Can brew...... But not cook?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2010
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I'm just curious how many are like me and can brew a killer beer, but can't cook to save their life?
Its a good thing my SWMBO is an excellent cook or I would starve.
You brew killer beer? I want some.

I can brew and cook. I probably do both the same. While we're at it, I keep a tidy house mostly and I'm good with home improvement projects. I also like long walks on short piers.
My specialty is drive thru or carryout. I am pretty good at PB & J but I could still screw it up on occasion.
Brewing is an extension of my cooking. In fact it was after I made bagels for the first time that I thought, "All grain can't be any tougher than this" and made the switch from extract & PM.
I can cook breakfast better than my wife. She has to tell the kids daddy cooked the eggs to get them to eat em. The. They call her a liar lol.
I don't enjoy cooking very often, unless I get inspired. When I get an idea, or inspired by an article, I will spend all day in the kitchen making something special. I just hate the day-to-day meal preparation, so I rarely do that except once in a while.

I do the more exotic cooking, or the more intricate type of meals, while my husband does most of the actual day-to-day cooking. I bet I actually cook about twice per month or so. I do not do any baking at all.

I like to preserve/can food, and have fun with that doing everything from canned venison and homemade marinara sauce from our tomatoes.

Today, I'm doing 7 dozen ears of corn by parboiling it, taking it off of the cob, and vacuum sealing in my food saver and then freezing it.

Cooking is a lot like brewing in many ways- but I like brewing better because when you're done, you get BEER! :D
I usually only cook if an outdoor grill is involved...and even then, I steer away from anything but beef if I can help it. I don't say I can't cook, as I have lived alone during a good stretch if adulthood and seemed to manage just fine. However, I do not much enjoy i and infrequently do it now that we are essentially a "Leave it to Beaver" family living off of one income.
Wow- I thought "chefRex" was just wishful thinking! :D

OK maybe I exaggerate, but I do have a couple of friends that say my place is their favorite restaurant!

But then again could it be free food and alcohol, certainly not my wonderful demeanor and bubbly personality.:p
My cooking talents seem to lean mostly towards the grill and are getting stronger with the smoker. I grill by instinct and it almost always turns out perfect. I can bake passibly, but tent to skip steps when I am not paying attention while cooking indoors. My strengths are more on the main course rather than the sides. I have friends who like to steal my phone and program "events" onto the calendar saying that I am going to be BBQing for them. Speaking of which, I think I may have one of those coming up.

I used to have trouble boiling water for mac and cheese without burning it, until my momma taught me to cook some tried and true simple but delicious recipes.

Beer? I never really seem to forget any steps but making my starter, and that is more because I can never plan ahead well enough on when I am going to have time to brew.
I'm interested in both brewing and cooking. I would like to think that I succeed at a fair level at both. By no means am I a chef. There are a lot of things I could still learn about cooking, and tasting, but I always try to please family and friends and they seem to appreciate the effort.

If you want to learn how to cook better, I highly recommend watching Alton Brown for some basic science behind cooking, and also to find simple recipes online and then RESEARCH that food to compare with the recipe for accuracy in "style" (Some things you find online are very cheap or simplified imitations of the real thing).

Pick a favorite food and try to make it. If you don't get it right, find a different recipe or try again until you get it. Try to understand WHY you do what the instructions say. In time anyone can do basic cooking.
Mom & dad both taught me things about cooking. Pop about fishing & hunting, cars & houses as well. She started teaching me cooking when I was 6 or 7. That was some 51 years ago. you just start with simple recipes & work your way up from there.i can cook, bake, barbecue & brew. The real magic happens when my wife & I both get in the kitchen.:mug:

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