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Yes, please don't disturb those who have had to endure another dang time change event.... LOL!

pauli paw face 2-4-10.jpg

tequila 5-12.small.jpg
Oh gosh, he looks very much like my Tequila girl (see picture at top of page) - beautiful! Love gray tuxedo kitties. Thank you SO much for taking him in. He'll give you years of thanks!
We just fostered (read: adopted) this guy:

View attachment 419693

"Owner" went about a week before looking for him. Ended up dehydrated and starving at a shelter. Owner stiffed them for the vet bill and said they'd just get a new one.

People are d-bags.

I hope the shelter put that previous owner on their no-fly list, so at least he/she can't adopt another from them. Shelters around here will blacklist anybody they know has neglected animals.

That person's loss and your gain.
One of our cats came home with some nasty wounds on her back. Wasn't sure if she got caught in some barbed wire or got grabbed by a larger animal, but I wiped it down a bit and kept an eye on her. 2-3 weeks later and she is still wounded (or found that same trouble again, she is like that...) and now she's meowing and hiding around the house.

I managed to catch her and trim her hair, clean her wounds, and put antibacterial ointment on, but I think it's time to bite the bullet and take her to the vet. :mad:
One of our cats came home with some nasty wounds on her back. Wasn't sure if she got caught in some barbed wire or got grabbed by a larger animal, but I wiped it down a bit and kept an eye on her. 2-3 weeks later and she is still wounded (or found that same trouble again, she is like that...) and now she's meowing and hiding around the house.

I managed to catch her and trim her hair, clean her wounds, and put antibacterial ointment on, but I think it's time to bite the bullet and take her to the vet. :mad:

Or just... not let her outside? :)
One of our cats came home with some nasty wounds on her back. Wasn't sure if she got caught in some barbed wire or got grabbed by a larger animal, but I wiped it down a bit and kept an eye on her. 2-3 weeks later and she is still wounded (or found that same trouble again, she is like that...) and now she's meowing and hiding around the house.

I managed to catch her and trim her hair, clean her wounds, and put antibacterial ointment on, but I think it's time to bite the bullet and take her to the vet. :mad:

Hope she checks out OK!
Or just... not let her outside? :)

That's not going to be an option. Both her and her sister enjoy the outdoors during the night and inside during the day during summer, and inside during the night and outside during day in winter.

Besides, it's their duty to keep the area clear of rodents.
Or just... not let her outside? :)

I know there are lots of anecdotal reports about indoor cats living longer - however, ALL my cats have been indoor/outdoor cats. They do come in at night, I don't like them out after dark because we have foxes, raccoons, coyotes, skunks, possums - but they pretty much go in and out all day. The two we have now we adopted 9 years ago at the SPCA so they're both in the 11 year old range; the three prior to them lived to be 15, 16, and 22!

I think if you START with them as kittens and they never go out, that's probably fine, but once they've had a taste of going outside, making them happy inside hasn't ever worked out well for me.
^ Exactly! I always bring mine indoors at night (unfortunately they stay in the garage/enclosure because SWMBO doesn't like them in the bed at night), but they HAVE to go outside in the daytime or they are intolerable! They are both 6 and always been indoor/outdoor, but the one I had before was also and lived to 19 1/2yrs. Wonderful animals to share our lives with!
My two Fuzzy Boys are mixed Nebelung, litter mates, and house cats. I do let them outside but never never do they stay out overnight because there are too many creatures that will overmatch them. Both still have their claws but they are neutered and so mild-tempered I fear they'd never survive a real scrap. We have buzzards, red-tailed hawks, possums, 'coons, and I've even witnessed a wandering coyote.
No, they stay in my backyard and aren't tussling with anything larger than themselves. My guys are going on 12 now, I want them around longer.
Lefou, I agree with you completely, these are the first cats of mine that go outside (unsupervised) Sometimes they do not come home at night, when the weather is nice they miss last call, last last call and the "I'm up to pee at 1am" call. This all started because we have a nice 12 x 25 screened in porch, they learned how to break and cut the screens, and push them out, smart little fkers... BUT, the one above (Gary) weighs between 18-22 lbs (22 at the vet once) and I have caught him playing with racoons, as in running up the street in the pack, he doesn't really pick fights with the other cats and creatures, and we have fun when we get pictures like the below invading the neighbors crawlspace. The camera was in place to see around what time the skunks that moved into his crawl got up. this prompted a facebook post from my neighbor with the title "it's 4 am, do you know where Gary is?"


