Almost too many to choose from.

yeah i can't decide if i want to PC or just paint... :confused:
I too have fallen "in with the bad crowd" here in the HBT - DIY section. I would start the list of crap I have going but I think it would read close to the same for everyone...Also, if you think its bad now, wait until you start inventing or improving projects...

Good thing this is all to make beer...I need one...
extract brew kit purchased in November. then i found this place. next thing i know i have fermentation cabinets and gear for an all grain setup. now i'm all grain brewing and trying to decide between direct fire, HERMS, RIMS, etc. sure, the setup in the back yard isn't pretty but it works. no reason to change it.

then bam, came home last night with a lincoln MIG welder. :drunk: now i'm scouring HBT trying to decide what my 1-tier setup should look like.

I hate you all. :mug:

Have fun with the welder. I'm sure there will soon be other uses for it besides a brew stand. It is amazing how the amount of gear increases once you start on the all grain path. I can no longer put my car in the garage. My wife has threatened to start divorce proceedings if I take over her half of the garage as well. Of, course my 2 sons who brew with me want to expand the brewery and take over all of the garage. My half would be the brewery and her half we would finish and turn into a small man cave/ beer pub.

Two cornies are stripped down and soaking in the tub right now with a generous helping of Oxi.
The new chest freezer has its controller in place and is sitting at a comfortable 40f.
The new 10# CO2 bottle is full (well half full they were running low on CO2) and awaiting a keg to push.
A batch of CA pale ale is sitting in a carboy ready to be kegged.
There are two bags of hardware sitting next to me and the back of the PT is loaded with lumber.

Looks like I got me some DIY to get done. :p
I started home brewing like 4 months ago. I'm obsessed much! I live in an apartment and I am slowly taking up all the pantry space. Next I have to figure out how to do all grain apartment style. I've spent a good amount of money and have future money spent. But out of all the things I could be doing for a hobby NONE are more rewarding than sitting back and drinking beer that you brewed in your own home.
Yep all the beer porn kind of ropes you in. Everytime I'm on the computer my wife says "obsessing again?" for a couple weeks now. She thought a few buckets and a carboy were going to be the limit of this. Taking a welding class next month so yah, I probably won't be documenting a build since it's been done but I will be posting some beer porn here and there just to drag everybody down with me.
Yep all the beer porn kind of ropes you in. Everytime I'm on the computer my wife says "obsessing again?" for a couple weeks now. She thought a few buckets and a carboy were going to be the limit of this. Taking a welding class next month so yah, I probably won't be documenting a build since it's been done but I will be posting some beer porn here and there just to drag everybody down with me.

I took a welding class last year at the community college to get the basics down just so I could build my brew stand. Plus I've always wanted to learn how to weld. I'm not going to change careers and my welding sometimes looks like crap but at least I know more now than I did then.

I got through stick and mig and had one day of TIGing when my wife had a get off from a horse and shattered her femur. Had to quit class to take care of her and to drive her around. I may go back this fall, spend the extra money and finish taking the class. That way I can spend MORE MONEY later on to work on my own kegs.

Damn this forum!!!
You know it's bad when you start thinking of brewing uses for any given object simply because it's stainless steel or you have to check out how a given cooler drains because it would make a possible MLT.

I started this past October with my first extact batch in a 5 gallon pot and chilling with ice. Now it is less than a year, 14 batches under my belt (5 all-grain) and I have amassed 3 keggles, a wood brewstand, 2 chillers (1 IC and 1 CFC), chest freezer with Johnson temp control, 4 carboys, 2 CO2 tanks, 5 corny kegs, and on and on and on....

AND, I'm still looking to expand. Gotta say that this hobby is addicting, I love CL and most importantly I love all of the advice/discussions on HBT. Don't need a welder though (got the father-in-law for that!!!) :)
I'm a regular MIG welder, never tried TIG. Have a lincon with stainless wire feed and argon gas tip. How much better is TIG? I haven't done any thin stainless with the MIG yet, as I know I would just blow holes in the side of the thin metal. I'm used to using it for structural stuff, like making a rough welds on a stand etc.
Hi, My name is John, (crowd in the basement of a church somewhere in the midwest yells..."HI JOHN!!!!) and I have a DIY problem.

I have always been a DIYer. At age 5 I hammered two nails into a 6 volt battery, wrapped a wire around each nail and said look mom I am going to re-charge the battery. Before she could cross the room screaming i stuck it in the wall socket and went flying, meat her mid way.

9000.00 for a new bathroom, screw it, I did it for less than 2K. 15,000.00 for a new kitchen, PUNT! all hand made cabinets and rescued wood floor, FREAKIN gorgeous if I must say. Anyway I digress.....

Took a welding class at the local H.S Adult education thing. Bought a linclon mig and set out for something to build. Sat down and built a Log splitter. Not just any Log splitter but the "CrackMaster 2000" a log splitting freakin beast with a 20 ton ram off a dump truck. Have a friend who builds them, owns the company and has 3 post grad degrees in auto, mech and hydralic engineering. Kind of handy to have him around. Anyway, it is a log splitting son of a *****. Trees fall over when it rolls down the street. Horizontal/Verticle design, way cool.

So after that I looked around. The Wife about 4 months prior to this was watching Alton Brown on the freakin food channel. he was doing a show on HB. She asked hey can we do that. I immediately dropped to my knees and BEGGED her to marry me. She reminded me we already were married.

Then comes the mig and the logsplitter. I stumble on this here forum and look out Rosie, I built a brutus. and it worked too.

Just had to vent , sorry guys and gals for the verbose typing. Screw it, Have a Home Brew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First symptom is that you ONLY check the "Equipment & Sanitation" and "DIY" forums exclusively.....

Well....maybe that's an advanced symptom :D

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