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Feb 4, 2010
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wasnt 100% sure where to post this thread so its here lol.. anyways im posting to ask from the professionals who have/run their own microbreweries. im a college student and am taking a business class currently. my final project for the class is to create a business plan and so forth. couldnt think of any ideas at the time so i opted to choose a microbrewery as my business.

so far on my list of things i need to know and/or acquire for such a business is:
1) licenses- not really sure what id need besides a business and brewers license
2)a facility of course- one with plumbing, some sort of central air system for climate control
3) equipment- been lookin around at some stuff (pricing will play a role later on) what else would i need in addition to mash tuns, fermenters, secondaries
4) materials/ingredients- bottles/kegs, grains/hops, boxes, labels
5) marketing strategy/distribution

i kno a lot of u are goin to give me crap about all this, especially because im a beginner brewer, but hey, its for school and pretty much counts for my whole semester grade.. a few questions i have after that list is
1)as far as a facility, would it be better to own or lease a place?
2)wat other licensing would i need to have in CA? i kno ATF probly has something to with that lol
3)what are some of the ways u guys have tried to market/distribute ur product?
if i think of anymore you will be th first to know haha

any and all help is more than greatly appreciated! if u have any concerns or comments or think im missing something vital (which im sure i am lol) please post! thanks so much!! :mug:
i know that illinois has most of it's alcohol licensing information online. you might want to check that out for California.

Also, there are many threads already posted that have referenced this sort of information.

I'm not giving you crap because you're a beginning brewer... I am too for the most part... but I am giving you crap for not researching before asking other people questions that have already been asked/answered. Especially if it is for a grade.
I'm not giving you crap because you're a beginning brewer... I am too for the most part... but I am giving you crap for not researching before asking other people questions that have already been asked/answered. Especially if it is for a grade.


Also, speak English. I know you've spent the last 4 years texting, but you're a big boy now. :) Best of luck, most of this stuff is online, but the probrewer forum will have all this stuff on it... searching around here will turn up much of it as well...
thanks guys. and dont worry i speak english very well, only had to take 1 semester of it before i was finished with all th required english for college. but its th internet, and its too easy to get lazy lol, especially when im doin it from my phone. and ive used the search bar as well, im not a noob to th forums. im trying to get a straight answer and it seems i just keep finding ppl beating th bush on this topic for some reason. just seein what u guys might have to say/comment about my list that ive got so far.. thanks again!
Also, check out the groups. There is one here called going pro or something similar. They've discussed some of the things you've asked in a little more detail. FWIW, check out Even just reading those forums (it can be hard to get a registered name there) will prove helpful with most things you've asked.

I honestly dont want to/cant give much advice, because I have looked into some of those things but don't know many of them for myself, and don't want to give mis-information.
Spend some money and get these books.

They should answer all your questions.


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Anyone know anything about brewing kombucha commercially?

I too am a newbie- and am wondering about start up costs, equipment etc. Have a running equipment list but not 100% sure...
Hate to say it OP, but you're a cliche at this point. New brewer with little homebrewing experience (let alone commercial brewing experience), limited understanding of the brewing process, doing a college project and aspiring to open a brewery someday.

I'd humbly suggest a different project, because until you fully understand the brewing process and the commercial techniques employed, your business plan will be an obstacle, not a guidebook to any future brewery.

Pay your dues as a homebrewer at least. Enter contests. Be active in a brewclub. Then matriculate.

Offer to volunteer at a local brewpub and be a sponge. When professional brewers see you paying your dues, being humble and soaking it up because you're passionate about the craft, they'll open up to you in spades, and your business plan will reflect that wealth of knowledge..and...eventually...serve you well in your endeavor to start your own.
Probably best to start a new thread dedicated to kombucha and not 4 years old.
Guys, I imagine his school project is over. This thread was started over 4 years ago...

Edit: Didn't see the second page :p

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