Our cats would prefer to come in and out every several hours, but once we hit the bed, they stay outside if they are outside (if they are inside and want out, then we let them out as they make a ruckus until they get are let out...)

I found the injured cat hiding again. She's been acting pretty vocal the past few days. Her wounds look better, but I have a vet appt. tonight and we'll see what they say. I had to block off some areas she was hiding to make sure it was possible to catch her after work to go to the vet. For all the hiding and running away she was pretty loving this morning while I was on the toilet. Cats are weird.

I'd love to get one of those collar cameras and see what they are up to when they wander around the neighborhood.
she was pretty loving this morning while I was on the toilet. Cats are weird.

My girl cat decided that she wanted me to hold her while I was on the toilet one morning. I was just about to shower, so I was in my birthday suit and she decided the best way to get to me was to jump up and climb up my side. You havent had a "good morning, time to wake up" until youve felt this pain. I had to pluck her claws out of my skin... Cats are weird haha

Edit: Might be TMI, but I dont care. Its funny and it hurt. So Im sharing it :D
Our newest kitten has decided she likes to sit on my shoulders. I don't mind if she climbs from my lap to get up there. It's the jumping from the center kitchen island while I'm 3 feet away and have my back turned that stings a little. Yeah cats are weird.
LOL at cats and bathrooms - I think they KNOW they have a captive audience if you're sittin' on the pot!

Mine can both be seemingly dead asleep on the couch, but if I get up and go to the bathroom at the back of the house, they magically appear and push the door open to join me! Cats ARE weird.
LOL at cats and bathrooms - I think they KNOW they have a captive audience if you're sittin' on the pot!

Mine can both be seemingly dead asleep on the couch, but if I get up and go to the bathroom at the back of the house, they magically appear and push the door open to join me! Cats ARE weird.

As I sit on the throne my cat Hops will actually curl up in my pants on the floor.
Yep, close the door, sit down, and BAM one of the cats is scratching at the door.

Let it in and it will go in and eat (Their food is in there) or rub up against my legs, or just sit there looking around as if they can't remember why they had to be in there.
Mine would walk into the bathroom when I'm on the throne, then creep behind the toilet. All the while I'd be thinking "what's he doing back there?" I learned to shut the door, and if he yowled for a few minutes, so what.

He also liked to go into the shower after I was done and lick the soap film off the floor. Cats can be gross.
One of our cats came home with some nasty wounds on her back. Wasn't sure if she got caught in some barbed wire or got grabbed by a larger animal, but I wiped it down a bit and kept an eye on her. 2-3 weeks later and she is still wounded (or found that same trouble again, she is like that...) and now she's meowing and hiding around the house.

I managed to catch her and trim her hair, clean her wounds, and put antibacterial ointment on, but I think it's time to bite the bullet and take her to the vet. :mad:

If you live in a rural area, the injury could be from a bird of prey. It happened to our cat years ago. Ever since she came home with the back wounds she would not be caught out in the open unless she was running at full tilt and scanning the sky.
If you live in a rural area, the injury could be from a bird of prey. It happened to our cat years ago. Ever since she came home with the back wounds she would not be caught out in the open unless she was running at full tilt and scanning the sky.

This crossed my mind too, as we have red-tailed hawks, red-shouldered hawks, and Coopers hawks during daylight hours, and Great Horned and other owls in the cover of darkness. A cat is likely not too large a prey animal for a red-tailed hawk or a Great Horned owl!
If you live in a rural area, the injury could be from a bird of prey. It happened to our cat years ago. Ever since she came home with the back wounds she would not be caught out in the open unless she was running at full tilt and scanning the sky.

It's possible. We have hawks around. And Coyotes (Our local school mascot is the Coyote, pronounced "Kigh-Yote", not Kigh-YoTEE.) And neighborhood dogs.
I managed to get the cat into the bathroom last night and cleaned her wounds with peroxide as per the vet's instructions. The wounds themselves look to be not oozing as much, and starting to heal better, but I wonder if that small band of soft tissue under one spot is the Fistula infection the vet mentioned. I was not able to push it to one of the open wound spots. Hoping it's not trapped under the skin now.

It's a $260+ bill to have that area of skin removed, the wound area cleaned, and her back stitched back up. I mean, that's a not a terrible price for what's involved, but I'd rather not pay it if I can help it.